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Prayer Request for Today


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Dear Friends,

Out of the blue, a hard and painful lump about the size of a dime appeared right underneath the skin on my upper abdomin last week. I went to the oncologist who ordered a fine needle biopsy, a CT scan and a Bone scan. I am praying that the lump in a benign cyst. I will find out today at 1:00 whether or not the cancer is spreading. I am asking for your prayers please as I keep all of you in my prayers.

Thank you,


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Dear Connie, Carleen, and Katie,

Thank you so much for your prayers. Today I learned that my cancer has spread to that small cyst in my abdomin. The good news is that it is not in the lymph nodes, liver, adrenals or other vital organs. They are watching a rib where I've had some pain since surgery.

All in all, it could have been worse news. I'm sad of course and very disappointed, but I feel so much stronger and healthier than I have been feeling since the surgery in January, that I thank God for my blessings everyday.

I'll be going on IRESSA in 2 weeks. Maybe there's a miracle out there for me yet.

I pray for all of us each and every day.


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Guest JanetK

Hi Ada

I just said a prayer for this pesky lump to go away with minimum hassle.

I am so happy that your lymph nodes are clean and this cyst seems to

be localized. I am not in the medical profession, but it seems like a good thing that the cyst is close to the surface of the skin and not near any organs.

You continue to be in my prayers.


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Dear Ada,

Well........ Not the worst news, but not the best news either!!! :( However, you have your strength and your wonderful positive attitude and I have NO DOUBT my friend you will give this DOG GONE LUMP a run for it's money!!! I will NOT stop my prayers though. They are on going as long as I am still able to pray I will continue to do so for us all!!

Sending you a hug ((((((((((((((ADA)))))))))))))) Maybe I can SQUEEZE that lump away!!! :wink:

Warm and Gentle Hugs,

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Dear Ada;

Will be sending you some prayers, here's hoping and praying the Iressa does it's thing for ya!!! :D:D:D ; Love your attitude; keep it up!!

God Bless and be well

Bobmc - NSCLC- stage IIB left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

" absolutely insist on enjoying life today!!"

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Guest DaveG

You and everybody here are on my prayer list everyday. Ada, as you know, I, unfortunately, am getting used to bad news, or may be a better way to look at this is as an opportunity. The opportunity is that it gives you another reason to ask for our Lords Blessing, the opportunity to meet some new people, the opportunity to smile at a new friend, and so many more opportunities we could think of that cancer has given us.

Who would have ever thought, 19 months ago, that I would be a Co-Director of the best Lung Cancer Website on the internet, or that I would have over 300 of the best friends in the world.

Lung Cancer, or metastatic lung cancer is not devastating, IT IS THE GREATEST OPPORTUNITY IN THE WORLD.

Praise The Lord for all my Friends at Lung Cancer Survivors for Change

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Guest DaveG

You and everybody here are on my prayer list everyday. Ada, as you know, I, unfortunately, am getting used to bad news, or may be a better way to look at this is as an opportunity. The opportunity is that it gives you another reason to ask for our Lords Blessing, the opportunity to meet some new people, the opportunity to smile at a new friend, and so many more opportunities we could think of that cancer has given us.

Who would have ever thought, 19 months ago, that I would be a Co-Director of the best Lung Cancer Website on the internet, or that I would have over 300 of the best friends in the world.

Lung Cancer, or metastatic lung cancer is not devastating, IT IS THE GREATEST OPPORTUNITY IN THE WORLD.

Praise The Lord for all my Friends at Lung Cancer Survivors for Change

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So sorry that I missed your message yesterday but it's never too late to ask God's help and I have and will again do so today, tomorrow and thereafter.

My Mother had breast cancer to return in the skin, 5 years after original treatment. That was in about 1989. She's still going strong at 82 years old now.

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Dear Ada,

I am so sorry to hear that you got somewhat bad news and somewhat good news.

You have been so very helpful to me and I really appreciate it.

I will say a couple of extra prayers for Iressa to work and for the cyst to disappear.

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