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I have Gradurated!


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HI All

Just wanted to tell you that I finished my last round of Chemo treatments on Wed! :D:D:D The Nurse gave me a certificated that I gradurated from Chemo & then gave me a bottole of bubble champange!!!!! Loved it!! :D:D ( it was grape juice)

I gpo back June 17th for a cat scan of chest & stomach. The 18th Will see my onc to find out the results! He is hoping & thinking from past scans that I will just have to be put on amaintance program!!!! LOVE THAT NEWS!!!



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Hey Estelle,

Break open that GRAPE JUICE and you PARTY HARDY my FRIEND!! Man, do I ever remember when I finished up my chemo 7+ years ago. What a blessing that was!! Will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayer that all will go VERY WELL on June 18th. Here's to CLEAN AND CLEAR SCANS!!! Clink!!

Warm and Gentle Hugs,

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What a clever idea to give out a bottle of "bubbly" at the end of treatment! Drink up, girl! I'm so relieved and happy for you. It's great that you have the scan one day and get in to see the onc THE NEXT DAY. Wow! Nice not to have to endure any more waiting at that point. Saying prayers for the VERY BEST NEWS!

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Sorry I am a little late on the celebration. Been a bit behind in my postings, but I just wanted to say how Happy I was to read your post and hear your GREAT news.

Continued prayers for more good news, and sustained remission.


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