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Message from Jane (Fall54)


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Jane (Fall54) asked me to let you all know that she is doing ok, and just trying to adjust to life without Alan. As you know, she was very close to him. She knows that her sons and husband need her back in their lives now, so she is trying get through this, but it's hard. She asked me to let you all know that she loves you, is praying for you, but right now, it's just too hard to write. She'll be back. We love you, Jane.



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You have touched us all with such a kind and generous donation. Your brother must be so proud of you. I bet he is watching you from a soft, cottony cloud. I am so sorry for your loss, it brings tears to my eyes to know how much you loved your brother. My sincerest condolences,


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We will be looking for your passionate and caring voice back here when you are ready. Meanwhile, my thoughts & prayers are with you as you get used to the world as it is now. May your memories and the spirit of your brother comfort you in this difficult time.


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Dear Jane, and Angel Alan,

Alan, I just want you to know, (and I'm very sure you do) that your wonderful sister has made a beautiful donation to LCSC in your wonderful memory. Alan, I never was able to meet you, but your wonderful sister brought you to life to all of us during your LC journey and I felt like I knew you thanks to Jane. Oh how she loves you.

Jane, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your warmhearted donation to LCSC, and I am very sorry you had to lose your wonderful brother to this breast. I hope he gets a chance to meet my mom, dad and sister who also lost there battle to this beast.

My thoughts and prayers are with you. Thank you my dear.

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Thank you.

Alan was much loved by you and we are now benefiting from your bigheartedness. I'm so sorry for your loss and am thinking of you and your family at this time of grief and acceptance. Take care, angel friend.

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