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Dads Weight Loss


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Just wanted to pass something by you all for your opinions. As you may or may not remember, Daddy was diagnosed with anemia back in mid-May as a result of colon polyps. Due to the Anemia, he really had lost interest in food. He eats, but not with the gusto in which he use to. He lost 12 pds. Since he had the polyps removed and his anemia seems to be well under control, he still has not gained much of an appetite back. I don't think he has lost any additional weight, but can't seem to gain any weight back. I have him drinking Ensure and taking Weight Gainer 2200 he eats three meals a day, but not "Big" meals... typical day... bowl of cereal, sandwich for lunch, meat, starch and vege for dinner. I have been told by a friend (who was told by her doctor) that when someone of his age (79) loses weight, it is very difficult for them to put it back on again. This is fine.... except it is making Daddy nervous.... does anyone know if there is any truth to this? I need to put Daddys mind at ease a bit as he is "consumed" with the fact that he isn't gaining weight and I think it is leading to a bit of a depression. Any ideas you can give me or stories you can share would be helpful and I will forward them on to him to read. Thanks friends. Sharon

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Hi Sharon,

I have to agree iwth Ry on the Megace issue. It sure seems to help a lot of people put some pounds back on. I too have heard that older people that lose weight have a harder problem putting it back on. It has to do with the energy levels and ton's of other stuff. But, it hasn't been that long for him, May isn't it? I think it's still a little to soon to worry about putting pounds back on, as long as he isn't losing weight. But, I understand your concerns. How is he feeling otherwise?

Hugs to You and dad.

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Hi Sharyn,

I was taking care of an elderly man with heart trouble. He lost a lot of weight. Several times he gained some back, but he ended up in the hospital at least three times. Your Dad at least has to drink six eight oz,daily( glasses of liquid so he doesn't dehydrate.) If he is on ensure that is good. He needs at least three cans a day if he can't eat to get all the required daily nutrients. I read somewhere that sometimes people that have cancer are still eating well and they'll lose anyway. I guess the cancer affects the metabolism. Hugs and prayers for you both!


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I was 44 when diagnosed, and between being very ill with the tumor and then chemo/radiation, I lost 25 pounds before the surgery, which I cannot get back after 4 years. I figure it took me 20 years and 2 kids to get that weight, and now that I'm in my late 40's and my metabolism is changing, and slowing, you'd think I"d put some on, but no. Disgustingly stable. I weigh now what I weighed in HS.

Sometimes you just can't gain it. Although I weigh the same, I am infinitely healthier than I was 4 years ago at the same weight.

Numbers aren't everything!!

If in doubt, ask the Dr.


Prayers, always


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Thanks all for your replies thus far. Daddy's overall health seems good... he just is so concerned with his weight that it is making him depressed. I honestly think he thinks he is dying.... Even though he is definetely okay at this point. (as far as well all know) He is out and about every day.... does his errands etc... vaccums for Mom but he just keeps saying "So, how do I look?" You know I can't gain any weight.... Then of course it does not help when he bumps into a friend who hasn't seen him in a while and says "John, you lost weight are you sick?" It freaks him right out. When I went down for Fathers day I told him, Daddy you look great... he replied I know, but I can't gain any weight... so I said do you feel good? and his reply was yes, I feel good. He is due to go back to the Onc on July 12th so I don't know if maybe the doc needs to give him more reassurance or what.... He will be due for scans then, so maybe if they come back good, it will ease his mind. There is just nothing anyone can say right now that seems to make him feel any better.

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Your dad can't help but be worried, and since he cant see inside his body he only has a few indicators that he can go on. One is his weight. I am kind of the same way. I weigh myself a lot. I fear losing weight as that can be a sign of something. But since your dad is older than I am and has had many treatements his weight loss could mean many things, and not progression.

Anyway, this might be something that is worrying him and you might check with his doctor.

Praying for you all.


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My Dad is 80 and has had LC for almost 4 years now. When it all began, he was 185 lbs. but with a couple of operations, chemo, stress, swallowing difficulties..., he lost 20 to 25 lbs. Although most of the time, he has eaten wll, he can't put weight back on either. It also bothers him. He used to gain weight easily but not anymore.

That's all I can tell you.

Gail P-M

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My husband Dr. says its hard to gain weight because the cancer speeds up your metabolism more than normal. Maybe tell your dad to get some ensure or boost and drink 2 or 3 a day. At 350 calories a can, it should help some. :)


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My husband lost over 30 pounds during his worst time and he really disliked the ensure and other drink products we tried. His doctor put him on Megestrol - 40 mg tabs (4 taken at once) each day and amazingly his appetite did increase and he has gained back much of what he lost. Now we're wondering how to slow down his appetite because he is eating constantly. He has been reduced to two tabs a day. Wishing you and your Dad the best. :D

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I know what it's like to have a weight conscious father. I see my dad weigh himself every day, sometimes more than once a day. He had a tough time after the biopsy and did drop about 12 pounds, but has since regained that and more totaling a 17 pound gain since treatment began. He really dislikes the taste of the Ensure and Boost, so my mom did frappes with Carnation Instant Breakfast. He also started walking more which increased his appetite. Despite this gain, some people still see him and say, "He's lost so much weight." It really discourages him because he hasn't and he looks so healthy. I think people sometimes unknowingly associate cancer with weight loss. When my dad did lose the weight it was much more obvious in his looser pants. My mom went out and bought him some in a smaller size, and I think it made a difference for him mentally - they didn't seem so large. Even men need shopping sprees!

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Guest bean_si (Not Active)

Doctors, nurses focus on weight loss to a very high degree. I'm sure, like me, everytime he goes in he gets asked if he's had any weight loss. I can see where this would make him much more conscious of it, if in fact his medical support is focusing on it.

It seems that weight loss can be caused by many factors. Certainly age, going through chemo and rad causing you to lose your appetite, etc. I know I lost 10 pounds (a lot for my size) within a couple weeks when I started treatment.

I'm not aware of Megadace (sp?) or some of the other supplements that people have posted about.

I made my own drink from protein powder chock full of vitamins and minerals. I often added yogurt and ice cream and fruit and sweetener, sometimes tofu, sometimes chocolate syrup. :shock: I think my drinks probably contained about 800 calories each. :roll: I gained back the ten pounds.

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