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Had Cis and Vp16 today-ache all over and headache?


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I only had a little acid indigestion on my first day. 2nd day the same, 3rd day I was fatigued slightly queasy along with the acid stomach. that took a couple of days to clear up. Each person reacts different. Are you drinking lots of water? That may help. Of course, I had Carboplantin, not the Cisplantin so that may be the difference. The Cis is supposed to be harder on your Kidneys.



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Sorry don't know, but from all I have read on the board, it sounds very much like what others have experienced.

One thing that gets me is this: As many people who come here asking about side effects, I am amazed. Don't the Doctors or nurses tell patients about side effects?????? I am just stunned that they would give chemo without warning of the possible effects.

There are websites that tell of all the possible side effects of each chemo, too, Jen.

Good to hear from you.


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Jen...the headache could be from tension too....huh? I know you've been stressed over the effects of this....and I also think getting both drugs the first day is more apt to have some effect.

Hopefully tomorrow and the next day will go better. But DO drink lots of water. I do...and I swear it helps. I always take two 20 oz. bottles with me for day one of chemo and drink most of it while I'm there!

Hope tomorrow goes easier for you, sweetie. I think once you get into the routine of it a bit more and aren't so anxious, that that will help....I really do.

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No experience with that drug, at least not yet - it's the next potential for my husband, though. I did want to tell you that I love the picture you posted. What a beautiful family and a great picture.

I sure hope and pray that you will be feeling better soon.



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Hi Jen,

I started mine today to - carbo and TP16. I feel fine so far but mine went from 4 to 6:30 pm. I came home and we ordered dinner delivered and I had somewhat of an appetite. It is about 9:45 now and I will be off to bed soon. Maybe you could schedule your sessions later in the day so you could just come home and go to bed. I am alittle surprised that I didn't get a headache - from the anxiety and tension. A friend of mine that just finished chemo and rad for breast cancer stopped by and the time went faster with her talking (she talks alot).

I will sure be thinking about you tomorrow - I go at 1:30 tomorrow. Let's keep in touch and compare notes. The first bag they gave me was Kytril and Decadron, then the carbo and then the TP16. I took some ginger cookies with me and munched on acouple of them. Maybe they could switch you to the carbo instead of the cis if that seems too harsh - they are suppose to really have the same effectivness (not sure that is a word).

Take care and keep in touch,



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Dear Jen,

You made it through day one - good for you. The headache could very well be stress. Ask the medical people there for any literature on the specific side effects you might get from the chemo. I know I was given tons of papers with very specific information about the chemo drugs and what might or might not happen. Just think, one less treatment to go through now! Keep up the good work.


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when my father had these chemos he had an awful headache and vomited for almost 12 hours. he also ached everywhere after the 2nd or third day but that could have been from the violent vomiting.

ask for the pill that you put under your tounge and it dissolves. it did wonders for his nausea and aches. its a sedative but I can't think of the name.

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Dear Jen,

I hope they're hydrating you very well before giving you the chemo.

I always got I think 2 liters before the cisplatin.

I also got IV zofran and atavan(lorazepam) in addition to whatever else they put in there -- steroid, benadryl, I don't really know.

The first time I had the ethyol it pretty much knocked me out for the duration of the session.

I had a massive headache ie sensitivity to sound.

All I wanted to do was rest.

IF you are getting the cisplatin on day 1, the next two days shouldn't be as bad re: immediate side effects.

I am thinking I was taking Vioxx about then, so a lot of aches were precluded.

Anyway, glad you're up and talking to us.

Good luck tomorrow, hon.

As always, my prayers are with you.



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I had carboplatin and VP 16 and do not remember having headaches. They gave me something for quesiness too, in IV prior to the chemo. One thing they heavily empasized was to drink, drink, drink and then drink some more!! Extremely important to stay hydrated. I had a quart plastic bottle I carried around with me EVERYWHERE filled with water and made myself take a drink every couple of minutes or so. They also emphasised to eat a lot of protein. The chemo was poisoning the good cells as well as the bad cells and the protein would help the good cells rejouvenate quicker. Hang in there the journey is just beginning. I had great results with chemo. Don't let it worry you, you can do it. A lot of us here have done it. Just make the best of it and picture the chemo coursing through your veins killing all those bad cancer cells. You will be in my prayers.

David C

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Jen, I meant VP16 in my post. They told me the Kytril and Decadron IV would last about 12 hours for the nausea - I woke up about 3:30 and took a Kytril tablet and have been fine since. I am trying to keep alittle something in my stomach at all times as that is my "weak spot" I think the Decadron is also suppose to thwart any allergic reaction to the chemos. This certainly is a learning experience. Good luck to you today, I will be thinking of you.

Also, what a neat family you have!

Love and hugs,


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