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Day one done and over with.

Remembering Dave

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Thank you all for your thoughts and prayes. I got to the hospital around 9:00 yesterday and got checked in and in my room around 10:00. Finallly got hookep up around 10:45, which is quicker than I expected actually. I got hydration and inti nasua meds fist and then they hooked up the cisplatin first and then the CPT-11 after that. I will tell you that the cisplatin was not like the carboplatin I recvd last year. The only side effect I had while receiving it was hot flashes, which a wet wash rag helped a lot. It made me a little woozy also but that started getting better as soon as the cisplatin bag was removed. I was done with the chemo around 5:00 and had a MRI of the brain performed around 6:15. I was pretty wiped out from the whole day after all that. Karen got to the hospital before my MRI and afterward we went over to Karens folks to pick up Faith. Yesterday was Karens dads bithday so we hung out a little while and finally got home aound 8:30. I was still very tired and a little light headed. I sat down with my laptop but could not muster what was needed to post. I slept pretty soundly all night but still feel as if I could sleep most of the day away. I had a bowl of ceeal and feel a little better.

Not sure what kind of side effects may pop up over the next few weeks or days but let them come. I am ready. Roll the flow and concentate on killing the cancer and I will not worry about any side effects since it just means that the chemo is working.

David C

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Glad to hear one treatment can be crossed off the list. I so admire your fighting attitude! This terrible disease makes me so angry that I just want to start hitting things every time I hear its name!!!! Glad to hear you're winning!!!!!

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Wow, what a day! You are remarkable. I gain so much strength, hope, and faith from you. I often wonder why rotten things happen to good people and I guess without all this rotten "stuff" I'd never know you or be inspired by you. I hate this challenge that you face, but I'm grateful for all the good things you put forth to all of us. Hope you have some smooth sailing ahead thru treatment.


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Yea! the first one is over!!!! I did Cisplatin and Etopiside. I too had hot flashes during and after taking chemo. Only nausea in the end, but I did radiation too. I had ringing in my ears and tingling and numbness in my extremeties. The worse, was the exhaustion and chemo brain. I must remind you that I did two chemos and a radiation at the same time too. So, my symptoms were probably from all that combined. David, I am praying for you my friend. Your baby girl is just delightful, as is Karen. I feel as if you guys are family. I love your recent pictures. David you fight this disease for them!

Love you guys,


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You go kick some CANCER BUTT!!! I did Cisplatin many many moons ago, and I didn't have any major side-effects. I'll hope for the same for you. Sending you my hugs and prayers. Remember, we have a DATE on August 6th, at Mpls, Airport! Oh, that's right, Karen and Faith will also be a part of our Date!!! :wink: Hugs to you All.

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