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Reaction to carboplatin in final chemo cycles???


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Has anyone had this happen?

Monday will begin my 5th cycle of chemo. The onc nurses have told me that if I experience any shortness of breath while the carbo is being infused...or if I "feel weird" in any way....to let them know and they will stop the infusion!

They said it may NOT happen...but if it does, I'm to tell them, because some people reach a point where their bodies have "had enough" and they cannot tolerate anymore carboplatin. I guess then, they continue with only the etoposide!

Has anyone here reacted to carboplatin in this way?

I'm really not expecting this to happen...but the possibility did make me curious as to whether anyone here has encountered this? I know some have had allergic-type reactions and shortness of breath during infusions of other chemo drugs.....but carbo? Anyone?

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Hi Addie,

Dad has six rounds of carbo/taxol with very little problems. No allergies, just neuropathy in his feet and ankles. One thing that I have noticed is that diferent nurses are more cautious and tell you EVERYTHING, while others aren't as forthcoming with information. Maybe you had a nurse that is really cautious. (which is a good thing :wink: ) Wishig you the very best on your next infusion.

In my thoughts and prayers~~~


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I am not having reactions per se but after each carbo treatment my blood gets a little more compromised after each treatment, (low white & red and 75% of the rest are flagged. Its progressively worse. At one point I was given a nupegen shot and my white blood went way up but within three days it was back in the way low range. I am just heading out the door to get my blood checked because I get dizzy just getting out of a chair and I like to know where my ANC is due to infections. I do feel somewhat weird and puffy while I am being infused, though never have been short of breath.

Good luck in your fight.


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I DID have an allergic reaction to carboplatin on my 6th and final dose but no one forwarned that it might happen. All of a sudden I felt very "wierd" and my face turned bright red. Let me tell you - chemo nurses get VERY excited when this happens. They stopped the infusion (it was mostly in anyway), gave me some medications and the symptoms went away.

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Addie, I had no reaction to it either, except to having all my counts bottom out. I ended up with trans fusions after the four final rounds of chemo. It sounds like a rare effect, as someone said you probably just have good chemo nurses who are watching out for you.



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After my 7th I had to get shots because my blood counts went way down. They wanted to give me more chemo after the blood came back but decided against it because I needed a tooth pulled. I guess they push you to the limit and get as much into as they safely can.

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Addie - this is Karen, typing for Dave - I read your question to him. He said that his chemo nurses pretty much say that sort of thing every and every time they give him chemo. They've never mentioned shortness of breath specifically but say if he feels weird in any way including shortness of breath to let them know.

He had your same cocktail last year - carbo and VP-16 (etoposide) and never had any shortness of breath with it. After his fifth round (he had six total) his blood counts dropped low enough that he had a transfusion but even with that he didn't feel that bad.

Keep us posted,


and Dave

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Yeah - what they said.

But really - each round bottoms you out a little further, and even though I think I handled ALL the chemo pretty well, I definitely felt weaker with the last couple.

And the "shortness of breath" is usually just that all your healthy red blood cells that are supposed carry oxygen to all your body parts have mostly left the building.

Just be careful. And try to have someone home when you shower.......baaaaaaaad experience there that I won't even go in to!

Hugs and prayers,


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Thanks to everyone for your input. Somehow...hearing someone else's firsthand experience makes me feel like I have a better idea as to what it is I *might* experience myself.

I've been getting Neulasta shots after chemo (on day four) for the past two cycles. So far, the lowest my WBC's have dropped is 6.6...still well within normal range.

My RBCs went down to 3.06 or so....slightly below normal...and I did get two shots of Aranesp....yet my platelets were fine. They said platelets had to get REALLY low before they do a transfusion....like single digit low. Mine were around 296 the last time.

So....Monday they'll run the counts before they start chemo again...and we'll see how it all goes....but this past week or so, my energy level has been such that I feel as good as I did before my dx!! Really....if it weren't for this bald head, if somebody told me I had cancer...I'd tell 'em they're nuts! :wink:

Sandy....that shower story sounds scary :shock: ....and probably makes a case too, for sitting down in the shower...eh? Once in a rare while I get a bit light-headed...usually in the a.m. before I've had much water to drink...but I am careful going up and down stairs, etc....and we do have a little seat built into our shower! :wink:

Thanks again everyone, for your input!

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I had the same coctail as you are on but I only had 3 rounds. That was 3 infusions of one and 9 infusions of the other (can't remember which was which) I never had any bad side effects except nausea. I never actually got "sick" but felt like I was going to. I guess you can't compare my treatment with yours but thought I would "throw" that in.


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Hi there!

Not much more to add, my mom never had a reaction upon infusion, but did have some shortness of breath on stairs- could have been from age, low blood counts, who knows. It did improve quite a bit. I'm just here to say-glad to you see you post. Sounds like you're on your way to beating this!!


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