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Cindy RN

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Well so far I have not heard anything about the biopsy. They did say it may take til Mon tho. wait wait wait wait!!!!!!! His hepatitis panel was all neg. So I guess the next step there will be an ultrasound.

My job interview has been postponed AGAIN! The Dean is still sick, but I did find out I am the only one they called back so that sounds good. Thanks for all the support.

Samantha seems to be adjusting here at home. Please pray she will turn back to God, she was raised a Christian and has been baptised but has turned her back on Him. Not in a mean way but more of a rebellious way.

My son who was married last year is doing great!!!! They had to live at her parents house for a short while due to finances but are back out on there own-ALL are happy about that.

Love you all!! Cindy

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With your daughter - it's definitely just a phase. Be patient, it might last a while . . . take it from me, I was definitely there in my 20's. it's going to be pretty tough considering she's living in the house, but hang in there. and don't worry about trying to talk to her about it, just be yourself and live your life, and she will see on her own how that is the better way.

I think you have the job if you were the only call back - that is great, because I bet you'll be great at that!

keep us posted on your hubby - prayers for him.

God Bless,


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Well, I think you have to let go and let God. You have given her the background and that she will always have. It will make it easier for her to return when the time is right. Our three kids were all non-churched for about 15 years, for varying reasons. We stewed about it, prayed about it, nagged and nothing seemed to help. A friend said, "You have to let go and put it in God's hands". To do that, I took copies of letters each had written to me (that's another story) on the occasion of my birthday, and copies of pictures of them to church. I left them in the pew, as an outward sign I was releasing them to God's care. I asked a friend to pick them up after I left and dispose of them, so I didn't take them back myself.

The symbolism was strong. I was able to let go. Since then, my daughter has returned to church, brought there by a friend. My older son has returned to church, brought there by his step-daughter. My younger son -- God has not put the right person in his life yet to bring him back, but I am confident it will happen.

Peace. Don

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Waiting is the pits!! Just hope it turns out to be good news.

Seems like everyone I know has times when they turn away from their spiritual foundation. But, to a one, they all either returned to their roots or found an equally fulfilling spiritual guidance. She will be fine.

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Cindy -

Prayers for Tom and the job - nothing is worse than waiting - I have been waiting for over 2 weeks since I interviewed a managment program at work - I cannot imagine what it is like waiting for test results...hopefully good news on all fronts.

Don speaks words of wisdom about your daughter - My Mom feels the same way about me - I've been away for awhile and have just now felt the "urge" to go back - it will happen.

I can't wait to hear your results - both of them.

Much Love,


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Waiting is the pits. It sounds like good news about your job interview. It also sounds as though you will be a great teacher. My daughter rebelled when she was a teen....until she was around 26...she married, started back to church and is now on the vestry (like board of deacons) in the episcopal church here....she is only 31 and I am so very proud of her. She is a wonderful mother....works full time and works hard at church. I guess it was just the natural thing for her to do at that age. I didn't understand it at the time because I never rebelled, but plenty of kids do and come back to the morals they were taught as children.


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