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  1. http://terrisfp.com/flash8/toot.swf
  2. Ann

    What's next?

    Mark...so very good to hear from you! I can just imagine what a beautiful trip that must have been! Hopefully your consultation will reveal some new clinical trials that may help a lot. I'll be keeping you in my prayers!
  3. Are you better at remembering names or faces? Do you have any tricks that help you remember names?
  4. I keep meaning to clean out my purse because all this junk I'm carrying around is breaking my shoulder!!!
  5. I have one of those dreaded double names which are very popular in the south.... Ann Dean My favorite aunt's middle name was Ann and my mom's middle name was Dean. After I went away to college, I dropped the Dean and was plain old Ann.
  6. Ann

    Prayers for Nancy B

    Still praying for Nancy.
  7. Ann

    Prayers needed

    So sorry your dad isn't doing so well right now. I will be remembering both of you in my prayers.
  8. My favorite response is one that someone on this baord suggested quite some time ago. "Only when I'm on fire."
  9. Ann

    Happy People

    Frank, those are some really good, really true words to think about.
  10. Dennis' first line of chemo was irinotecan with cisplatin. He seemed to tolerate this treatment fairly well. He had very little nausea and was able to maintain his appetite. His blood counts did drop a couple of times with these drugs. When this chemo stopped working,topotecan was his second line treatment. He didn't handle this well at all. His appetite all but vanished and his blood counts dropped so low that he required transfusions. I suppose different patients handle all the various drugs very differently. Please listen to Don and make sure your husband has a bottle of water in his hand at all times. The more water he drinks, the easier this will be on his body. Please know that I will be remembering you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers.
  11. Gail, I know how difficult this must be for you and your sister. Getting our loved ones to allow us to take over some of the things they have been doing for years is a very hard thing to accomplish. I don't have alot of advice here, as Dennis seemed to realize his limitations and I didn't have to push the point with him on lots of things. I just wanted to jump in and let you know that I am thinking of you and saying prayers that you will find a solution that will work for you and your dear dad.
  12. Such great news to hear, Kelly! I know you must be really relieved!
  13. Kim, I hope things went smoothly for your mom yesterday. Please let us know how she tolerated the chemo. I will be remembering her in my prayers.
  14. Lori...I'm saying prayers that everything is alright and this is just another hurdle your mom will be able to jump high above! She has been through so much and is such a fighter. I can surely see where you get your spunk! Please let us know how she is doing!
  15. A FLORIDA BLESSING........ (Note: If you are not a resident of Florida or never have lived in the hot, humid South, you may not understand the weight of this blessing!) -Bless this house, oh Lord, we cry. -Please keep it cool in mid- July. -Bless the walls where termites dine, -While ants and roaches march in time. -Bless our yard where spiders pass -Fire ant castles in the grass. -Bless the garage, a home to please -Carpenter beetles, ticks and fleas. -Bless the love bugs, two by two, the gnats and mosquitoes that feed on you. -Millions of creatures that fly or crawl, in FLORIDA Lord, you've put them all !!! -But this is home, and here we'll stay, -So thank you Lord, for insect spray. HOLD IT......there's more....... YOU KNOW YOU ARE IN FLORIDA IN JULY WHEN: -The birds have to use potholders to pull worms out of the ground. -The trees are whistling for the dogs. -The best parking is determined by shade instead of distance. -Hot water now comes out of both taps. -You can make sun tea instantly. -You learn that a seat belt buckle makes a pretty good branding iron. -The temperature drops below 95 and you feel a little chilly. -You discover that in July it only takes 2 fingers to steer your car. -You discover that you can get sunburned through your car window. -You actually burn your hand opening the car door. -You break into a sweat the instant you step outside at 7:30 a.m. -Your biggest bicycle fear is, "'What if I get knocked out and end up lying on the pavement and cook to death?" -You realize that asphalt has a liquid state. -The potatoes cook underground, so all you have to do is pull one out and add butter, salt, and pepper. -Farmers are feeding their chicken¹s crushed ice to keep them from laying boiled eggs. -The cows are giving evaporated milk. -Ah, what a place to call home. God Bless Our State of Florida !!
  16. I keep meaning to update my resume because I really hate my job and want to find a new one!!!
  17. I keep meaning to _______________________________ because__________________________________________
  18. What were your grandfathers first and middle names? Mine were William Allen and Francis Earl
  19. M - M&M's....You just gotta love M&M's...especially the almond ones!!
  20. Ann

    Too much pain

    (((((((Carleen))))))) I know that it is so hard for you to even imagine that things will ever be any better than they are right now. I remember the day after Dennis' memorial service so very well. I had so many of the same feelings of despair that you are having. I don't want to patronize you by telling you that things will get better....but they will. You will always have a empty space in your heart that will never be filled but living day to day will get easier. You are so very young and have had to suffer so much pain. I know that you wonder just how God could even expect you to continue on. I had the same thoughts and was very angry and bitter with God for a very long time. Oh, how I wish I could somehow magically take all of your pain away. My heart is breaking for you and for all you have endured. Just know that one day you will wake up and life will be a little better. Please take care of yourself right now. I am saying so many prayers for you and that little life you are carrying. Oh, how I wish there was something more I could do or say that would help you through this time.
  21. Carleen...I am so very sorry for yet another loss for you and your family. Please know that I am asking God to give you strength during these hard times.
  22. Ann

    Frank Lamb

    Another Frank Lamb groupie checking in here today!!! Hey Frank...inquiring minds and dancing flamingos want to know how you are doing!
  23. To get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop ??? Plop, Plop, Fizz, Fizz...oh what a relief it is...
  24. Ajax This one's for you....
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