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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Yes, this drug can cause bone pain. I gave these injections to Dennis and the pain afterwards was almost unbearable for him. Hope you feel better!
  2. Saying prayers for Uncle Doug. Thanks for letting us know, Pat.
  3. Live each day to its very fullest. Do not take people for granted. Believe in yourself. Trust your instincts. If you feel something is wrong, it probably is. Life is just a practice run. Mistakes happen. When they do, just shake your head and go on.
  4. I got a PM this morning from Tina. It seems Charlie has been having a rough time for a few days. His coughing has been out of control and she has not been able to convince him he needs to see the doctor. Let's all remember them in our thoughts and prayers as they go through this difficult time.
  5. A young person is asking you to give them advice. What is the very best advice about life that you feel you could offer someone, based on what you have learned?
  6. Don...you and Lucie are the absolute greatest. You are always here for any of us that need advice. If you don't have the answer, you still cheer us on with words of support! Thank you Don and Lucie!
  7. I am so sorry that your mom got this bad news. I know this was very hard for both of you to hear. I think it was very normal for you to have broken down after hearing this type of news. Do people in the medical profession really think that it is only the patient that is broken when they hear the words Hospice and not strong enough for chemo. I think I probably shed many more tears than Dennis did while he was ill. I will be remembering you and your mom in my prayers. Please don't feel bad about breaking down. It only proves you're human.
  8. Oh Beth, I am so very sorry.
  9. Ann

    Checking on Connie

    Donna, thanks for spreading such good news about our friend Connie. So glad you had a nice visit!
  10. Oh....babies are so wonderful! It will be so nice to have a new addition to our "family." Please take care of yourself and do let us know how things are going!!!
  11. I think I would want to be a yellow daffodil. They're so bright and cheerful and in are some of the first flowers to bloom in spring. When I see daffodils, I always think of new beginnings.
  12. Love this one, Maryanne!!!
  13. Ann

    Stuff on my cat

    Eppie....you keep me in stitches!!!
  14. Truth ... I absolutely love fast cars and I love cold weather! I thought this one would throw you off, since I live in Florida! Lie ....I don't collect gingerbread men...just houses. Debi must remember everything...lol!
  15. Thanks so much for the update on our dear, sweet Leslie. I am saying prayers for Leslie and Mark.
  16. If you could be a flower, what flower would you be and why?
  17. Kasey - 1 & 3 .....You...a trouble maker? Never Debi - 1 & 3
  18. Although I have always believed in God, I guess I often forgot that He was in complete control of our lives. I used to think that bad things only happened to "other" people and that my little family would always be safe and together. After seeing Dennis suffer with this terrible disease and lose his battle, I have been reminded that God is the driver and I'm just along for the ride.
  19. Ann

    Tough Day Here

    Oh, Val. I am so very sorry that this special day is such a sad one for you! I sometimes forget just how much you have had to deal with. Most women would have a very hard time coping with their husbands being in the military far away from home while dealing with a new baby (beautiful Carolyn). On top of this you are dealing with the pain of losing your mom. I know you weren't fishing but here goes anyway.... (((((((((((((((((((Happy Birthday, Val))))))))))))))) You're a real treasure!!!!
  20. I have already signed. Love the idea of printing this out and getting signatures at work. Going to do that right now. Thanks for the reminder.
  21. Ginny: I also think # 1 and #3 are true. Rich: Guessing # 2 & #3 are true for you 1. I collect gingerbread men. 2. I love fast cars. 3. I love cold weather.
  22. So happy to hear there is no progression, Don and Lucie. No experience here with that particular drug but I know you will get lots of great answers. I'm saying prayers that Lucie tolerates the new treatment well.
  23. What is the biggest change from within that has resulted from you being a caregiver for a loved one with lung cancer?
  24. OK...a little something new here. I want each of you to post three facts about yourself. Two of them should be the truth and one of them will be a lie. Then, we'll all guess which is which. Anyone want to start????
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