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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Glad you are doing better, Addie. Hang in there. Don
  2. Out of the mouths of babes! Thanks!
  3. So sorry that this beast continues to attack your family. Don
  4. Don Wood


    Thanks for the update, Cindi. Beth continues in my prayrs. Don
  5. Happy birthday, Debi! Have a great one, and many more. Don
  6. I do believe the celebration has begun! Enjoy!
  7. With your added info, I would say it is definitely a question of genetic factor the tendency to get lung cancer. Don
  8. Don Wood

    My Dad

    Cathy, it is hard to believe it has been two years. My heart goes out to you. And thanks so much for staying with us with all your warm support. Don
  9. Don Wood


    Love that NED, and love the five year anniversary. Celebrate big time! Don
  10. Don Wood

    Suki's home

  11. It is easy and, I guess, natural when one gets lung cancer to want to point the finger at something or someone. Lucie, my wife, was raised in a house without any smoking, and we never had smoking in our house. She got lung cancer. I on the other hand was raised in a house with a lot of smoking, though I never smoked myself. I didn't get lung cancer, nor did any of my parents or siblings. Go figure. I agree with others that focusing on the smoking does not rally our cause. It only gives people an excuse to ignore us. We are living with the uncertainty of why my wife got lung cancer, and we have stopped rehashing why it could have happened and have gotten on with keeping her well. Hope your sister can do the same. Don
  12. Shorts and a T-shirt. Too hot and muggy here for anything else. I'm for comfort. Don
  13. Don Wood

    Good/Bad News

    Kasey, isn't it fun and heart warming to meet someone on the website in person? Glad you were able to connect with Rich and Kathy. Sorry about the computer (I actually was relieved the bad news was about the computer!). Glad you are up and running, and back among us. Don
  14. How many treatments has your mother had in the 5 weeks? How far along is she in the whole treatment scheme? If she is not more than half way through the treatments, I would think it is too soon to do scans -- need to give the chemo time to work. I think the doctor is being straight with her. Don
  15. Great news! Know you are all enjoying that. Don
  16. Way to go, Gary and Lorrie! Great news! As for the chemo, you've probably figured out that the every three weeks gets higher dosage, so it really depends on how well Gary tolerates the chemo. Every three weeks gives Gary some recovery time in between and is what Lucie and I prefer. But if he has trouble with the higher dosage at one time, then every week is more appropriate. You wind up with the same total dosage. Don
  17. You're doing a super job with your in-laws right now, giving them what they need from you. Hang in there. There are many of us caregivers here who understand your situation. Lean on us for support. Keep us posted on the progress. Don
  18. You gals have my utmost sympathies on this one. it is definitely part of the "life is not fair" scene. And I believe there should be at least two women's toilets for one man's. Don
  19. Don Wood

    Year #1

    My heart is with you, Ginny.
  20. My son's business card with all the phone numbers of my kids on the back, in case of emergency. Don
  21. Happy anniversary, and many more!
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