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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Thanks, Pamela. Love that NED.
  2. 1946 Ford Coupe, which I got second-hand in 1952. It was a clunker.
  3. Lucie had severe pain from several bone mets, including the spine. She was treated with radiation, which alleviated the pain in each case. However, the spine, C-7/T-1, was so damaged that she has had to take morphine permanently. Don
  4. Your family needs to take care of itself first, and it sounds like you all need this trip. Don
  5. I agree it is so very sad. And although my relatives are safe, New Orleans is my home town, and it just makes me sick to see all that flooding and devastation. Disasters seem to bring the best and the worst out in humans. To watch the rescues is very heartening. Don
  6. When I first joined my present gym, I went through something similar with my trainer. That was some time ago. I do my own thing now, 2-3 times a week. But I have worked with trainers enough, I know what is important for me. Right now, I could definitely lose some weight (eating habits not too good as far as calories), but I am in pretty good physical shape. This is important, especially in taking care of Lucie. Don
  7. Welcome, Diane. Glad you have joined us. Sounds like the chemo is working well. Your husband's case is similar to my wife's (see below), and she has survived almost 3 years and is still going strong and living a decent life. We are also Christians and we put our trust in the Lord. Hold on to your faith, hope and your love. Don
  8. Go, Leslie! Super news! Don
  9. Don Wood


    Whooo Hooo, Debi! I'm grinnin'! Don
  10. Happy to know you're NERD, Don! Great news! Don
  11. I have had quadruple bypass surgery on the heart (almost 8 yrs. ago) and had a stent put in last April. Tell your dad I'm doing fine. I do understand that he puts your mom first, though. Don
  12. We were told to call the onc any temperature at 100.5 or above -- that has been the line for us. it is easy for people undergoing chemo or radiation to catch things like colds. Don
  13. No wonder I'm so healthy! LOL
  14. Prayers for your mom.
  15. Usually the chemo side effects kick in several days after the IV. And the side effects tend to get worse with each cycle. Don
  16. Don Wood

    Carrie Ridley

    With a heavy heart, my deepest sympathies.
  17. Fay, know that we love you!
  18. Thank you, Lord, for another day, and thank you for the safety of my family in New Orleans.
  19. I agree with the others -- 85% shrinkage is great news. My wife has been battling LC for almost three years and has never been "cured", but she is still here, clear of mind, and living a good life. So don't give up just yet. Be positive and help your mom be positive. Don
  20. No one, not even the doctors, can tell you how much time an individual has. They can quote statistics, but that is just an average, and usually dated info. It is best to rally around the patient and have the attitude that he is one of the ones who will survive. Then, move to get whatever he needs to accomplish that. Each month that passes brings new options, so we focus on the present and not the long future. One step at a time. Hang in there. Don
  21. Continue to hang in there. Your mom is in a lot of anguish right now (you, too), and will do crazy things like lash out. Atthe next doctor's appointment, work a list of questions out with your mother beforehand and YOU take the list. Ask her permission beforehand to ask the questions for her, and YOU ask the questions. This is a very rough road to travel. I have been traveling it with my wife for almost three years now. Take heart. Grab hope. Blessings. Don
  22. I have talked with some of the family in the New Orleans area. Most of them left the city for Baton Rouge and parts north. As far as I can tell, all are safe. Since Katrina jogged slightly to the east as it came ashore, New Orleans did not get the direct hit, and that would have been a worse scenario. Thanks for all your prayers. It worked. Don
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