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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Each patient needs an advocate to push, prod and question the system for them. Glad you all are doing that for your mom. Keep vigilant. Don
  2. Don Wood

    Donna G 2000

    Yep, our own Donna G has posted her 2000th message of support and info on this site. Congratulations, Donna! You have been with us from the start back in Jan. 03, giving us your warm support and encouragement. Donna is 3 months shy of 8 years of survivorship, and yet she stays with us, giving us her best. We appreciate you and look forward to your continued postings, Donna. Congratulations again! Don
  3. Having dinner out with Lucie. Working crossword puzzles. Visiting with friends.
  4. The night air was fresh, clean and cool.
  5. Pat and Brian, know that you continue in my prayers. You have some good news and you have a plan for the other news. I sure do like your onc -- a jewel. Don
  6. So good to hear from you, Fay. Prayers continue. Don
  7. Great story! There are many of those out there that unfortunately go untold. Wishing you two well. Don
  8. Since your dad has NSCLC, that is probably the best forum to pose your questions about his treatment. Also, there is "Ask the Experts" if you would like a professional answer. I am not familiar with the particular chemo your dad is taking, so I can't personally advise you on that. Maybe someone else can comment. Don
  9. Welcome, Eppie. Sorry about your dad. Actually, this board is not quite three years old, so you may have been thinking of another site. No matter. Glad you are here, and let us know how we may support you. Don
  10. Prayers for Bill and family.
  11. You two are in my prayers. The neuropathy could be due to the chemo. It was the case with Lucie when she was on carboplatin/taxotere. Best to you. Don
  12. Fascinating stories. Interesting parallels. I met Lucie at Tulane University in New Orleans at a fraternity party, when she was a freshman and I was a senior. We dated off and on that year, and then I graduated and moved on. I was drafted into the Army and spent two years in Germany. When I returned to New Orleans, I was ready to settle down, and looked up Lucie. She was a senior and getting ready to graduate. Luckily for me, she was not linked to anyone. We started dating, were good friends, got engaged, and actually married three weeks after she graduated. Here we are 46 years later, still very much in love. Don
  13. Glad you posted and shared what you have learned, especially that your friend is doing so well. Welcome. Don
  14. Lucie finished her second cycle of Navelbine/Gemzar today. Her mouth soreness had improved since she is using the magic mouthwash. She seems to be feeling better, too. We were able to go out Wednesday night and help our granddaughter celebrate her 15th birthday. That was cool! Don
  15. Sorry about your mom, Kerry. It is always hard to see a parent go downhill. My prayers are with you all. Don
  16. My heart is heavy at the loss of your mate. My heartfelt sympathies. Don
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