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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Well, rats indeed!!! Praying this treatment will work well for you. Not familiar with it myself. Don
  2. Kelly, not pitiful at all -- human! I think your mom uses you for a sounding board, and she checks out options out loud. If you can consider that and stand the verbal sharing, you will do her a great service. I know it is hard to listen to -- I do the same for my wife. They just need to air things. Give her your opinion on things, and point out that nothing is completely certain whatever we choose. We just have to go with the best info we have to make those decisions. And, yes, ultimately, the patient has the last say. Hang in there. Don
  3. Actually, Pat, your plate is not full, it's overflowing. As a primary caregiver, you have a three ring circus on your hands: (1) doing the things you normally do in life; (2) taking care of Brian and now his mother; (3) doing the things Brian normally does in life. As has been noted, you need to take care of your own well being as well -- someone to confide in on a routine basis, taking breaks for yourself, doing things you enjoy, etc. My prayers are certainly with you all. Don
  4. Hi, Holly, and welcome! My wife has had multiple bone mets, treated with chemo and radiation. Her oncologist recommends radiation only if there is severe pain in the area and/or there is threatened bone integrity (fracture, etc.). This is because radiation can only be done once in an area due to damage of the area from the radiation. For bone mets not causing pain or threat of bone integrity, her onc uses chemo. Hope this info helps. My wife is a 3-year survivor of Stage IV LC. Don
  5. It has taken Lucie almost three years to get over the periods in between treatments and the test times. She is still anxious but not near what she was earlier. Don
  6. Sounds like an Aggie joke to me!
  7. Don Wood

    Pure Magic

    Halleluiah! God is good! I'm like MaryAnn -- not a dry eye here either. What a beautiful, beautiful time! Don
  8. Either one is fine with me. Actually, I'm of the age now that just being with others and celebrating is all I need. Don
  9. A hearty welcome, Ellen! Glad you found us. Please do keep us posted. Sounds like the lung cancer has spread beyond the lung and that is one reason why surgery is out. Surgery is done if the doctor feels he can get all the cancer. This is not possible if it has spread. Chemo and radiation are the usual treatments then. Not a death sentence. There are many on this board with Henk's condition that are surviving. My wife is Stage IV (lots of metastasis in her body) and she is three years from diagnosis. So hold onto the hope. Looking forward to your posts. Don
  10. Welcome, and congratulations on your first year of survivorship. Don
  11. So sorry to hear of Elizabeth's passing. Thanks for letting us know. My heartfelt condolences to you and your family. Yes, indeed -- please do come and participate, and let us know how we may help you. Don
  12. You need a keeper, Fay! LOL Glad all is now back to normal. Don
  13. Thought about you and your family, TAnn. Glad to hear all is well. What a panic! Don
  14. TAnn, you are right! We were without power from Saturday morning until now. We are just fine and take it all is well with you, TAnn. We got a lot of wind but little rain. Lots of debris from the trees on the ground but no damage. A good friend of ours had power, so Lucie went there to spend last night and I stayed home with the two pups. Things are getting back to normal. You cannot believe until you are in it how people panic so. I am sure Katrina contributed to everyone's nervousness. There was a run on gas, all the main arteries out of town were clogged, stores were stripped of basic items. I hope that is as close as I get to a disaster. God is good. We are here and well, And we both appreciate so much your thoughts, prayers and caring. We're baaaack! Don
  15. Welcome, Midge! So glad you are here. Take heart -- my wife is Stage IV and a 3-year survivor. Keep us posted. Don
  16. Now we see the die is cast. Look to the future; goodbye past.
  17. It is common to run a fever now and then, with low resistence due to immune system weakness. And I can understand your anxiety if you have had pneumonia. Lucie and I are very sesitive to that,too. Glad it all turned out okay. Don
  18. Don Wood


    Good to see you, Jim. Blessings. Don
  19. People discourteous and self-centered in their driving.
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