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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. What I remember most is riding in the back of the car, up on the ledge by the back window as we traveled from Louisiana to Mississippi to see my mom's folks. I would entertain myself watching the cars and trucks and the scenery. It was a family outing. Don
  2. Crossword Puzzles. I work the one in the paper every day.
  3. Contrary to what most people believe of me (my education and all), I am not much on reading books. The Bible is the only one I would take with me.
  4. We do appreciate your prayers and your concern. We live on the northwest side out from Houston, so we are staying put. It is too hard on Lucie to move her in all the chaos. We have never had flooding in the 31 years we have lived here. Anyways, you will understand if I disappear from the screen for a few days, or so. If the power is out more than a few days, I will take Lucie to our son's in Dallas. The traffic out of the city should be better by then. Keep us in your prayers. Don
  5. I agree -- it is always a good idea to have a second pair of ears and ask questions. Don
  6. Don Wood


    Congratulations to your mom! Way to go, Mom!
  7. Don Wood

    Back again.

    You WERE missed, but we figure you needed time away. So good to see you back. Glad to hear you are settled in. Don
  8. (Done with hand motions) Here's the church; There's the steeple; Open all the doors and see all the people.
  9. Cute! What an uplifting story!
  10. Happy birthday, Pat and Addie! Wishing you many, many more. Don
  11. Try Breeze (like Ensure but fruity), Smoothies, blender stuff, Frosties, ice cream. We had to experiment to pick out what works. I unfortunately don't have your problem -- I have gained weight since Lucie's diagnosis. Don
  12. Welcome! If your dad has acid reflux, then Nexium or similar would help. My wife has taken it when she has been on chemo and it caused that temporarily. As for eating, it is probably best to try small snacks every two or three hours rather than three big meals. It also lessens the nausea. You can use easy to swallow things like Ensure, Breeze, Smoothies, Frosties, blender stuff. Good that you guys are taking turns helping the parents out. Don
  13. Hi, Fred! Glad you posted. May Kasey have many, many more years to come. Don
  14. Congratulations, Charlie! You got us by one year. Celebrate!!! Don
  15. Chicken salad or tuna salad sandwiches.
  16. Don Wood

    Flu shot

    It has been recommended to get a flu shot each year and we both get them. Don
  17. Lucie was told by her onc to take a daily multivitamin, particularly during chemo treatment. She takes one and so do I. Don
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