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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. What a neat story! Truly a blessed event! And, yes, Connor is cute! Don
  2. 1. People who don't signal when they are going to turn as a courtesy to let you know you may proceed. 2. People who pass me just before an exit, and then exit right in front on me. 3. People who don't put their car lights on at dusk or when it's raining because they obviously see fine. They forget the need to be seen as well. 4. People whose attitude is "it's all about me, and forget you!" 5. People who say, "Not a problem" when I ask for service. It has just become a problem -- whatever happened to, "Yes, sir" or similar responses.
  3. Chuckle! Chuckle! Cackle! Snort!
  4. Don Wood


    sounds great to me. Whew! is right!
  5. Happy birthday, Charlie! And many more!
  6. Babin's Seafood at Willowbrook Mall, Houston.
  7. Welcome! Glad you have found this site, because it is full of support and info. As others have said, statistics are just averages and old averages at that. Each person is inidivual. My wife's statistics said she would live 8 months, and she is presently a 3-year survivor, and still going. Take heart. Don
  8. Compass? What is that? I also rely on mapquest. Don
  9. Go, Geri! Yes, I think we patients and caregivers can teach the med profession a lot on patient care. I have many stories like yours since Lucie started this journey three years ago. Lucie and I were recently on a panel discussion on patient/doctor relationships for cancer support volunteers. At one point, I was sharing some points on how I have had to be the advocate and intercede for Lucie with the system. I said, "Sometimes I think I know more about how the system works than the doctors." The MD on the panel next to me said, "You do!". Give 'em what for, Geri! Don
  10. Pat, you both certainly have my prayers. It is hard to be enthusiastic about anything when you are sick, tired, hurting, etc., so be patient. The neuropathy is very likely the chemo -- should check with the onc on what to do about it. Hang in there. Don
  11. Hi, Pam! Congratulations on your one year of survivorship. May you have many, many more. Don
  12. Congratulations! Quite a milestone!
  13. Thabnks, all, for the input. We went with the Maalox/Benadryl combo today, and then got a prescription tonight fron the onc -- a cocktail of three ingredients. I think we are doing a little better. Don
  14. Happy birthday, Charlie! Just a kid!
  15. Prayers for Charlie and Tina.
  16. Lord of the Rings. Return of the King. Saw it with my son.
  17. Lucie had the first part of her second chemo cycle this week -- Navelbine and Gemzar. She has since developed soreness in her throat and mouth. She did not have this when she took Navelbine alone, so it may be the Gemzar. If anyone has info on either Gemzar or Navelbine as far as mouth and throat soreness, would appreciate the info, especially specific treatments to ease. Right now, I'm giving her the old-fashioned salt water gargle and, of course, the great stand-by, ice cream! Thanks. Don
  18. Hi, Jane! Come and go as you need to. Don
  19. What you have received is "grace" -- it is given freely with no thought of repayment. It is unearned, but given in love. If she has a particular hobby or interest, you could get her a gift card at that type of store. Lucie and I could never repay all the time, food, gifts, caring and effort that have been showered on us by friends and church members. It gives them a chance to be the "giver" and minister to us. True love means never having to pay back -- it is given freely. You are one lucky person to have such a friend. Don
  20. Fay, what a lady! On your mark. Get set. Heal! Don
  21. Lucie really likes having a port. She has had one for 2 1/2 years now. It makes the chemo so much easier. Don
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