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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Di, wishing you the best on your bile duct. May that be fixed real soon. Don
  2. Betty, I am so happy at your good news. Shall we tango? Don
  3. your dad does have a chance for quality of life. Prognosis in lung cancer is just a statistical crapshoot. Every person and circumstance is different, so your dad could fall anywhere along the curve, and why not the best part of the curve? My wife is Stage IV NSCLC and was given 9 months statistically. She is now in her 30th month since diagnosis and still going well. Her life is not what it was before LC, but it is a quality life, and she has reached out and touched so many with caring and hope. So hang onto the hope, and be optimistic. Blessings to you and your dad. Don
  4. What are the last words a bachelor says? I do.
  5. Sorry your father-in-law has taken a turn for the worst. I never knew my FIL -- would love to have known him. Take care. D0n
  6. Glad your wife is doing better, Bill. Keep us posted. Don
  7. Hi, Linda! Welcome back! Glad you posted. Don't be a stranger. Don
  8. Yep, cancer is the pits. How do we caregivers get through it? Well, the patient has to battle for his/her life and they need caregivers who can help them fight the disease and the system. So, we have to be strong and positive, and encouraging and cajoling. To do this, we have to take care of ourselves both physically and emotionally, as well as spiritually. Tall order -- but it is the order of the day. With the help of your spiritual source and your friends, you can persevere. And it is worth it. Don
  9. Don Wood

    Lamb 2000

    Well, looky here! Our little Lamb, Frank, has reached 2000 posts. Congratulations, Frank. And thanks for all the support you give to us. Keep on truckin', guy! Don
  10. Sorry your dad's treatments are not working. Praying that Tarceva will work. Don
  11. I am familiar with them as well. Non-verbals speak louder than words.
  12. Don Wood

    Mom, I'll miss you.

    Patti, I am so sorry. My heartfelt sympathies to you and your family. Don
  13. 1. I'm part Irish (my mother's dad). 2. Green is my favorite color (although I like blue-greens over yellow-greens). 3. The shamrock reminds me of God, of the Trinity, and all the blessings He stows upon me. 4. That I got to go to Ireland in 2000. 5. Another beauitiful day in the neighborhood.
  14. Sure and begorrah, it's a cute lephrechan.
  15. Sure and begorrah! "Tis a happy St. Patty's Day I'm wishin' ya! Actually, I have been to Ireland and kissed the Blarney Stone. So you all know I'm full of the blarney!
  16. Thanks, Tee Taa. Angie, so sorry as the loss of your dad. My heartfelt sympathies to you and your family. Don
  17. Hi, Tess. My prayers are with you and family.
  18. We were not told there is an overall limit, even though Lucie has had multiple radiations of bone mets. We have assumed that we are nowhere near the limit. However, we do understand that it is generally not a good idea to radiate the same spot -- too much damage to spot and surroundings. Therefore, the bone met is usually not radiated unless it (1) is causing much pain or (2) it is threatening the integrity of the bone. Lucie has had both cases. Don
  19. Bill, I am so sorry you have to fight the system as well as the disease. We have been fortunate in not having the same experience as you. Yes, we have to prod at times, but things get done in a timely manner for Lucie. It is hard enough to fight the disease itself, but adding on the uncaring system is too much. I pray you the strength to persevere. Don
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