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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Don Wood

    Great news!

    No tumor! Great news!
  2. Welcome, Erica. Sorry about your mom. Lots of support and info here as well as many survivors of lung cancer. Hang in there. Don
  3. Rebecca, welcome here. Lots of support and info. Sorry about your fiance. Look at the profiles and stories of the people here and I think it will help you see there are a lot of survivors of lung cancer. Blessings. Don
  4. Today is Lucie's birthday. Each birthday is a great victory for us. She has had three since diagnosis. Whatever you drink, hard or soft, please lift up your glass in a toast to my wife, the love of my life and her courageous fight on. Rah! Rah! Rah! Cheers! Don
  5. Halleluiah! Feel better prayers comin'. Don
  6. Soooo good to see you back, Frank. Praying good results for you. Don
  7. Don Wood


    We are family -- all our brohters, sisters and me!
  8. Welcome! Stay positive. Let us know how we may support you here. Don
  9. Pat, you got some good advice from the others. We have been fighting this beast for 2 1/2 years and still winning. We take each day at a time, thanking God for the beginning and the end. We don't sweat the small stuff, and most stuff is small. We do make plans and work towards them. We have fun and keep our sense of humor. We try to live a normal life as much as the disease will let us. We work with others in the same boat because we are called to do so and it is there that we make sense of the "why". We reach out to many to help us through this. Blesssings to you both. Don
  10. Sharon, second guessing doesn't help anyone. Quit it! I have followed your story and I see a devoted daughter who did everything she could for her dad. You did not contribute to his demise -- the disease did that. Focus on the good memories and know that he is now in a peaceful place, and very proud of you. How do I know this? I'm a dad. Blessings. Don
  11. Hi, and welcome. My wife was given 9 months, and she is now 2 1/2 years from diagnosis, and going well. Prognosis with lung cancer is just statistical, and all persons are different. Besides, someon has to be in the high percentage of the statistics for surviving. So, hold on to the hope. Since bone metastasis to the pelvic region is in your description, you might ask the onc about Zometa. It is a monthly intravenous that is not chemo, but a bone builder. It could have beneficial efforts to help heal the pelvic area dn the prevent further bone mets. Good luck. Don
  12. Hi, Jaime, and welcome. My wife is a 2 1/2 year survivor of NSCLc, Stage IV, and still going strong. So, take heart. Your mom has been through an awful lot, and it takes its toll on the whole family. I wish you all the best. Don
  13. Hi, and welcome! You can express yourself here anytime you need. I do recommend that you pick one friend you can trust and talk with that person on a regular basis. We all need constant support from those not directly involved. Your mother is not realistic in thinking she can keep the news contained. But you do have to honor her wishes as much as you can. It's a shame that those who want to keep it secret rob their friends of a chance to be supportive and helpful. As others have said, each person and each circumstance are different. Hang in there, and let us know how we may support you. Don
  14. Thanks, Pattie. Looking forward to Frank's return. Don
  15. Lori, I know the orphan feeling. I lost both parents when I was in my early twenties. And lost both siblings (sister and brother) in 1993 and 1998. When I was growing up in New Orleans, we had what was called a "wake" the night before the funeral. Family would gather together in a place and friends would come by and visit, share memories. It helped the family get through the grieving process. In other places, it is called a "viewing" or "visitation". Don
  16. Don Wood

    Ginny 2000

    Our own dear Ginny has passed the 2000 mark on her posts here. Ginny, you have been with us a year and a half and we so appreciate your continued support and caring of us all. Congratulations and many blessings. Don
  17. Lori, I am so sorry you are in so much emotional pain. As is suggested here, you need someone to help you work through the issues you have -- someone you trust. Threatening illness has a crazy effect on family members, and we all do foolish and unhelpful things. The word that comes to my mind is "forgiveness". You need to forgive your brother and your mother. You also need to give them time to work through their own pain and emotions. Everyone acts differently to crisis, even in one family. It is difficult for us to judge another if we have not walked in their particular shoes, and understand them better. But forgiveness we can do because it is a decision, an act. Even if we don't feel like it, we can say, "I want to forgive{, say it out loud, and, with God's help, live into it, and give it time. I pray for you inner peace and love, and after a time, even joy. Blessings. Don
  18. Jen, prayers comin' for you, mom and family.
  19. Sorry things have gotten worse. Keep on fighting, if there is something that has promise. Hold onto the hope, but also (and this is hard) be realistic that nothing may work. My prayers are with you. Don
  20. Sounds like a good plan forward.
  21. Yep, second opinions very good, especially when first doc says there is nothing left to do. Good luck. Don
  22. Don Wood

    FRANK Update

    Thanks, Ry. Prayers for you, Frank, ol' buddy. Don
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