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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Cindi, I am not an LC survivor, but I am a heart bypass survivor. I had a quadtruple bypass over 7 years ago and have done well ever since. I think the advice you got was terrible, and I certainly would check around about that. You should be trying to avoid a heart attack, not wait for one. Good luck. Don
  2. Sorry you have to go through this, Lisa. Vent here all you want. Don
  3. Great news, Kevin! Celebrate, man!
  4. It is normal for people who have been through chemo and radiation not to have an appetite for quite a while. My wife still goes through periods where she is not hungry, but at least now she knows she has to eat and is well enough to persevere. She also knows I won't let her get away with not eating. I agree with the others that a blender is wonderful. You can make all sorts of nutritious drinks with one. You might try Breeze, which is a fruity equivalent of Ensure. Ice cream and milk shakes, yogurt, all those things are good. Also, instead of trying three meals a day, try small meals or snacks every two-three hours. It gets them in the habit of snacking, and it helps keep the nausea down. Good luck. Don
  5. Larry, my wife has had several occurrences over the past 2 1/2 years and is still going strong. Check the bio below. If you have any questions, let me know. Don
  6. Amy, blood in the urine should be investigated right away. It can be many things, including infection in bladder/prostate/kidneys, stones in the kidneys, abdominal bleeding, etc. The doc needs to trace it down and determine where the internal bleeding is coming from. I just had blood in my urine recently and it was traced back to radiation damage from prostate cancer treatment years ago. Also, I learned whenever there is blood in the urine, if you are taking aspirin or any blood thinner -- stop it immediately -- because it could interfere with the healing. Good luck. Don
  7. Linus, it is definitely time for repeat scans. If your mom is Stage IV, 8 months is a long time. My wife is Stage 4 and she gets them every 4-6 months, I believe. Don
  8. Carrie, congrats on completion of your treatment. Here's praying it was a great success. Don
  9. Hi, and welcome here. Lots of support and info. Just ask. Don
  10. Kerry, my heart goes out to you and your family. Don
  11. Don Wood

    My dad

    Is there any way for your dad to sleep downstairs? Going up and down the stairs is really going to do him in when he is under treatment. My wife has a lounge chair she sleeps in, but maybe a temporary bed somewhere downstairs could be arranged. Don
  12. Hi, Di! Sorry about the mix-up. All's well that ends well. Hope the gastro thing gets corrected soon. Yep, hanging in there, like you. Don
  13. Don Wood

    Stable Scans

    "Stable" is good. Glad to hear it. Don
  14. No offense. I did chuckle. Now what was it I chuckled about?
  15. Great to hear the good news. Don't know about your question. Don
  16. I'd say you are being visited by the ghosts of past and present. You have had so much trauma with two sick spouses that you are taking the disease on for yourself emotionally. It is normal. Take some deep breaths and focus on your husband and getting him well. Blessings to you both. Don
  17. Don Wood

    Bad day

    Mike, so sorry to hear this. My prayers are with you and Grace. Praying for the next chemo to work well. Like the pic of you two. Don
  18. Go to the top of the page and click on "Profile". When you get the screen, go down to "Signature" and there is a text box to the right that you type the info into. Then at the bottom, click on "Submit".
  19. Guy, sorry the Tarceva did not work. Praying that something comes along soon that will be effective. You and your son are in my prayers. Don
  20. Don Wood

    Sad news

    My heart goes out to Rosemary and her family at this loss. Don
  21. Don Wood

    Day 7 Update

    Sounds good, Bill. Thanks for the update. Don
  22. Welcome to the site, Pam. your sister is close to my wife's age, and she has NSCLC, Stage IV, and 29 months from diagnosis. So there is plenty to hope for. My wife had multiple bone mets at time of discovery. She has gone through chemo twice and multiple radiation treatments, and still perking. It would be helpful for you to put your sister's cancer bio at the bottom of your sheet, like you see on mine and others. That way, when you post, we can review the history in light of your questions and comments. Plenty of info and support here. Glad you found us. Don
  23. Sorry the news isn't better, but it is not all bad, as you say. Yes, once an area is radiated, it usually cannot be radiated again -- too much damage. I wish for you both a plan that will work well for him. Don
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