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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Like the good news on John. Hope the best for his mom. Don
  2. Sounds like good plans for a good outcome. Changing plans is a norm for this journey we ae on. It is constant adjustment. Hang in there. Don
  3. Very well said, Curtis. Thanks.
  4. Sorry about the recurrence. Hoping it is benign or that the treatment will take care of it. Don
  5. Sorry you and your hubby have to go through all this at such a young age. Plenty of support and info here, so welcome aboard. Keep us posted. Don
  6. My wife is a 28 month survivor of Stage IV NSCLC, and is going strong. Generally, small cell grows faster than non-small cell, but also responds to chemo better. But that is a great generalization. My wife has responded well to two different chemo protocols as well as radiation therapy. Hang in there. Don
  7. Karen, Lucie is on MS Contin, which I guess is a relative. It is time-release morphine. She takes 30mg twice a day, and functions fine. I think when a person first goes on morphine, they react to it with sleep, hallucinations, forgetting, etc. It hopefully will get better. Also, it may be too high a dose for him. One has to experiment with how much to give to really relieve the pain, but not too much more. That has to be determined with each individual. We started with a higher dose and then lessened slowly over days until the pain returned. Then we went back to the last dosage and stuck with that. Good luck. Don
  8. Great news, Heidi! yes, the margins are the areas around and near the tumor. If they are clear, it is a good chance the tumor was contained. Don
  9. Laurie, so good to see you. Prayers for your mom. Don
  10. Sounds very good, Val. Glad for it.
  11. Chuckle! Chuckle! Moo! Thanks, Cindi.
  12. Congratulations, Wendy! Celebrate! May you have many, many more. Don
  13. Ry and John, darn, darn, darn, shoo, shoo, shoo! So sorry to hear it. Don
  14. You have plenty of support here. Hang in there. Don
  15. My wife A sunny day My Lord A sharing of breakfast with two friends Our son in Dallas called
  16. Welcome, Nancy! Keep us posted of the details on your dad so we can offer specific help. Don
  17. Good of you to share your thoughts here. You do not say what medications your dad might be taking. Some of them can cause hallucinations or dreaming and your dad may not be able to distinguish that from reality. People suffering a threatening disease tend to fade in and out, and say nonsensical things. Take heart. Morphine, if taken at a level just to cover the pain, may not impair function. My wife is on a low dose of time-release morphine, and she is alert and functioning. Hang in there. Don
  18. Shelly, I had a second thought that may help for now or for later. Share your thoughts with your parents by writing them a letter. I did this and found it very helpful in getting on. My parents died when I was in my early twenties. I married soon after, and, over the years, we were blessed with three children. I was in a workshop on families one weekend, and the leader said to me, "You look sad. What is going on with you?" I said, "I am not sure." Then as I talked I realized sharing about families made me aware that my children and my parents would never know each other, and I was saddened in my heart at that. The leader said, "Write your parents a letter and tell them about your kids." I did that, and actually mailed it to the cemetary with no return address. Just writing the letter helped me work through it. And, I began sharing more things about my parents to my kids so I could take care of that side of the coin as well. I wish you peace and joy. Don
  19. Don Wood

    Just Me

    Hi, Joanie! Good to see your post, and thanks for the kind words. Don't be a stranger. Best to you too. Don
  20. My wife took Zofran at first but it did not help much. She took Promethazine, which did work but also made her drowsy. Another way to help counter nausea is to eat a small snack every 2-3 hours to keep something on your stomach. That really helped Lucie. Don
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