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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Don, sorry there is not a clear picture there. Praying for you to be able to have the surgery and that gets it all. Don
  2. Glad the surgery was a success and hope you have natural voice soon. Don
  3. I agree with the others -- more than an X-ray is needed to determine whether he is clear or not. Don
  4. Glad you checked back in, Jean. Good to hear from you. Sounds like a plan is in place. Don
  5. Hi, Greg, spouse of Melanie! Glad you have come aboard. I also am a spouse of a woman with cancer, so we walk the same path. Let me know how I may support you. You can PM me or E-Mail me, or just post here. I'm available to you. Take care. Don
  6. Don Wood

    David G

    Excuse my mistake -- I mean David Grant. Thanks.
  7. Don Wood

    David G

    Anyone hear from David Graham? I believe his last post was in October.
  8. Definitely call the onc. It may be nothing or it may be something. Take no chances. Don
  9. Thanks to all of you for your kind words of support and caring, your thoughts and your prayers. We have been on cruises before, and neither of us get seasick -- so that should not be a problem. As for Lucie's favorite drink, it is iced tea (she is allergic to alcohol, alas). Our cruise is not until Mar. 26th, but we will keep you posted on that and on the liver quiver. Don
  10. Prayers, Addie, on the way. Sounds like there's a good plan. Don
  11. Don Wood

    good news

    Congratulations! Great news!
  12. Terrific, Cindy! Great news!
  13. Teresa, sorry about your dad. Glad you came here. You need that support. I also recommend that you talk routinely with a friend or counselor because your own health is at risk if you keep all that emotion bottled up inside you. Your dad is depressed because he thought the surgery took care of the cancer, and now it is back. There are treatments available, so hang in there. Don
  14. CONGRATULATIONS on two years from diagnosis! Celebrate! Don
  15. Here's to Tarceva working well for you. Don
  16. Don Wood

    It's BAD

    Beth, I am so sorry at this. But Alimta is promising, so hang in there. Lucie and I can identify with you and your husband, as we struggle through one thing after another. BUT, she's still here! And so are you! Make the best of whatever time you two are given. Blessings. Don
  17. Mixed news. The CAT scan of the chest showed that the lymph nodes were stable, so no treatment is needed right now in that area. However, she does have a new lesion on the liver. The onc says this can probably be treated with a radiowave probe. He is checking into that. We have decided to plan a short vacation -- a week's cruise around the Virgin Islands -- at the end of May. I think we need that, and it will be easy on Lucie. It is a small ship of about 150 passengers -- the size we both prefer. Would appreciate all good thoughts and prayers our way. Don
  18. I have been trying to get Lucie to the gym at least once or twice a week for water aerobics, so she can get back some energy and stamina. This morning, we were preparing to go to the gym. She was getting ready very slowly. As we were going out the door finally, she said, "I guess you want to kill me for delaying us so." I said, Naw ---- just maim you a little!" We both had a laugh. When my workout was over at the gym and I came down where she was waiting, I said, "How did water aerobics go?" She said, "Alright, but it was hard!" I said, "I guess you want to maim me a little." She saind, "Yes!" We both had another laugh.
  19. Great, Anais! Wonderful way to give back and serve others. Don
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