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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Prayers for your Gram.
  2. Thanks, Fay. I have passed info to Lucie. Don
  3. Now how does it do that? Whoooooeeeeee!
  4. Good to see you posting again, Angie. Glad to hear the good report all around, and that your dad is going on vacation with you. ENJOY!!! Don
  5. As one caregiver to another, take the break. Go and have fun. Don
  6. Kel, you and your family are very blessed. What a wonderful report! Blessings more. Don
  7. Don Wood

    My mom is at peace...

    Pier, I am so sorry for the loss of your mom. My heartfelt sympathies. Don
  8. Lucie was biopsied twice initially -- once from the upper spine where the main tumor was, but they could only get enough to determine adeno carcinoma and not location; a second one from the right fibula, where they were able to get enough to determine NSCLC. After that, treatment has depended on pain symptoms plus scans -- no biopsy. Don
  9. Great pic, Sharon. Thanks for sharing. Don
  10. We use the wheel-saucer method. I fill the day wheel once a week with all the medications. The night before, I sort out the morning meds and put them in a saucer by the wheel. When Lucie takes the morning meds, I immediately put out the evening ones onthe saucer, etc. That way, we know where we are. Good luck to Jo. Don
  11. Hi, Janet! Welcome to our website! My wife was given 9 months to live after dx NSCLC, Stage IV, with mets to five bone locations. She is now 28 months out and still going, thanks to chemo, radiation, great docs and great support. Hang in there. Don
  12. Welcome! Adding to the hope that Peggy gave you, my wife is NSCLC, Stage IV and she is now out 28 months and going fine. We continue to battle the beast, but we have won so far. Don
  13. Hi, and welcome. As Connie said, treatments cause fatigue and depression comes along and adds to the fatigue. It is important that your dad eat enough and drink plenty of fluids to fight this disease. My wife stays much of the day, and sleeps at night in a recliner. She has spinal damage and the recliner is the only way she can be comfortable. Keep us posted, and let us know how we may support you. Don
  14. Bill, so sorry your wife is going through this. Lucie has had taxotere/carboplatin, which worked well for her. Then she was put on Iressa and that induced pneumonia. She then went on Navelbine, which seems to have done a fairly good job. She will probably go on Alimta in a few weeks. Best to you both. I hope you find something that works. Don
  15. You asked so I'll tell you. I am not fond of it. It seems to me, and it may be an illusion, that the print is smaller, and at my age, more difficult to read. Anyway, I'll muddle through. Don
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