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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Don Wood

    Just a Hello

    Welcome back, Jane! Good to hear from you. Happy New Year. Don
  2. Great news, Heather! Thanks for letting us know. Don
  3. When Lucie went through her initial radiation treatment, which included the pupper spine, she had many problems with her throat during and sometime after the radiation. The esophagus was in line with the radiation on her spine and got zapped. We did a lot of liquids for a while. She is fine now. Sorry y9u have this problem, too. Hopefully, it will get better with time. Don
  4. Kel, so sorry the LC has reoccurred. Prayers for you and mom. Don
  5. Chemo and radiation take a toll on the body, particularly if done together. I think it is prudent of her onc to give her a break to recover. Unfortunately, chemo can take care of some tumors while others grow. This has happened to my wife several times. Since the small tumors appeared, your onc probably wants to consider another approach. It sounds like a good plan. Be sure and ask her onc these questions as well. Sounds like she is in good hands. Best to you both. Don
  6. Listen to your doctor. It's very good news. Welcome back. Congratulations on being a 2-year survivor. Don
  7. Well, thank you, Cindi! Gawrsh, ma'am! You make me blush!
  8. Don Wood

    Long time!!!

    The news sounds good to me, Jamie. Enjoy! Don
  9. Fight on, Marge! Sounds like you've got the beast on the run. Don
  10. And your point is......? I wish I could make a Mohawk with my shampoo!
  11. Just think of all they've missed!
  12. Thanks, Rick, for all you do to make this place available to us. Don
  13. Sounds good, Cheryl. Keep us posted, and we will continue to hold you up in prayer. Don
  14. Kate, so glad to hear your surgery was successful, and I wish you a speedy recovery. Don
  15. Unfortunately, we can't go back to that life we had before. But we can make a new life that is good for us. That is what Lucie and I have had to do. We no longer dwell on the nostalgia life, but work at the one we're dealt. I think we are better persons for it. Good luck. Don
  16. Stable is good, TAnn. Congrats. Am anxious to hear how you do on Tarceva because that is an option for Lucie. Don
  17. My wife began to lose her hair significantly after the second chemo treatment, so she went ahead and had her head shaved. This avoided the trauma of seeing it come out in chucks. She then wore a wig, some turbins and a floppy hat until her hair grew back after the chemo was over. Don
  18. Don Wood

    more good news

    Way to go, Cindi!!!
  19. I was also wondering why they would not irradiate the spine since he has so much pain there. Keep us posted. Best to you both. Don
  20. Thanks for the warning, Charlie. I hope the lower dose works for you. Also, good luck on the angioplasty. Don
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