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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Anybody have news on Keith and Charlene? Haven't see a post in a while. Don
  2. Blessed you are! It is good that you can see that amidst all the problems and anxieties. Hang in there. Don
  3. Dizzyness could be due to dehydration. If she has had chemo and radiation together, or a lot of either, this could be a side effect. One way to tell is to pinch her skin and see if it goes back quickly. If it doesn't, that may mean dehydration. It is easy to get dehydrated when undergoing treatment, particularly if one is not taking in a lot of liquids. Don
  4. Don Wood


    Congrats on the good news! Have a great trip to Hawaii. Don
  5. Welcome! Sorry you have to go through all this. Hang in there. Don
  6. Don Wood

    I am new...

    Hi, and welcome! It is common to get dehydrated when one takes chemo and radiation at the same time. Glad he is getting IV once a week. Hang in there. Don
  7. Beth, hang in there. Sorry you got this news, but there are treatments. Prayers for you. Don
  8. Welcome, and thanks for your nice comments and your prayers. Don
  9. Welcome! Let us know how we may help you. Don
  10. Don Wood

    CT Scan

    Prayers comin'.
  11. Sorry you have to go through all this. your mom is angry and scared at having lung cancer. So she takes it out on the ones she loves and who are handy. Cancer makes the patient and the family members crazy at times. it takes a lot pf patience and understanding. Are there some activities you and your mom could enjoy together to get both your minds off cancer for a little while? That might help. Your mom needs someone to talk to where she can unburden herself in confindence and safety. You need that, too. Hopefully, there are people each of you can turn to and talk with in an ongoing basis while you go through this. Good luck and best wishes. Let us know how we may support you here. Don
  12. You're right, Nina! She's improving and I may be in trouble!
  13. Our very own Peggy, affectionately known as stand4hope, has posted her 2000th message on this board in just less than a year of being here. Congratulations, Peggy, and thanks so much for all your help and support, and for your continued caring for us all. You definitely stand for hope, and for love. Rah! Rah! Rah! Don
  14. Hi, Newbie, and welcome. If your husband is Stage IIIB, that means there is evidence the cancer is outside the lung and that may be the reason for not removing the lung. Surgeons usually do not remove lungs unless they can get all of the cancer by doing so. Chemo and radiation are normally used to shrink the remaining tumors. My wife is also a non-smoker who got lung cancer. She is Stage IV and is still handing in there 28 months from diagnosis. Don
  15. Barbara, I am very sorry at the loss of your dad. My heartfelt sympathies. Don
  16. Welcome back, Joe! Good to see you posting. Don
  17. Sounds like a good plan to me, Ken. Best to you. Don
  18. Welcome back, TeeTaa! Good to see your post. Don
  19. Margaret, my heartfelt and deepest sympathies. Take care, and let us know how we may support you. Don
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