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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Glad things are better. Yes, you can ask family and friends to drive you. Lucie and I do it all the time. It gives me a needed break, and it gives the family and friends a chance to do something specific for us. It also is a good time for Lucie to visit with them. Don
  2. Welcome, Rob. Learn what you can about your dad's cancer and give him your love and support. Ask whatever questions you have along the way and we will endeavor to give you what we know. Lots of support here. Don
  3. They are both chemos and act differently in their attack on the cancer. They are often given together as a real blast at the cancer. My wife took Taxotere and Carboplatin together and it worked well. Don
  4. When my grandson first got his license permit, he was over to our house with his family. I invited him to drive my car, to show him I had confidence in him. His sister (my granddaughter) decided to go with us, and she jumped into the back seat. I said, "Kelly, would lyou like to sit up front with your brother?" She said, "Oh, I can't, Papa -- you need to be up there in case something happens." Oh, boy! Don
  5. The radiation on Lucie's skull has caused some short term memory loss. They say it will get better. Anyways, Monday night she was going through a bunch of boxes in the den when she fell. Luckily, she fell on a box and it cushioned her fall -- no injuries. I told her she was too tired, to quit with the boxes, take a shower and rest. The next morning at breakfast I said to her that I hoped I was not too harsh on her last night. She said, "Anout what?" I said, "You know, there IS a good side to this short term memory loss thing. We both laughed. Don
  6. Don Wood


    Lucie did have radiation on what they surmise is the primary tumor, but it had migrated from the lung (lung clear) to the spine near it. She was given radiation because it would further damage the spine, and also to alleviate pain. Once a place is irradiated, it cannot be irradiated again, so that is something to keep in mind. Good luck. Don
  7. Halleluiah! So glad to hear it, Fay.
  8. When my granddaughter was in kindergarten, the school had a breakfast for children and dads. My son was going to be out of town, so he asked me to fill in, and I enthusiastically accepted. After the breakfast, she took me around and showed me her class. At one point, the dads began to leave to go to work. I said to her, "Kelly, I think it is time for me to go." She looked up at me with those bright eyes and said, "You don't have to leave, Papa, you don't work." (She was right -- I was retired). Don
  9. Welcome! If your mom doesn't want to ask questions, see if she will give the doc permission to discuss with you when your mom is not present. Don
  10. Welcome! Sounds like good progress. Keep us posted. Don
  11. Yes, I am a 9-year survivor of prostate cancer, two bouts. PSA 5.8 is generally not that high. 4.0 or below is considered "normal" but it differs with the individual and tends to increase normally with age because the prostate tends to enlarge with age. PSA is not a measure of cancer, but can be an indicator. Other things can cause elevation of PSA, such as a prostate or bladder infection. Your dad is 69, so generally, if he had cancer, it probably would grow slowly -- plenty of time to determine if there is cancer and what to do about it if it is. The normal first thing is to determine if there is an infection. Good luck. Don
  12. Don Wood


    My heartfelt sympathies on the loss of your dad. Don
  13. My wife has a Port-A-Cath. It was recommended because she has very small, hidden veins. It was first installed on her right side, under the collar bone. After about a month, while she was in the hospital, she contracted a staph infection which went systemic. I had to take her to the emergency room. The port was removed and it took her about a month to heal. Radiation and chemo were suspended during that time. She had a second port installed on the left side and has had it for two years now without incident. We were told, and followed, that the port is to be used only for chemo. Before, the hospital was using it to give her other things. Also, whenever the port is used, it is cleaned with heparin and saline solution. We do not need to do this every week, but only when the port is used. Don
  14. Good to see you posting, Betty Good to hear the chemo seems to be working. Don
  15. Good caregiver. Good daughter. Blessings. Don
  16. Curtis, that is so neat! My best wishes. Don
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