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Don Wood

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  1. Don Wood


    Prayers for a successful surgery.
  2. Thanks, Rick. Great picture.
  3. Well, I have a theory that people with different internal thermostats marry each other! Actually, things have not changed since the cancer or the chemo. Lucie likes it ice cold in the house and I like it warmer. Guess who wins out? My kids say they don't know how I live in such a chilly place. Well, I figure I can put on clothes and cover with a blanket easier than she can uncover to be comfortable. We also have fans all over the house and, even with the air conditioning on in the summer, she likes to have the fans on high. I don't know of a solution for both of us except for me to cover up! Good luck. Don
  4. Hi, Kim! Appreciate your sharing about your mom and yourself. You are a good caregiver. I think we all have to learn the lession of being able to receive as well as give. It is hard for someone who is always giving, like a mom, to be on the other end. Be patient. Don
  5. I am really happy that you all got together, and appreciate your sharing. I am a bit envious and would have loved to be there, as did Lucie. Hoping for a reunion closer to home, like Dallas! Don
  6. Dean, first of all, Happy Birthday! I know Lucie enjoyed her birthday and our anniversary much more this year because she wasn't supposed to be around to see them. When you are watching NYPD Blue, Law and Order and CSI, Lucie is probably watching them, too. Those are her favorites. I'm glad you have found many things to do and celebrate. Lucie is doing that, too. I have to differ with you on one thing -- the most wonderful lady in the world is Lucie! Good to hear from you. I see your posts and know that you are there. Thanks for the update. Don
  7. Yes, Lucie has a port. We kept it in after she completed the first chemo last May, and we are glad for that. Last night, Saturday, and today, Sunday, the chemo has really kicked in and she has been more nauseous and fatigued. She is doing okay. As our son told us, we are better equipped with knowledge this time on what to do. Don
  8. Welcome back, Valerie. I think Lucie was taking 60mg twice a day of slow-release morphine while she was being treated with chemo and radiation. She is now down to 30mg twice a day. She has also had a breakthrough medication to take in betwee, such as morphine sulfate or Norco. Whenever she has had a bone met that gave a lot of pain, her onc recommended radiation of the spot, which was done, and that gave her a lot of relief. Best to you. Don
  9. Welcome, Betty, and thanks for logging in and telling your story. If I understand the staging correctly, if cancer was found in the lymph nodes, you would be at least a Stage III. There are long term survivors in all stages, so take heart and hold on to hope. Keep us posted and let us know how we maky help. Don
  10. I guess the current Tour de France brought to mind our own "Lance", David P. And I wondered where he is and how he is doing. He may not have won the Tour de France, but David P. is our hero! Let's hear from you, Dave! Don
  11. Lucie and I were just talking about feeling left out and wanting to do some meeting here in Texas. Cheryl, fall sounds great. We would love to come up to Dallas then and see you all. Don
  12. Cheryl, my son, Randy, whom you met last fall, asked about you two today. I hope you find something effective in these studies. Don
  13. Hi, Jay, and welcome to the forum here. I'm glad you found us, and I hope you will let us know from time to time what we can do for you in support and information. My wife also has NSCLC, Stage IV, and was given 9 months. She is now 21 months out and doing pretty well right now. She also was a non-smoker. Keep hope in your heart. Don
  14. Hi, Gecky! Yeah you are a survivor! Have fun at the MI bash! Don
  15. Don Wood

    Friends -

    Terrie, a big congrats on your two years of survivorship! Go! Don
  16. TAnn, she is not being treated at M. D. Anderson, but at NW Cancer Center. Her onc was trained at M. D. Anderson and has connections there. We are confident in his treatment of her case. MaryAnn, Norco is a pain medication Lucie uses between morphine doses when she needs additional aid. Lucie is fine today. So far, so good. The incident yesterday was not a big deal, folks, because we caught it, but it does point out that you have to watch everything. As I have said many times here, each patient needs an advocate to watch out for them. Even the best places can go awry. Even though the onc approved her having both Navelbine and Aredia on the same day, and it was on the schedule, when the nurse brought the IV bag in, I asked which IV was she going to administer first. She said, "OH, we're just doing Aredia today." I said, "Uh Uh, she gets Navelbine, too". I knew also that I had paid my share of two drugs when I entered, so I knew the desk had it right. So we got them straight. We must be vigilant! Thanks for all your prayers and good wishes. You guys and gals are the best! Don
  17. Welcome! Sorry your mom has new mets. Hope the Iressa will work for her. Glad you posted. Keep us posted. Don
  18. Don Wood

    Keith is home

    Carleen, I met a man several years ago who had had his pancreas removed and he was doing fine. I was surprised because I always thought you couldn't live without one. Well, apparently you can. One does have to take medications to give the body what the pancreas normally gave it. I am so sorry Keith continues to have pain, and I hope that will be taken care of soonest. Don
  19. Today, Thursday, we went in for the day. Lucie first had the Navelbine, her second round, and then the Aredia, her monthly IV for bone mets. The Navelbine takes less than 30 min. The Aredia is supposed to take 3-4 hurs, but it only took about 2 hours. I noticed the drip was awfully fast and I asked the nurse about it. She turned it back. Shortly after that, Lucie got nauseous although they had given her nausea med. It could have been the combination of IV's but we think it is from the fast drip. Anyways, we complained so they would note it for next time. They were overloaded today and I think they were trying to vacate the room! We are not necessarily for long IV's but we don't want to make her sick either. Anyways, she took some Gaviscon, which seemed to help and I gave her a nausea pill when we got home. She did fine. We were able to go out to dinner and she ate very well. Must be the company (LOL). We will see the onc next week and see where we go from here. Lucie is supposed to have next week off from chemo. The spot on her right lower rib is giving her some discomfort, but it seems to be managed with Norco once or twice a day, so we are hoping that she can delay the radiation on that spot until chemo is done. Looks doable so far. I will keep you posted on her progress. Don
  20. There was a time today -- late afternoon -- when I could not get the site, but I waited a while and then had no problem. Don
  21. Joyce, what great news on Steve! Oh, how I love Baskins & Robbins. Can I go, too -- huh, huh, please? Enjoy! Don
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