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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Don Wood

    Good News

    Tree, thanks for the update on your mom. Sounds good. Don
  2. Alriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, Francine. Way to go!
  3. Don Wood

    Senator responded

    Cat, your blood pressure is in the danger zone. I would definitely call the doc. Don
  4. Enjoy! And best on the surgery. Don
  5. Alriiiiiiiiiiiiight, Betty! Way to go!
  6. Pam, sorry about your dad. He could have back pain because of the things you listed, and it might be because he is so immobile. I agree that a nurse or doctor should advise you on what to do next. He sounds like a hospice case to me, and we had good experience with them with my mother-in-law, my brother and a friend. Don
  7. Looks like a Chic-Fil-A ad to me. (LOL)
  8. Great news, Kelly. Don
  9. Yeah, Dean, let us know how you are doing. Don
  10. Ben, sorry about your mom. My wife is a non-smoker and got lung cancer, so it is not always caused by smoking. She has bone mets, and especially gets them in the ribs. Bone mets do not always cause pain, but when there is significant pain, it can be treated with radiation. Also, if any of the bone mets threaten bone integrity (where it may cause a fracture or break), radiation can also be used for that. Chemo is usually used for metastatic lung cancer. Chemo and radiation do have side effects, and it varies with the person. Fatigue and nausea are two. As someone here said, you become sick and tired of being sick and tired. The cancer can cause those symptoms too. Let us know how we may support you through this. Don
  11. Happy 50th birthday to your mom! She's now half a century -- oh, boy! I think the best gift is you -- just having you present. Another idea is a frozen margarita! Yeah! Have a great time. You all deserve it. Don
  12. Joyce, thanks for the update on Steve. Would a diuretic help the bloating? Sounds like some good news in there. Take care. Don
  13. Welcome to the board. Let us know more about you and how we may support you. Don
  14. Thanks, Shelly. She is doing fine with the chemo. She has allergies (the normal things in the air kind) and that has acted up, but that is all. She is tired, but that is expected. I will tell her you asked about her. That will boost her spirits. Don
  15. Terri, I am so sorry for your loss. My heartfelt sympathies. Don
  16. Yes, Lucie's port got infected with staph not long after she got it put in while she was in the hospital for dehydration. I brought her home and had to take her right back to ER that night. It went systemic and she almost died (Dec. 2002). The port had to be removed and she had to be treated at the port site for several weeks while it healed. A month later, a new port was put in on the other side so she could start chemo. She has had the port since Jan. 2003, with no further incident. The port has to be flushed with heparin solution and with saline after every use. She still has her port, and that is good, since she just started chemo again. Don
  17. welcome back, MaryAnn.
  18. Cat, sounds like good news mostly, and I am pleased about that. Also, the new onc sounds like just what you need. Don
  19. David, that is super that you had a good time with your boys. Very important stuff. Don
  20. Ginny, happy to hear you and Earl are doing better. Best to you. Don
  21. Gayle, I am so sorry at the loss of your mom. I suggest you write a letter to your mom and say what you wanted to say to her. A friend suggested that to me, and it helped me work through the pain. And, as you express yourself, I believe your mom will know. Peace. Don
  22. I'll take my chances.
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