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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Don Wood

    New here

    Sounds good, Deb. May the good news continue. Don
  2. Good to hear from you, Danni, and thanks for the well wishes. What a super concept -- archiving the Good News! That's a goal well worth pursuing. I wish you well in your studies and beyond. Don
  3. Alriiiiiiiiiiiight, Connie! No change is good change. Celebrate! Don
  4. Sharon, so great to hear the good news of your dad. "Stable" is wonderful. Don
  5. So glad to hear you finally got the Iressa and that it was covered by your insurance. Good luck. Don
  6. Welcome to the board! "Treatable" is good, and it seems the chemo is doing its job. My wife also had upper spinal pain, pain in the hip and rib pain, all of which treated with radiation and the pain went away. Do you know what type of lung cancer you brother has? Keep us posted. Don
  7. We love you, too, Andrea. Hang in there. Don
  8. Hi, Deb! Welcome aboard. Don
  9. Thank you, Curtis. Much appreciate your thoughts and sharing. God's blessings on you and Katie. My daughter went to Trinity also, probably about 9 years before Becky. My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours. Don
  10. Yes, if it has spread to the spine, it is Stage IV, which is advanced. My wife is Stage IV, with mets to the spine and other bones and after 17 moths is doing very well right now. Don
  11. Yes, I believe, too, that God has a sense of humor -- and many times it is on me! He has saved me many times in incidents like you shared. I am very thankful. Don
  13. I believe remission means no evidence of disease at this time. This means it may or may not return. Glad you two had a great time. Don
  14. Don Wood


    NED -- what a blessing! Celebrate, Rachel. Don
  15. Yes, skin rash is a common reaction to Iressa. Don
  16. Don Wood

    Iressa warnings

    You don't have to go to Japan to find someone in the 1% who had a bad allergic reaction to Iressa, culminating in bilateral pneumonia. Lucie went through this last August and we almost lost her. It is fine to say, well 99% did not have such reaction, but if you are in the 1%, that statistic is not comforting. I am not advocating that people should not try Iressa -- it has helped many people -- but just be aware that it can have a negative effect as well. Don
  17. Andrea, Lucie has asthma and allergies, and I continually have to remind her that those symptoms are normal for her. Even so, we always report same to the onc when we see him. I see nothing wrong with aggressive testing where lung cancer is concerned. Lucie always reports any changes, discomforts, pain, etc. and lets the onc consider that. I am always with her on those visits to be sure the communication is smooth both ways. Don
  18. Andrea, your mpm's radiation onc is right on! Very refreshing explanation. Sounds like she is in good hands. Lucie also has a rad. onc. and a med. onc. and the med. onc. is head honcho for her case. They work well together. Don
  19. A hearty welcome to Danni and all those who recently joined us. What a group!
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