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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Mardi Gras is the last bash or feast before Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. It is the last time to have a good time before the season of penance (Lent) begins, with fasts, reflections, etc. Lent is a time to reflect on one's Christian walk, to repent of those things that are sinful or hurtful, to pray with God's help to do better, and to plan for one's future spiritual walk. Lent lasts for 40 days (not counting Sundays) and ends with Easter, celebration of the Resurrection. The king cake Lily mentions is a large donut-shaped coffee cake that is served at parties and special occasions in Louisiana, particularly New Orleans. It is also called Epiphany cake because it celebrates the visit of the Wise Men to the baby, Jesus, in Bethlehem, and celebrates Christ's coming to the whole world. The king cake contains in small doll in it somewhere, which represents the baby, Jesus. The person getting the piece with the doll gives the next party. This goes on from Epiphany (Jan. 6) and ends with Mardi Gras. Probably more than you ever wanted to know, but there it is. Don
  2. Welcome to the board and this family here! By my count, you are a 19 month survivor. My wife is 16 months. You give us hope. Let us know what we can do for you. Pleased you are with us. Don
  3. If you play it in the evening, is it a fly by night game?
  4. Elaine, Lucie had general on-going pain from bone mets, but it intensified if the areas were pressed. She had radiation to three bone areas to relieve pain and it worked. You may want to explore that option. Don
  5. Your dad is one lucky guy, with all the family support he is getting. And his positive attitude should serve him well. Hang in there, and keep us posted. Let us know how we may help you. Don
  6. I do believe God communicates with us through dreams, songs, etc. It is in the Scriptures. However, I do agree with those who say your fear of loneliness may be triggering song connections in your subconscious. The brain does funny things sometimes. I would go with those who say you should cherish the time you have with Keith, be it months or years, and live them to the fullest. That is what I am trying to do with Lucie, and it has made our time richer, however long it is. Yes, I fear that I may be alone, but I won't let that fear spoil living with joy the time we are granted. Blessings to you both. Don
  7. Angie, so sorry you have to go through this with your young daughter as well. Hang in there! Prayers your way. Don
  8. As we say in N'Yawlins, laissez le bon temps rouler! (Let the good times roll.)
  9. Hi, Carolyn, and welcome. Your mother is a real survivor! Keep plugged in here for support and info. Keep us posted. Don
  10. Francine, I'm glad to see you posting. So sorry you are having a rough time of it. Prayers your way. Don
  11. Don Wood


    Peg, stable is good! As you know from Lucie's story, most of her bone pain was removed with radiation (upper spine, hip, sacrum). Her onc believes in removing pain, and so do I. Why be hurting? I wish you both the best. Don
  12. All I can share is that Lucie's hair began to come back at the time she went on Iressa and the Iressa slowed the growth of her hair. When she got off the Iressa, her hair grew more naturally. I hope you can keep yours. Don
  13. Have a ball! May it be a special wonderful day all around for all of you. Don
  14. If your mother is not getting enough liquids, which happens when one is nauseated, this could cause dehydration and disorientation. Should check on that with her doc. Don
  15. I don't know what is in your area but there is a chain store here called "Costco" that has a pharmacy section that has much lower costs than regular pharmacies. Perhaps there is such a store in your area. Don
  16. Hi, Carli, and welcome. I hope you find something that works for you soon. Keep us posted on your progress. Don
  17. Glad you are back home, and it sounds like good news. Also sounds like John is taking good care of you. Sure sorry I missed seeing the jamies! Oh, well! Take care and keep us posted. Blessings. Don
  18. That's a knee slapper! I love it when "holier than thou" types get their comuppance.
  19. Don Wood


    The Big Guy definitely has a sense of humor. At least, that is the way I look at it when something similar happens to me. It WILL sunshine eventually! Don
  20. a., my sincere sympathies to you and your family on the loss of your dad. Don
  21. Holly, so sorry Bill is not doing well. I know you are feeling not up to the task of seeing this through one way or another, but it is amazing how, with God's help, we can rise to the occasion. My wife and daughter doubted that I could muster the strength and desire to help my wife through the lung cancer, and they had good reason from my track record of running from illness. But I was able, with the Lord's help, to get the strength and energy to take care of her and be an advocate for her. I surprised everyone, including myself. We have more to give than we give ourselves credit for, I think. Hang in there. My prayers are with you. Don
  22. Thanks, Ginny, for the update on Earl. Best regards. Don
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