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Everything posted by Treebywater

  1. I'm so sorry. Remember--she didn't lose this battle. She gave her life fighting the beast. She just found her victory another way. We ARE here for you now. We're here to lean on.
  2. I'm grateful for a primary doctor who will listen and take time with me even when he's swamped with patients.
  3. I'm grateful for friends. Three of our best college friends will be here visiting this weekend.
  4. I'm remembering my Mama, Carol. My Grandma, Lillian. My Grandpa, Ted. Andy's father, Paul Allen Andy's Grandfather, Paul Brock My Uncle, Bob W. Our dear friend, Bob J. Here I'm remembering Fay A. justakid, David C, Frank Lamb, Addie, Dean Carl, jimben and way too many others.
  5. As I understand it, All Saints Day is a day to honor those who have died. I thought maybe we could have our own All Saints Day here. Nothing big. I thought maybe just post the names (or screennames) of those we've lost. There's something powerful, to me at least, in knowing that those names are still spoken, still written, and still known.
  6. Treebywater


    Oh Ry... No. I just can't believe this. I am so, so, so very sorry. John was amazing. I just don't even know what to say.
  7. I believe this is called the Budwig diet, and I have heard good things about it. One lady I know even had a partial remission for a time after following it.
  8. Well Blah. Your attitude though is wonderful... And I'm cheering you on to kick the cancer with this latest treatment.
  9. My husband lost his dad 8 years ago when he was 18. He told me that it doesn't get easier, just different. That has been true for me. I'm 2+ years out from Mom's death. The pain isn't so sharp. It still hurts but it isn't undergirding my life as much. My breath is STILL taken away by people my age and their mothers. It just stings. Or people my age with their mothers and their kids.... Even worse. The one thing that has eased that for me was going out with my husband's Aunt one day and my own Aunt another and realizing that to the casual observer it looked like it was a woman out with her kids and her Mom. Then it hit me that all these women that were taking my breath away might not actually be with their Mom's after all. Sounds weird, I know... To be comforted by that, but... it helped me. Anyway... It will start to become 'new normal.' It might hurt a lot more before that happens... But you WILL get through it. And we will be here to support you through all of it.
  10. Anecdotaly, it sure seems to me like there could be a link. Between people here with histories like Bill's family, and my own family's experience... Two or three of Mom's maternal Uncle's had LC, 1 or 2 of her Paternal Uncle's. All of my grandparents siblings including him succombed to some form of cancer, and four of my Mom's 7 siblings (her included in that number) have battled cancer. Sometimes it feels like for me it's an issue of 'when' and not 'if.'
  11. You know... The beginning is just plain terrifyingly hard. Your still recovering from that initial smack of the impact. It will become a sort of 'new normal.' It will. We've all had moments of being absolutely paralyzed and screaming, "I don't want to do this." But since that choice has been taken away from us, somehow we just do. You will too. I'm certain of it. Be gentle with yourself. You love your Dad and that will shine through most of all.
  12. So is there anything we can do to help??? I am just so proud to know you even just a little, and I know your Mom must be absolutely beaming.
  13. choc. chip oatmeal cookies last week. I'm a pathologican baker.... More planned today!
  14. What I love, Teri, is that you are so willing to allow them their own grief experience, and you understand that losing Bill when they did cheats them in many ways. There aren't any super good books (maybe I'll write one ). Losing a parent when you are a young adult is a lonely experience. Just be ready to meet them where they are and stay involved with them.
  15. Andy is home on leave today and we're going away for a few days! It's a great day!!!
  16. I remember how incredibly happy she was to go to your wedding. She treasured it. I know it hurts and it's ok to be sad about it, but also remember how HAPPY she was to be with you that day and how proud she was to see you so beautiful and marrying the man thta you love.
  17. Well that's entirely depressing.... Glad to see there'll be plenty of motivation for people to want to fight this monster. Grr.
  18. Let her know that 10-15% of newly diagnosed people are NON-smokers.... So that must mean that there is something to this disease besides 'the smoking factor.' Remind her that NO ONE asks for cancer... That if it came down to the choices we make meaning that we 'caused our own problems' then every one of us have our number coming up quick. Most of all let her know that you're in her corner. That you love her. And that you'll be beside her to help her fight.
  19. Nova--I am grateful that Harry is having such a good time in IL. Your post just made me smile all over. I'm grateful to feel so 'up' today, even though it is very, very dreary here.
  20. Bobby, I'm just so very, very sorry.
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