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Everything posted by Treebywater

  1. I'm praying Christine. Please keep us posted.
  2. I'm so sorry. It does suck. It hurts, and it isn't fair. Hang in there today and know that we get it amd care/
  3. Congratulations!!!! That's fantastic news!!!
  4. Treebywater

    Fluid drain

    I will positively be praying, Ernie!!!!
  5. Johnny, It sounds like you are a fantastic advocate for your Mom. I'm so glad she was you on her side. Welcome to our group and I hope that you will find much HOPE here.
  6. Treebywater

    My Father

    Oh Christine, I'm just so sorry. You're living one of my worst fears right now. I just ache for you.
  7. I'm so very sorry, Karen.
  8. I liked Clue. Now that I'm a big kid I've foudn that I really enjoy Settlers of Catan. Anyone here play Settlers?
  9. Treebywater

    Raney Fleck

    I am just so sorry. It was so obvious from her posts here that she was an incredible young woman. It's just not fair.
  10. Treebywater

    cindi o'h

    Oh God... I am just heartbroken...
  11. Treebywater

    You know...

    I still really miss my Mom. A lot.
  12. Treebywater

    Letting Go

    Carrie, I'm so very, very sorry.
  13. Welcome Carol! I'm so glad that you are here!!!
  14. I say that I 'lost her.' I can't say she 'died' for some reason... But saying I lost her makes it sound like she's buried somewhere in a pile at the bottom of my closet. So I always kind of laugh at it, too. Still it's the only word I can muster.
  15. I am grateful for fields of yellow daffodils. How can you be uncheered in a field of yellow daffodils?
  16. I just wanted to tell you one thing: You WON'T forget him. You won't. The memories won't always be as easy to access. But his smell, his voice, the way his eyes crinkle when he tells a joke. They will all stay with you. I'm so sorry you are at this point. I will be praying for you and your Daddy.
  17. In my experience, faith is always scary. Because faith means that you are not necessarily the one in control. The fear and the anger are all part of the package. But having them doesn't mean that you believe that your Mom can be healed any less. IT doesn't mean that you don't have faith. Hang in there and know I am praying for you and your Mom.
  18. ((((Tina))))) You are a gift to us here. Always. I'm sorry for the days of heightened memory. You made Charlie special to us too.
  19. Treebywater


    Awesome, Awesome!!!
  20. Treebywater


  21. I kicked a spoon because Big Bird said to and he's my leader.
  22. ((((Michele)))) I'll be thinking of you and praying for you as approach this conversation. I wish I had some wisdom for you, but I'm at a loss. So, I just offer my support.
  23. Love you, Pat. Lots and lots. Here is a Carolyn story to make you feel better. #1) She is a birthday girl. She entered the world with all sorts of joy and light and hope three years ago today. #2) She woke up this morning after being pretty sick last night full of spirit. I'd stacked up her building bricks outside her door last night just to clean up. She saw the tower, knocked it down and built another. Than she told me it was a "Ballygar." I asked her what a "Ballygar" was. She didn't tell me. I asked her what a "Ballygar" did and she jumped up and down spun in circles and went 'dither dither dither.' Then she told me that they fly UP in the SKY and fly away fly away fly away fast. That Carolyn story is just for you Ms. Pat. Carolyn sends love and hugs and we do too.
  24. Treebywater


    Oh Julia. I'm so sorry. And so angry that such an amazing man was taken so young.
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