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Everything posted by Treebywater

  1. Oh Kim... My heart just sank to read all that you've been through. I have missed you and wondered what might be happening for you.... I'm just so sorry. There aren't any words that could come close to saying how sorry I am.
  2. I am just so terribly sorry..... I just hurt for you.
  3. To remind me to thaw/defrost the turkey the day before cooking it.... I just got it today(we've had some nasty power-outage storms lately, and didn't want one going bad in my freezer), and if I hadn't been scouting through turkey calculator websites, I'd have totally forgotten. It's only our second time doing the whole sha-bang at our house, and last time she was with us. Let's hope the bird thaws....
  4. Karen, I'm really rethinking saying anything as I really didn't mean to make your going to see your Dad the focus of this thread. So please forgive me if that hurts you more than helps. I just wanted you to know that if you needed someone to say, "it's ok to do whatever you need" that that's what I was saying. Above all, I offer you support and promise that I care and that I'm sorry things are so terribly hard right now.
  5. Karen--I may get slack from this..... but I'm going to say it anyway. If you need to see your Daddy, go see your Daddy. If it's more important to you that you respect his wishes, do... But... If you have that need, by all means, get there. Explain to him that you understand why it's hard for him, but that YOU NEED to see him and hug him again. It's something he can do for his little girl. If you need that one last hug, more than you need his comfort in not being seen (which... sounds awfully lonely to me), go give your Daddy that hug. I am so sorry to hear that it's spread to his brain and that your Dad is blind. This disease... well it is evil. And I hate it. So many ((((((hugs))))) to you.
  6. We love you, Katie!!!!
  7. Teresa--your analysis of the quote sounds very reasonable. I think you are right on there. Thank you.
  8. SOME hospice organizations still allow for palliative, but somewhat agressive life-extending measures to be taken. Perhaps yours is that way--you might find out for sure and operate from that direction. Maybe they want to do the WBR hoping that it will improve her quality of life. Have you or your Mom asked the onc. these questions? You guys have had one heck of a rough journey. Praying for you and your Mom.
  9. Wow! Actually according to the 'good old' ACS, it looks like at least percentage-wise, it HAS decreased significantly. This website says that in 1965 42% of the population were current smokers. And in 2001 only 23% were current smokers. http://www.cancer.org/docroot/NWS/conte ... estone.asp BUT... that's percentages. I wonder how that stacks up with numbers and population differences of the times. Still. Interesting.
  10. This morning, I noticed that someone had commented on one of my myth blog entries--the one about Lung Cancer always being caused by smoking. A man left a comment that said, this: I thought it was a pretty powerful tidbit of information... but he didn't leave any sources, or a webpage where I could track him down. Can anybody tell me if this is fact?
  11. My Mom was diagnosed shortly before Thanksgiving as well... I remember so well the looming feeling of the holidays coming and... the pain and the "--you want me to be freaking happy?!" feelings that I had on top of wading through those first days of terror. First of all, you've gotten so much great advice so far. Consider a second opinion. Support your Dad no matter what, but do let him know that there IS HOPE!!!! The second thing I have to say is something I learned these last two holidays first hand--Holidays don't have to be all about "happiness." I'm not sure what faith you may practice, and I'm not preaching, but... I am a Christian--and I realized hardcore these last two years that the very first Christmas was about a light piercing darkness. I think a lot of the other holiday faiths celebrate similar things when you get right down to it. Once I grasped the idea of it being about light piercing darkness, I looked desperately for that light anywhere I could find it. And find it I did... Last year's Christmas was especially bleak for me--but... I still found that light. I didn't make myself feel happy, but I tried to see that light any chance I got... I let myself cry too. Because... The darkness is as real as the light. Anyway--All that to say, I know it is hard, but grab onto hope, grab onto that light all that you can. For the holidays and for this entire journey. And we'll help you to keep doing that. Val
  12. I'm just so sorry... I hurt for you.
  13. Congratulations on your baby boy arriving safely. I have so much more I want to say, and hopefully will say... but for now just know I get it--all the mixed up crazy feelings. And I'm sad for you. And I'm happy for you. All at once.
  14. Treebywater

    D-day #2

    Two years ago today my Mom was diagnosed. I've been teary all day and didn't know why, til I looked at the date. Might be the date. Might be hormones. I don't know. But I do know that my whole world was changed for forever and ever this day two years ago. I wouldn't go back to the person I was before... but I'd sure like to have my Mom back and healthy. I always look at this date and think about how I believed we'd have a long fight ahead of us. And it hurts that it was so short. But mostly it just hurts that she's not here anymore. I miss my Mom.
  15. Treebywater

    Babies R Us

    Nick. I will post more later... Not in a good place to do so right now as I'm a little too teary myself today... But I wanted you to know that I understand the hurt and I care and I'm sorry.
  16. How wonderful, Don. I'm so glad that you found those treasures...
  17. I'm so glad you're home and recouperating Joe! Rest up and know we're all supporting you!
  18. Jamie! Oh it was FABULOUS!!!! You know what I loved most??? You are teaching the kids, up goofing around and LIVING life. That will challenge some pre-conceived notions about Lung Cancer!!!! You are amazing!!!!!
  19. I am just so very sorry.
  20. Treebywater

    Mom is gone

    I am just so sorry.
  21. I found this quote today and when I read it I immediately thought of everyone on this board, but especially the Caregivers who can so often be heard saying, "I don't know if I can do this." I know I thought that so many times, and my time of actually being the physical caregiver to my Mom was relatively short. Anyway... It's not hugely profound. In fact it's very simple. But it really said it all for me. For those of you who might not think you can make it through this--I will just tell you that somehow you will. You will find a reserve of strength within to keep you going for one reason only--because you have to. Not only is that something that you will do, but it's something that you ARE doing every day, just by waking up and getting out of bed and saying, "Ok! What's next?" For all of you I send a (((((hug))))) and prayers for that strength to keep going on.
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