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Everything posted by Treebywater

  1. I am so sorry for this turn of events. Many prayers for you and your Daddy.
  2. I am so GLAD to read this......
  3. Kelly, I just hate to hear this news. I'm so sorry to hear that there has been progression. And I'm so sorry that you are so overwhelmed--and who wouldn't be with all that is going on... Don't forget to breathe. What I can tell you about Alimta is that it's really different for everybody. For some people it's a piece of cake--really! For others, it's more difficult. My one caveat about Alimta is to listen to your gut with the symptoms it may cause... If it's a 'socker' to a person, it can really weaken a person to a point where the body has a hard time rebounding much less fighting the cancer so KEEP TALKING to your Mom's doctors all the way through and keep a good eye on things. However--it can also do very, very good things. Sometimes it does so while being relatively tolerable. Other times, it's not such a walk in the park, but it gets the job done. (((((hugs))))) to you and keep us posted on your Mom.... and don't forget to be gentle with yourself. That is so important in all of this.
  4. Treebywater

    So tired

    ((((Karen))))) Praying that you will find the strength to keep walking through this. Please take care of YOU too.
  5. Don--The gifts are so perfect....
  6. Christy! This is just SO AWESOME!!!! Congratulations to you and keep us posted as you wade through the decisions and find your place to serve! WAY TO GO!!!!
  7. Treebywater

    Long Night.....

    Just more (((((hugs)))))). I will keep praying, Ann! I'm sorry for your hurt.
  8. So just to be clear--have you been diagnosed with LC or do you have nodules that the docs are watching?
  9. Yes--which meds is she on? Morphine/Ativan? In later stages it really can be a sign of anything. It can be the medicine, or the mets, or the disease messing with her body chemistry in other ways. I know that my Mom did a lot of the same things that you are describing during that time. If you suspect the meds, do consult with her medical team to try to get a definitive answer. But also know that a definitive answer is really hard to pinpoint at this stage. Also bear in mind that with things like morphine--everyone's system is different. With Mom I was told everybody has a 'magic number' (which of course can change with pain needs), and finding that perfect dosage is tricky. (((((hugs))))) to you. Hang in there. And know that we're praying for your Mom and you too!
  10. I am loving this thread. Mom and I had one very firm tradition. Each and Every Christmas Eve, we HAD to watch Miracle on 34th St. during the day, and that evening we had to fall asleep to White Christmas. I can remember when I was younger, I thought "White Christmas" was boring... and heckled her something awful about it. And then I grew up and fell in love with it. Also.... every time we watched White Christmas we had to remember Mom's very conservative friend, Diane, quoting National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation and saying, "I wanted to watch White Christmas with Bing Crosby and Danny F---ing Kaye!!!! (You see--Mom and I are romantics, but we're spunky romantics. ) Every Christmas morning we would wake up and open presents just the three of us. Daddy always video taped it, and Mom and I always grumbled about that and tried to avoid the camera. After opening presents we ate Mom's special coffee cake (recipe in Volume 1 of the Cookbooks. ). And usually we had lasagna for dinner rather than ham or turkey. This Christmas, I Will most certainly be watching White Christmas--and if we can find a reasonably priced Miracle on 34th St. we'll watch it too.... And you better believe that there will be coffee cake on Christmas morning.... and while it's not enough, and never will be, I'm so glad that by doing those things my Mom will ALWAYS be a part of my family's Christmases.
  11. Treebywater

    My Mother

    I'm so very sorry, Christine. I hate this disease and the treasures that it robs from us.
  12. (((((Peggy))))) It just really, really does.
  13. If YOU need anything--we are here too. We will support you. We're all so sorry about losing your Daddy, and so many of us know that hurt all to well.
  14. ((((((Robin))))))) I don't know the feeling of the sock in the stomach as a patient. Just as a caregiver. But what I *DO* know is that we'll walk through this with you. And we'll help in any way we can, and support you in any way we can. Hang on and know that as so many people here have found, there is HOPE.
  15. Go ahead and scream! We've all had to a time or two (or two million). And this is a safe place to do it. Of course you are scared... Of course you have questions... This is your Mom we're talking about! When we hear the word, "Cancer" applied to someone we love so much, the world gets tossed on it's head. When we learn the scariness of Lung Cancer specifically, the tossing continues. I don't have answers to your specific questions, but I DID want you to now that it's not that something isn't 'right' with you. It's that... you and your Mom (who I can tell from your posts you just love so very, very much) have just been dealt a tremendous blow. And when that happens, it takes a while for the world to stop shaking. It will get better. You will settle into 'new normal.' You will start to learn how to walk through the scariness of it all. For now, be gentle with yourself and know that your Mom is SO LUCKY to have you fighting this fight with her.
  16. Oh Rochelle... I'm just devestated for you.... I'm so sorry you are to this point. And so sorry that you have to make it through exams before you can get to your Mama. Keep putting one foot in front of the other, and if you need someone to lean on--all of us are here, and you can always send me a PM, ok? (((((hugs))))) to you. I'm praying that they can get the pain under control for your Mom and that you two can still have a lot of special time together.
  17. Oh Pat.... You are the opposite of a bitter old lady. You are a compassionate, loving, giving woman who is also dealing with two incredible losses. I didn't realize your 'anniversaries' were so close together.... Makes me just ask why..... I ache for you. And I care. And I send you so much love.
  18. YAYYYYYYYY for shrinkage! I'm just delighted for you!
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