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Everything posted by Treebywater

  1. Yeah... While I find a lot of nuggets of truth in that, and do appreciate them, this gift is another that I wish had an easier exchange policy. I'm not sure that I will ever get to that 'peace' that the writer speaks of... but I know that this has changed me, and probably has made me a stronger, better, more compassionate person. Those are worthwhile things, I just wish they hadn't come at so high a cost. (I'd totally stay a shallow, weak person if I could still have my Mom here). Thank you for sharing though--minus the 'gift' verbage there is some good stuff there.
  2. Gwen-- Calling in hospice is just such a hard, emotional thing... I was all undone too. I am so glad that you will have some assistance, but I also know how hard that word and all that comes with it is to swallow. Thinking of you.
  3. Treebywater


    I'm so sorry, mitzu. So many prayers and hugs for you.
  4. No wise words here... Just me nodding and saying, "It hurts so much."
  5. I'm just so sorry you're all dealing with this... Don't forget there IS STILL HOPE. Grab onto it with everything you've got. As for the wedding and other decisions to make--there aren't any wrong answers, though I know the decisions are still hard... Don't forget that. You will find your way. I'm a big fan of moving weddings up for all kinds of reasons. If you're worried about it all falling into place, I promise you, it will. Many, many hugs and prayers for all of you.
  6. Pat, Please give yourself nothing but the gentleness, and kindness, and compassion that you deserve. You are Brian's wife. And you are Abba's child. And as such that is how you should be treated by everyone--including yourself. I'm so sorry it hurts so much. And I love you, my friend. Val
  7. Chris, I am so very, very sorry. The outpouring of emotions will come... I think our brains and our bodies and our emotions just take time to catch up with reality. The degree is so different and I know this... but my Grandmother died a few months before my Mom did... I had promised her we would go see her as we had moved closer to her (only 10 hours instead of 20), but since I was pregnant and had been travelling so much already we put it off... then she had a stroke, and a bleed, and we lost her... And I only had those moments with her in the casket as well. It hurts so very, much. And it's a terrible feeling of pain. Your dad knew. He knew how much you loved him. He knew you would have been there if you could, and I suspect he even knew you were there with him when you were. Most of all, I'm just so sorry.
  8. Just so very many hugs to you... I'm praying for you and for that baby.
  9. What you're describing with the breathing is apnea and it's very normal. My Mom did a lot of that too. Praying for you... I know you wanted for her to make peace with so many different things... Maybe in some way she has done that within herself.
  10. Treebywater

    6 months today

    (((((Kim))))) I'm sorry it hurts.
  11. From http://www.cbc.ca/health/story/2006/10/ ... kip300x250 From: http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld ... crosspromo From: http://abcnews.go.com/Health/story?id=2605509&page=3 These articles I guess explain themselves a bit more.... What's maddening is I looked at 4 or 5 Wednesday night that mentioned "Small tumors" in the way that I found so strange and without half so much information explaining as these and now I can't find that information again even when looking at the same sources. Anyway... I am still troubled by this caveat. I still wonder if it is really that common to find 'tiny tumors that don't do any harm.' Are they referring to nodules? And if so... Isn't it good to know about those and watch them?
  12. Lynda, I'm just so very sorry.
  13. And I mean that seriously... I've read the articles that are coming out about the CT Scans and screening for LC and I heard a blip on the radio about it (we don't watch T.V. so I haven't seen the coverage there). What I don't understand is this: There is a huge focus in the coverage I've come across about lung cancers that could be found that wouldn't necessarily grow fast and/or result in death.... So my question is: WHY does that MATTER so much???? As deadly as this disease is.... don't you want to get cancer--any cancer OUT in case it COULD be deadly? And is that the case in so many cases? The way they make it sound most findings would be such... Yet, We all know that over half of LC cases are found in their later stages.... Obviously there is a need for this screening. Obviously early stage things--harmless or otherwise are growing and spreading and killing people.... aren't they? So WHY are they nitpicking over this, "What if it is slow-growing?" issue? I totally get the issue of the sensitivity of the Lung. Obviously Lung biopsies are riskier and more involved than breast or other biopsies. And I think that point is right to be raised. But this other point about these "harmless tumors" just... seems to downplay the seriousness of the disease to me. I would hate to have people see this report and as a result think that lung cancer is often slow growing and nothing to worry about. Don't get me wrong--HOOYAH for the study and HOORAY for the coverage, but I kept reading that and reading that and going, "What??" Does anybody with a fuller understanding of the issue have any insight? Or is this as ludicrous to you guys as it sounds to me?
  14. (((((Cindi'oh!)))))<--From me. (((cindi'oh))) <--From Carolyn. © <--From bean. You take care of you and get back here quick... love, Val
  15. I was just over looking at the Boston Walk Site... checking out everybody's pages... And guys... I'm just so proud of the members here! We all aimed high on our goals... and some of us have met goal and others of us are getting really, darned close, and still others have changed their goal amount a few times! I'm just pumped. And hey--Can we call Debi Sputnik since she was the first satellite walker?
  16. What about an overhead projector???
  17. Paulette-- I'm so sorry to hear that your husband has been diagnosed... I am also suprised that the doctors are being so bleak and I would encourage you to encourage him to get a SECOND OPINION. There are MANY folks here who have been diagnosed with Stage IV LC, who with treatment, have even been able to thrive. I'm sure more will chime in. Keep posting and know that we care! And do think about that second opinion! Don't give up on that 50 year mark yet!
  18. Just praying so hard for all of the above.... Keep us posted!
  19. How wonderful!!!!! Congratulations to her and to YOU!!!!
  20. Well... I called Daddy, and he said he will be here, and that he was already planning to be here. He asked if it was ok if he brings his companion (she has already visited here.... and that was ok, and goodness knows I was around her plenty when I was living at Dad's... I just still worry about the emotionally charged nature of THIS situation)... and I said I thought it would be hard for me... but that I think it could be ok. Mom won't be here... but Daddy will (unless God forbid something ELSE happens) and Carolyn can stay with him... and at least I know I'll have SOMEONE. Anyway.... I feel a little better, at least....
  21. Treebywater

    more prayers

    (((((Tami)))))) Prayers coming.
  22. I know it's far from easy now... but you sound a bit more peaceful. I'm glad some things at least have worked out a little. The wondering is excrutiating... I know that is hard, and I know it must be terribly hard to see your mother so angry at the world... Of course she has every right to be. My prayers won't stop for you. We're here. We care.
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