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Everything posted by Treebywater

  1. ((((Lori)))) You are loving her so well and caring for her so well. Your Mom will be so comforted to have you by her side even more. We ARE here and we love you.
  2. I'm so sorry, Kathleen.
  3. Just bumping this up... And wanted to add my page. https://secure.campagne-online.com/regi ... ionID=9619
  4. ((((((Peggy))))))) Praying for him. Praying for you. You keep us posted, lady, and know that we care so much.
  5. Melinda--saying so many prayers for you. I'm so sorry that you are here. I am so glad that you with her. love, Val
  6. Did I hear you say wedding dress????? AH YEAH!!!!!!!! Amie--You ARE NOT being selfish. You are living your life. That is a GOOD THING. You aren't forgetting us, you are just focusing on other things right now. We get that. We support that. We are ok with that. (I meant to say all this in a reply PM or email a long time ago.... sorry!). I miss my West Wing buddy... but there are other ways for me to find you--I just need to get up off my own duff and do so! You give the Sukster a hug from me and tell her I am delighted that she got to help you shop for a wedding dress. love, Val
  7. Any other Washingtonians want to do this? We can't let the Okies have all the fun!
  8. So does that mean that us satelliters would be on Debi's 'team??'
  9. Debi!!!! You ARE MY HERO!!!! I have wanted to DO SOMETHING for so long... Andy and I are in. How do we make the website? How do I do this?
  10. When my Mom was sick and I was here in WA, she did NOT want to talk on the phone much at all. It was REALLY hard to not take that personally. I needed to talk to her... because we didn't know how much time we would have. When I got back to IL I came to realize that Mom's breathing changed so much when she was on the phone that it made her very, very tired. Then I got it. Then it didn't hurt quite so much. I know it is a different situation... But I feel it relates some because that was my ONE LINK to my Mom for five long months. Maybe there is more to this than you are seeing. Maybe it is hard on your Dad. I think keeping the lines of communication open right now is really important. Try not to be offended. DO TRY to work with them. If it means staying in a hotel, bringing your own linens, only being there for one day during the weekend and doing something else the other, going less frequently, bringing along a responsible teenager or adult to babysit, or what... see if there is a compromise that can be made. And if your relationship is good with your SM, you might (gently) share with her that you are struggling with this. That you are worried about your Daddy and you want to see him as much as you are able to. See if there is a middle ground. See if there is more at work here. Maybe visits are really taking a physical toll on your Dad? Maybe they are both just out of sorts right now and trying to grab at any means of control over their life that they can. I don't know. I do know how much it stings, and I'm sorry. I hope there will be a good solution for all of you found. Val
  11. If I could edit it so I didn't have to leave Andy that day and could have him there too, I think it would be the day Mom met Carolyn... oo... also minus the flights. Maybe the day after Mom met Carolyn (with Andy there too)?
  12. I'm here and stay here because at the lowest point of my life to date--when I watched my Mom slip away day by day, these folks carried me. How could I walk away from such amazing people? As a moderator I hope in some small way I can offer the same support to someone else. It's my way of saying thank you and 'paying it forward.'
  13. I got the semi-official word from the Admissions office today that I am accepted for the M.Div. program at Asbury Seminary. It is only semi-official because I haven't gotten the hard-copy acceptance letter in the mail yet. I want that in my hot-little hands. If all goes well, I'll start this January--or if that won't work financially (Too late for financial aid), next Fall at this time. The only downside is (heehee)... I promised them I wouldn't drink any alcohol while I'm enrolled... No more wine. () (Like I drink so much--like a glass every 6 months or something). Looks like it'll be Shirley Temples and Vanilla Coke's for me at the Pub.
  14. Treebywater

    New Look

    It may take a little getting used to, but I think I like the new look! It is very purple. I was excited to log on and see it! YAYYYY for Katie and Rick and LUNGevity!!!!
  15. Lori, it IS amazing.... I am just so happy for you and Rocky. Treasure this up. Hold on to it tight. Your Mama is incredible. (And she raised an incredible daughter)'
  16. ((((((Ginny))))) We celebrate you!
  17. (((((Karen))))) ((((((Beth))))) I wish Dave and Bill could be with both of you right now... seeing the amazing things that their children are doing....
  18. (((((Adela))))) I hope your birthday is as happy as can be. I know it must hurt so much to not have Ed their to share it with you... So glad to hear that you are hiking and loving it. Husband and I have started doing the same... Good time to see the glory of this world God has created isn't it?
  19. Miss Piggy-- Now you LIVE. Now you do the things that you love... Now you say the important things to the important people in your life. Now you climb mountains if that's your thing, or bake cookies if that's your thing, or adopt 30 dogs if that's your thing. You live. And in living you will fight that cancer--you'll show it who's boss. Because you won't let it take living the life that you have left away from you. People used the 'you don't look sick' bit with my Mom too. And up until the very last month of her life she really didn't, even with the treatments she was on (and didn't do well with). There aren't any right or wrong ways to do this. Just do what comes. If people don't believe you, that's their deal. You can only do what is right for you.
  20. ((((kathleen)))))) I'm so sorry time is so short for your Mom, and so sorry that your siblings are pulling this b.s. Don't ever forget that you HAVE done an amazing job of caring for your mother, advocating for her, helping and supporting your Dad. Your sister knows nothing. Praying for you all as you go thorugh this.
  21. Crying here... (And I don't cry for just anyone these days). Give Rocky our love.
  22. Lori... Those little things... I think they mean so much to your Mom... AND to you. I'm so glad you did the manicure... love you. Praying.
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