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Everything posted by Treebywater

  1. deb--It felt like it was getting worse for a LONG time for me too. Now it doesn't feel like it's doing anything... It just feels like it hurts, and I am learning how to live with it... (((((((Deb))))))))) Hurting with you. Wish our Mom's could give us both big hugs tonight.
  2. Oh Carleen... I celebrate Keith with you today... And I thank you so much for sharing a bit more of your wonderful husband with us.
  3. ((((((Joanie))))))) Wish I could give you a big hug in person. Rest up, and know that we do care!
  4. (((((Don and Lucie)))) Give her hand a squeeze from all of us Don... I haven't stopped praying and I won't. We love you both.
  5. Melinda, I am just so, so, very sorry... Wish I could give you a real hug... Val
  6. Ry--do we know any more? CharlieD hasn't been off my mind since I got this news.
  7. Still praying, Don... I won't stop.
  8. July 7!!! Bec!!!! 6 days late almost put me over the edge with Carolyn--you want me to go 2 months past due date with this one? ACK!
  9. That is just beautiful!!!!
  10. Oh Don... Just here... and praying hard. Please tell Lucie that we love her SO MUCH and that we're pulling for you--for all of you.
  11. Treebywater

    Kay Bowen

    Tina, I am so very sorry.
  12. I wrote this one last November, and it was printed. Lift and Edit to your heart's content if you want. http://www.registermail.com/stories/110 ... .GID.shtml But do note that they combined all my links, this one isn't there (and will be this year!!!), and the one they decided to keep doesn't match the organization name that decided to keep. Crazy editors. Val
  13. Treebywater


    I'm so very sorry.
  14. Praying, praying, praying... Thank you Ry for doing the detective work.
  15. Treebywater


    Praying Don! Tell Lucie that we send our love!
  16. Ry--I agree. That 'dirt and sunshine' smell that kids have is wonderful I love the smell of my favorite coffee cake baking--Mom's recipe of course. My husband smells like Zest and Pert-Plus. I like that too. The other day I used some VO5 shampoo, and it smelled just like the greasy stuff Mom used on my hair when I was little. Made me so happy.
  17. Treebywater

    Nancy B

    Nancy-- If anyone was ever entitled to a whine or two, it's you. That said... telling us you feel sh---y (Mom's term was 'like hammered dog sh--' isn't whining. It's telling us the truth so we can send you hugs and let you know that we're rooting for you and care. So--(((((((Nancy ))))))). I'm rooting for you! I care! I hope some gentler days are ahead for you.
  18. Mom would have been 60 today. I had things planned to do in her honor, but Carolyn is a sick little farkle... so all that is postponed. I think I WILL have husband pick up some brownie mix and nuts and I will make brownies WITH NUTS and WITHOUT powdered sugar on top(the only way real brownies are made according to Mom, though it was hotly debated by me) to celebrate her. One of the many hard things about her birthday is that I remember what an awful daughter I Was on so many birthdays... I am ALWAYS late with them. I'll remember then the entire week prior and then totally forget the day of. Or I'll send a card and present three months late. I did that lots to Mom, and sometimes never got things to her at all... And now that's all I can think of. One of the many things I would do differently if I could do it over again. So anyway... My Mama was born today 60 years ago... and she still deserves to be celebrated. I miss her. Edited to add the less whiny version: Happy Birthday Mom Today is my Mom’s birthday. She should have been 60 today. I had a few things planned to do in her honor today, but Little Miss is one sick little farkle, so they will have to wait. I will however make brownies tonight WITH nuts and WITHOUT powdered sugar on top because according to Mom that is the ONLY way to make brownies. Then, I will eat some in her honor. It is a hard and emotional day for many reasons. And I’ve been missing my Mom fiercely lately. There are so many things that I wish I could tell her now, and so many things I wish I could talk to her about. But today should be a day of celebrating her... So I will. I will celebrate her term, “Male Dominant Stupid Gene.” I will celebrate her teaching me to ‘Just tell ‘em to F— off! I will celebrate her love of The River Boat–even if she lost more money there than she ever came out with. I will celebrate her love of football and Da Bears and Da Steelers. I will celebrate her kicking butt in every game of trivial pursuit she ever played I will celebrate her marathon Scrabble Games with her best friend Sarah. I will celebrate her love of baking. I will celebrate her dedicated hard work at Maytag for many, many years. I will celebrate her insistence that I loosen up. I will celebrate her ‘So NOT Martha Stewart’ femininity. I will celebrate her appreciation for equality of the sexes. I will celebrate her love of West Wing. I will celebrate her love of the Democratic Party. I will celebrate her appreciation of finely built men. I will celebrate her love of Gary Fencik (such a finely built man). And I will also celebrate her love of Dad (another such fine guy). I will celebrate the many death threats she issued my husband if he ever dared hurt me–especially the way she allegedly made him turn blue with terror when he asked if he could marry me. I will celebrate the way she truly loved him as a son-in-law, anyway... Strike that–as a son. I will celebrate her courageous battle with Lung Cancer and the fact that though she isn’t here with us now, I know that she won. It might have taken her body, but her spirit–the very essence of her–still IS, and still SHINES. I will celebrate the amazing love that existed between her and my Daddy–the love that taught me that a real marriage is one in which you know that you are cherished and respected and to not settle for anything less than that. I will celebrate the joy in her voice when I told her that Little Miss would be born–and the giddy way that she carried herself for weeks. I will celebrate the awe in her eyes when she first laid eyes on her... And the joy and the gift that she counted it to be a grandmother. I will celebrate the amazing mother that she was to me, and in turn taught me to be–pouring into me strength, courage, perseverance, and even a little bit of her grit all tempered with humor, compassion, and a great deal of love. All these things and more I will celebrate. I love you Mom. Happy Birthday. (that by the way--was from my blog. )
  19. ((((Kim))))) Every one is right... One thing at a time. Many prayers being said that this is nothing.
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