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Everything posted by rogfam

  1. It was a terrible experience, and I didn't get it. First of all, I went in last week, talked to the artist, told him what I wanted, he says come in the day before your appt to okay the art work. I give him my $20 down for his time to draw and go home. Well, yesterday, they were closed, so I couldn't come in a day early, and they don't open til 3:00 in the afternoon on Tuesday, and my appt is at 4:00, so I get there at three, to make sure it's a go. I get there, as I said, at three, and they aren't even there yet (first sign this isn't this best place)... I go in when they get there, Pete (the artist) grabs my card of the wall (the card with the description of what I wanted) and goes to the back room, says he'll get it together and be right with me. Well, he hadn't even started to draw it out, didn't even remember the script we decided on, the body style of my dragonfly, or anything... So, I sit there for and hour and a half while he's designing... He comes out with a drawing, nothing like what I've given him to go by. I asked him to change a couple of things, he comes back, I'm still not feeling it. He acts like I'm putting him out, so I say 'you're getting tired of this huh?' He's like yea I am, you want to reschedule? He was very rude. The whole time I'm there, I feel he's rushing, he's not put together, not nowhere near ready to do his job... I said yea, but as we walked to the front, I said, look, just give me my money back (I had just given him the other $55) so the owner at the front desk gets my money for me. He doesn't care about what I'm trying to tell him, he just tells me I don't know their job like they do. But HELLO, I have to live with this tattoo for the rest of my life!! It's MY body, my money, my time. I felt like crying, I couldn't believe the way they acted. I guess I've watched too much Miami Ink, it's not all happy endings and good people who will work with you.. Sorry for the long rant, just had to get it out. Christy
  2. rogfam

    Prayers for my dad

    more prayers for your dad. I sent you a pm. Christy
  3. In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth and populated the Earth with broccoli, cauliflower and spinach, green and yellow and red vegetables of all kinds, so Man and Woman would live long and healthy lives. Then using God's great gifts, Satan created Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream and Krispy Creme Donuts. And Satan said, "You want chocolate with hat?" And Man said, "Yes!" and Woman said, "and as long as you're at it, add some sprinkles." And they gained 10 pounds. And Satan smiled. And God created the healthful yogurt that Woman might keep the figure that Man found so fair. And Satan brought forth white flour from the wheat, and sugar from the cane and combined them. And Woman went from size 6 to size 14. So God said, "Try my fresh green salad." And Satan presented Thousand-Island Dressing, buttery croutons and garlic toast on the side. And Man and Woman unfastened their belts following the repast. God then said, "I have sent you heart healthy vegetables and olive oil in which to cook them." And Satan brought forth deep fried fish and chicken-fried steak so big it needed its own platter. And Man gained more weight and his cholesterol went through the roof. God then created a light, fluffy white cake, named it "Angel Food Cake," and said, "It is good." Satan then created chocolate cake and named it "Devil's Food." God then brought forth running shoes so that His children might lose those extra pounds. And Satan gave cable TV with a remote control so Man would not have to toil changing the channels. And Man and Woman laughed and cried before the flickering blue light and gained pounds. Then God brought forth the potato, naturally low in fat and brimming with nutrition. And Satan peeled off the healthful skin and sliced the starchy center into chips and deep-fried them. And Man gained pounds. God then gave lean beef so that Man might consume fewer calories and still satisfy his appetite. And Satan created McDonald's and its 99-cent double cheeseburger. Then said, "You want fries with that?" And Man replied, "Yes! And super size them!" And Satan said, "It is good." And Man went into cardiac arrest. God sighed and created quadruple bypass surgery. Then Satan created HMOs. Thought for the day ..... There is more money being spent on breast implants and Viagra today than on Alzheimer's research. This means that by 2040, there should be a large elderly population with perky boobs and huge erections and absolutely no recollection of what to do with them.
  4. rogfam


    very cool, Debbie. I bet I won't be able to wait that long between mine! lol I go tomorrow to talk to the artist!
  5. rogfam


    Katie, I'll definitely take a picture for everyone to see. I just hope it turns out like I see it in my head! lol I'm cracking up over your shoulder story!! hehe you silly girl! Now you'll have to really show everyone your tattoo! lol Christy
  6. rogfam


    Carleen, I think that's a wonderful way to honor Keith; he would love it. You're braver than I am, don't think I could do the neck, although I do think it looks cool. Christy
  7. rogfam


    Hey, Jen, yep, I said in my original post, a dragonfly, with 'hope' over it, on my ankle. Shar, don't tell me the ankle hurt the worst!! will taking advil first help??? C.
  8. Jen, reading what you wrote, felt like it was coming from me, outa my head, just like everyone else here. It's crazy, isn't it? To think it'll never be the same again. I remember six years ago, when mom was diagnosed, I'd go to sleep thinking of my mom and this monster, wake up and feel normal for about three seconds, only to actually almost feel a literal slap in the face when it all came flooding back to me. What an ill terrible feeling it was. Katie, everything you said too, so very true. Christy
  9. rogfam


    ztweb, I have the same type of past as you, so this is like a big shocker to most people! lol But I've wanted it for years, took the time to pray about it, and now feel good about it. It's been well thought out and planned. I say go for it! My husband keeps telling me the same thing, about how bad it's going to hurt. I told him (like you), 'I've been through NATURAL childbirth, THREE times, I can handle it!' I think the top of the foot would also be cool. My sis would like to get a sea turtle there. How cool that you're going with friends who are getting one too! I have one friend that may go with me, we'll see. Christy
  10. rogfam


    I guess this is the right forum for this. lol I'll be getting my first tattoo soon. I've decided on a dragonfly with the word "hope" written over it. My Oma (mom's mom) loves the dragonfly and has even told me to get it and think of her when she's gone. (Also, it's on all that cool stuff Katie has in the cafe press shop for lung cancer awareness.) And the word Hope, of course, is for our hope being in the Lord, also that there is always hope, even after a cancer diagnosis. oh yea! It'll be on the inside of my left ankle. Just wanted to share. Feel free to share your own tattoo stories. Christy
  11. rogfam

    prayers for mom

    Thanks Katie! Thank you all for the prayers! Mom's ENT cancelled her appt for today and made it for next Thursday. Another whole week to sit and wonder, but also, more time to pray! ((hugs)) Christy
  12. rogfam


    IF you've already seen this, sorry! But I just got it and thought it was too funny to not share!! Can you solve this riddle?? You are on a horse, galloping at a constant speed. On your right side is a sharp drop-off, and on your left side is an elephant traveling at the same speed as you. Directly in front of you is a galloping kangaroo, and your horse is unable to overtake it. Behind you is a lion running at the same speed as you and the Kangaroo. What must you do to safely get out of this highly dangerous situation? If you do not know, the answer will follow... GET YOUR DRUNK *ss OFF THE MERRY-GO-ROUND !
  13. rogfam

    prayers for mom

    I posted an update in the test results/updates forum, but I felt the need to post here as well. Mom has had a hoarse voice now for about 3 or so weeks. The doc scheduled an appt with the ENT for thurday. Please keep her in your prayers that they don't find anything and this is just allergies. She gets a PET next month. Thanks for all your support. ((hugs)) and prayers for you all, Christy
  14. More thoughts and prayers for you, Rich! You're a fighter and are soooo loved here! God bless you, Christy
  15. We've used rogfam for every handle since we got a computer years ago! Our last name being Rogers, it stands for rogers family. As for a real nickname, my sister, being younger than me, couldn't say Christy, she said kiki, so my dad called me Kiki for the longest. When I worked at the preschool for a little while, Payton, who was two, called Miss Titi , and she called the other lady I helped, who's name was Karla, Miss Caca!
  16. My mom has nsclc and had it came back in Jan of '05. She had basically a year of treatment, from Jan to Jan and scans look good. (mostly radiation, which was very dangerous because the radiation point overlapped where she had radiation last time.) It's now July, so it's been a year and a half. She's very run down, battling sinus infections all the time, but she's so upbeat and positive. Her recurrance only showed lymph involvment, no tumors to speak of. So, I don't know how much they can really tell from just a ct scan... So, yes, there is HOPE. You can beat this! God is always faithful, no matter what. God bless, Christy
  17. Trish, I sent you a pm. It would definitely be worth the trip to Tulsa. The CTCA is a wonderful place, a true blessing. People are given HOPE there. My mom is still here today because of God and this place. Prayers for you both, Christy
  18. Praying here too.. May He keep His arms around you both, Christy
  19. Absolutely beautiful, Peggy, you and the house! Christy
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