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Everything posted by RandyW

  1. Ann and everyone else is very wise. I can't add to anything except much love and Prayers From The Carolina Blue skies as I see them.
  2. RandyW


    Much Love and many prayers from me too. I know this is hard. We all need to open the bar and be Irish a little while longer. I hope the Year gets Better.
  3. MArtha, I know how you feel. I do not want to do anything withany of Debs Stuff. She had lots of things. I can't bring myself to throw out a single sock or pair of panties of hers. I will have to though. I know it is hard and it hurts. Feb16 would have been 9 years for us to be married. march 29th 3 years of this battle. She went at 3 am in he rhospital room all alone with no one around. not even a nurse there. they had done rounds and were letting each one rest. The phoone rang and all heck broke out because there is no good news at 3 Am any day. Your Mom had made her peace at some point before she passed over. Thjis is a hard fight to put up for all of us, including caregivers. WE do not know what is in a persons thoughts every second of every day. We can't know that. Everyone has their secrets. Your mom and deb are probably having tea and talking somewhere about the 2 of us. They are laughing and chatting away with no Pain anymore. Tell your son that Grandma has gone somewhere where she feels better and is watching everything that he does every second of every day. She is with him. He will see her again, but not for a while. She is in a better place where she is no longer sick. WAIT FOR THE QUESTIONS TO COME AND BE HONEST. That is what my sister is doing with my 5 year old nephew. He came to me during all the Chaos that was Debs Funeral and said AUNT DEBBIE IS DEAD AND SHE IDS FEELING BETTER! HE knows and will ask eventually. I hope that this helps even a little. Much love and Happiness to you and your Family Now.
  4. This TIme 7 days ago I was drinking a beer and writing my wife debs obituary at my parents kitchen counter. I am the newest member of the grieving group I think. 3 am Monday phone rings. Screaming and cussing ensues. then the physical for me. Still need to pick up lawn furniture off back yard. Lots to do but lots of time to do it. Everyone is diffrent in the way that they handle grief. do what you want when you want. had meltdowns as I call them everywhere, even while driving down the road. Everybody wants to take me everywhere I need to go. I can't afford a chaffeur though. Do what you have to do and be who you want to be in this process. Much love and prayers for you and yours
  5. Thanks Bunny. It has been 7 days now since this happened. I have talked to the family psychiatrist, my sister inlaw over drinks after the funeral. She says I will be ok and come stay with them anytime in Fla. What a long strange week. Got through Thursdays funeral and not a dry eye in the house. Much lOv eto everyone here and THANK YOU FOR LOVE AND SUPPORT
  6. My sister told her 5 year old son about his Aunt Debbie and He came to me last week with everything going on and said He knew she will be Okay. Many Prayers for you
  7. New lung cancer radiation technique [Posted] By Deborah Condon A leading Irish lung cancer expert is conducting pioneering research into a new technique to treat the disease, which minimises damage to nearby tissue. Professor John Armstrong, consultant radiation oncologist at St Luke's Hospital in Dublin, is conducting the research into a radiotherapy technique, known as Active Breathing Control. This allows for precise doses of radiation to be given to lung cancer patients, minimising the risk of damage to nearby healthy tissue. One of the main challenges in using radiotherapy to treat lung cancer is that, as we are constantly breathing, our lungs are moving within our rib cage. This means that any cancer located in the lungs is moving with every breath, making it a 'moving target'. With Active Breathing Control, using a device linked to the patient's breathing and a sophisticated computer, the dose of radiation is timed to a specific breath-hold, during which the lungs are essentially not moving for 10 to 20 seconds. "Not every patient is suitable for this type of therapy as they must be able to hold their breath for 10 to 20 seconds while the treatment dose is being given. However many patients find this manageable", Professor Armstrong said. The first study on the use of Active Breathing Control in St Luke's Hospital was completed recently. Nineteen patients participated and from this, the researchers were able to learn more about, for example: -Identifying the suitability of particular patients. -The duration of comfortable breath-holds for patients. This information will now enable the researchers to design specific treatment protocols for the use of this technique. Details of this research were presented to the British Thoracic Oncology Meeting, which took place in Dublin, in association with the Irish Cancer Society. Currently in Ireland, over 1,500 new cases of lung cancer are diagnosed every year. A similar number of people also die every year as a result of the disease. For more information on lung cancer, click on... http://www.irishhealth.com/index.html?level=4&con=297
  8. Christopher, I cn't give you advice. My wife went ot the hospital Friday the 20th January and died at 3 am Jan 23. She was supposed to start a round on the same day she passed away. Hospice provides a great service to us I researched it and that may have been our downfall. BUT we will say many prayers for you and your family at this time.
  9. That is a tough act to follow First of all. I am not medically trained but I think I got here first off. Linda 661 first off you are in a great place for Info. I joined a year ago. Find out exactly what meds they are giving her. Think about Nausea, and energy levels. Side effects of course. What drugs do what. Keep a journal of every Appointment and for questions you think of in between. Ask about Complementative Therapies and possibly supplements. SKin condition like dryness. Treated with Favorite Moisturizer of course that is the easy one to handle. Find out whatr each drug is and does. Right down all the details you can think of. Side effects generally differ for each person. Deb went 2 and a half years with her Hair intact. Try to make each and every appointment. Write down everything you can think of. Never give up hope when things are down and out . Think Positive everyday. Much love and Many prayers for you and your Family. Read all you can here.
  10. DEb has had I think 5 Lines of chemo plus 8 weeks of Maximum Curative Radiation, ove rthe last 3 years and I love and respect her so much, UHOH MELTDOWN STARTING I THINK!?, that I loved her so much more each day. She fought so hard every day to have another day to live and fight that it is amazing actually. She was 9 weeks shy of a 3 year fight and was to start Alimta Avastin the day she went home from this earthly place. 10 people were at her funeral yesterday and it was the same 10 who were at our wedding almost 9 years ago. Remember yesterday, Liv efor today and Pray for tomorrow. I know this firsthand. Much love and prayers for you now.
  11. RandyW

    Worried about Dad

    Many prayers for your family at this time. Always think positive. 2nd opinion Can't huurt if you think it will help. Never give up the Fight Deb didnot ever give up on Daisy and I for 3 years with her LC. Just got abeeter offer and took it. Love and Prayers
  12. Many Prayers and Much love and peace from the Carolinas. Get well real soon
  13. Many Prayers for success from the Carolina Skies tonite. Always Think positive and wonderfull things will happen. Much love and Prayers at this timme for you from Rsw1124
  14. Yes today is a happy day at my house too. Went to bed drunk after debs funeral and awoke feeling great this morning. Definitely something in the air.
  15. Cheryl, I have been very busy this week. Deb passed unexpectedly monday and the funeral is thursday today. I know it is hard oh how I know. I have grown so much spiritually in the last 3 days I feel overwhelmed. I am Randy OR rsw1124 And my wife is DEb. You can read about my week in several posts here. It might help and I hope that it will somewhere in the grand journey of Life. I am in our house with My puppydawg Daisy and it helps me to write because the silence is killing me. WE wll say many prayers todaay and I ask that from all who attend Her Funeral because sh eis not the only one in the universe that needs prayers at any time I know we all need them. We wil laugh and cry today but we will Prray for you from under the Carolina Blue Skies today and I do everyday in the morning and night. Much love and Joy always, Randy
  16. Eppie, am busy today Wifes Funeral But am saying prayers for everyone especially many prayers today for everyone that we know. Much love and Joy today. If anyone says anything about KETEK to treatt this please ask them for anything else. It is new and beinnng invesstigated. DEb was on it for a week before she passed. Must talk to onc next week about this. Am saying Prayers from under the Carolina Blue skkies wwith many loved ones to day
  17. Been Busy But this might help I think? Thank you for contacting Patient Advocate Foundation. Patient Advocate Foundation is a national non-profit organization that serves as an active liaison between the patient and their insurer, employer and/or creditors to resolve insurance, job retention and/or debt crisis matters relative to their diagnosis through case managers, doctors and attorneys. Patient Advocate Foundation seeks to safeguard patients through effective mediation assuring access to care, maintenance of employment and preservation of their financial stability. Many patients choose to participate in clinical trials in order to receive the most advanced and newest treatments. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) offer many treatment choices. Since NIH is operated by the US Government and is supported by taxpayer dollars, all care offered at this facility is free of charge. To inquire about recruiting clinical trials, please call 800-411-1222. Many programs arrange for transportation for the patient between their home and the NIH campus in Washington DC. You may benefit from our publication "Your Guide to the Appeals Process." This publication is available to download on our website www.patientadvocate.org. It contains practical information about filing an appeal and includes sample letters you may find helpful. You need to know the reason for the denial to be able to base your appeal on proving why it should be paid. It is very beneficial to include any peer review or medical journal articles supporting this treatment as being the most effective. Most pharmaceutical patient assistance programs for medications are strictly for uninsured patients, so you would not be able to get assistance through those. You will need to appeal for coverage through your insurance company. OR try THis maybe Web Results 1 - 10 of about 41. Search took 0.15 seconds. ARIXTRA - PE & DVT Prevention Official US site of ARIXTRA - the first in a new class of anticoagulants that offers convenient 24-hour treatment for both pulmonary embolism (PE) and deep ... http://www.arixtra.com/ - 19k - Cached - Similar pages Reimbursement Services Program 1-866-ARIXTRA (274-9872), option 5. or visit the web site at www.ARIXTRA.com. FAX: 1-866-487-8596. Monday-Friday, 9AM-6PM EST ... http://www.arixtra.com/docs/reimburse.pdf
  18. Wipe the Dust off the Bar and pour us a round man!!! With all my bad adys this week I love to hear some Joyfull news.Many Prayers and Much love and Happiness
  19. Hder ecomes the trouble maker. RSW1124. Just came from Debs viewing. Lesson For today. Every thing has a meaning. Winnd Blowinnng is someone usinng their NEW LUNGS to tell you they are OK today and see what I can do. New thought SAW this in walmart while waitinnng for photos. Live for today, Remember yesterday and pray for tomorrow. Will say aprayer for you all Thanks, good luck withthe chemo. Think positive. Deb was supposed to start Alimta Avastin Monday 1/23. Much Love and Joy to all.
  20. "PAF Helpline" This Might Help you out. Good Luck Have a lot going on right now bbut will say a prayer
  21. Every thing has changed now for me. Read about Debbie and rsw1124 and you will see. I meltdoown going to the grocery store. I made my peace and so has deb.
  22. I hope everyone reads this. You don't have torespond unless you want but do read on. Debbie Wallin left this earth 21 hours ago. I will share some of my new insights on life from these last 21 hours. Sunday at 9 PM I walked out of my wifes Hospital Room. I said good night, sleep well, I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH, and I will see you tomorrow. I left her there in the loving care of the most compassionate people I have ever met. At 245 am Monday she was given a breathing treatment and Vitals were checked as part of the nightly rounds. Her breathing had become very guttural sounding and the treatment helped her. At 250 am she finished this treatment and got up from her bed and got into her recliner. When the nurses left they could hear her breathing fromm her door. At 300 Am they did not hear breeathing and realized that all her functions had stopped and with 5 minutes passed they knew there was nothing that they could do for her. All her Organs had been functioning normally until this point. At 305 Am On Monday Jan 23 2006 I was notified and when I saw who was on the phone I Knew when I looked at the Caller ID that this would not be good news. They told me what happened!!! I Said a lot of nasty words and these women were okay with that. They said do not apologize for anything that I said to them, they understood. I went outside under the stars and started screaming at the heavens above, throwing my patio furniture and Plant pots all over My yard. My mother, who lives nearby came to get me and take me to the hospital. My neighbors were with me outside when she came to my house. My mom is a former Air Force Capt. in the Nursing division and has dealt with death so much in her former nursing years that she became my ROCK. we wwent to the hospital and she held my hand as we walked to the room at 430 am this morning. I had gotten over the screaming and wailing by now> When I walked into the room It became evident by now that she did not fight this fight. This had all been a shock to everyone. We were supposed to start Alimta Avastin today ffor another round of fighting. I wsa told about a week ago before we saw her Onc, "I am tired and If I see the Light I am going to the light, I will wait for eveeryone and I will Be shouting Hello to everyone I meet. I hope you understad sweetie" Those were her exact words as we sat in our little house talking one night. I will never forget this day. When she saw the light at 255 this morning she ran to it and embraced it. She is singing praises to everyone as she could not speak because of this evil disease.While I was with her This morning, I told her I will always love her. She could be with all our loved ones. She will feel no more pain. I want to hear vice and I know that I will Some day. My parents have helped me plan a beautiful ceremoney, for thursday at 2 pm. Say a little prayer for us about then. But to continue with my lessons learned. I am Thanking every team, Doctor and person that I know took care of her. They never got upset with the patients or care givers, never had a bad day and never were without a smile In the Cancer Center or Or any other ward that she was on. She once told me that probably no mor ethat our families would show up for her Funeral. She did not think that anyone would be there at the end. I know she is wrong. We never had an argument because we did not have a lot. We had a modest roof over our heads, Water and electricity and groceries. We did not fight about money because we never really had money. WE HAD EACH OTHER AND WE TOLD EACH OTHER THIS EACH AND EVERY DAY. I thank the lord every morning and every night for the Blessing of a new day and a day gone by. I sat down and wrote her Eulogy at my parents kitchen counte rat 630 this morning while I was drinking a cold Ying Ling. That was pretty easy to do. Then I realized that I should maybe write a Eulogy. I have known Debbie For 10 years and her Family a lot less than i should have. IF you ever have to write A eulogy for someone here is the easisest way to do this. Think back to your childhood. That was probably very similiAR TO THEIR CHILDHOOD. Sorry, Think abouth the day that you met that person and start writng down every detail that yo can think. surround yourself with happy Phots for memories. It is a lot easier this way. I am working on 3 pages and am 1/2 way through our marriage. When you start to think of the wonderful times you had together it becomes very easy towrite. (BEEN DISCONNECTED 2 times since i started writing this) Put your thoughts into words for memories. Tell everyone that you know that you love them as often as you can. you never know when you may not get to say those words again to that person I swear to you. Pray for peaceful endings to things. Pray outside. There are no ceilings and God can her a lot better without the Clouds in the way. The stars will comfort you. they are beautiful to look at. God does not rest on sundays. He works very hard to do what he can for us. He works in strange ways, but he works 7 days a week for everyone we know. That is a blessing in that He might give you 1 more day withs someone and let you love them 1 more day at least. If you accept that Death is inevitable, run toward the light, Don't walk. You will never feel tthe pain anymore. Time will heal us here of our pain and in that we take comfort. Grieve the way we want to grieve, and know that you did everything to make that persons life a little richer and a little better for a little longer. In the last 24 hours I have los tthe thing that i love the most. I made peace with her Family becuse they have not seen her for a LONG TIME. They forgive me ands said They know that I was the best thing to happen in her life. Her doctors have told me wha t afighter she was. She is an Inspiration to Her oncologist and that because of her he is not a better doctor; but a better person. HE will be ther for her thusrday. He is the reason rthat he works seven days a week sometimes to take care of a Patient. he works almost every Holiday Because they have less than he does. Her Meds are being donated for patients who can not afford to buy them. IF YOU CAN NOT AFFORD MEDS ASK YOUR DOCTOR. HE MIGHT BE ABLETOHELP. donations are gong to the aamerican Lung assocition and american Cancer society. Flowers die and get thrown out. Do not need dead flowers too. My neighbor told m etonite ove ra cold beer, Her son has quit smoking since my wife was diagnosed. She saved 1 person and I pray that he pays it forward to 2 more people. I know this is long reading but hope it helps someone with something in their life, or recovering from a loss. i havve been writhing for I think an hour or so. I hav e to sleep it is 1230 am here. I have been up since 3 am yesterday and am exhusted but writing this helps me greive I think. Good Night And Thank You and Much love to everyone Deb and I Say.
  23. At 3 am on monday I recieved a phone call that she was done fighting this and tired. She is Now with our Lord and saviour and watching over us with all loved ones tha twent before us. I have finished making her funeral arragements. I Will Be around for my fight to continue for Deb. She might be out But I will Make my voice heard every chance I get for her memory. Am shaving my head tomorrow for her because she would not let Me do this. She went in about less than 5 minutes after 2 Years and 9 Months of fighting this disease. Our 9th wedding anniversary is Feb 16 Right after Valentines day. Thank you for your Love compassion and advice when I needed it. She is with the lord and Made her piecce 10 days ago just in case. Tell your Spouse and family you love them every chance that you get Because you may not get the chance when the time comes. I DID THIS EVERY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. RandyW

    MY WIFE !!

    Sending Prayers From Under the Carolina Stars tonite. I am going to be out for a while I think.
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