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David P

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Everything posted by David P

  1. Hey Rick. Awesome and amazing presentation. Will you be adding names? David
  2. Hey Nell. A good looking crew you have there. Sounds like you have a non profit thing going on down there -- "The Friends of Bob Society." Bob sure is a lucky guy to have the support from so many. Take care. David P.
  3. Ahh, Billie -- another Lurker flushed out! Welcome, and as you have seen, this is far from being a depressing place: I found it just the opposite -- a breath of fresh air for my one lung! Shrinking tumors are a good thing, and I hope you get accepted into the clinical trial. It will also be good for you to hook up with Donna and Connie -- I would jump at the chance to meet with them at the Regionals, but alas, I live too far away up in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Where I might add, we have a golf course here that boasts the most rounds of golf played per year in Canada. ( We had one day of snow and two days of slush up here this winter, and the blossoms on trees and the flowers have been blooming for the past month!) Take care. David P.
  4. Hello Hollyjean. The wisdom and knowledge you will offer this group will be an imeasurable asset. Glad to hear you're doing so well and are willing to share your experiences. Take care. David P.
  5. Hey Rick. Fantastic job on the site. I LOVE the Charcoal2 !! Thanks David
  6. Hey Cheryl. I have always thought Jack to be the image of a very strong individual (from his photo, with that great head of hair and all) and I'm sure he'll be up and about in no time. Hope everything goes well for the next operation. By the way, in my first aid course they said men were more likely to say heart attack symptoms were due to indigestion or something other than a heart attack, and would need to be pushed to go seek medical help. He's in our prayers. Take care Cheryl, and keep us posted. David P.
  7. Hey Tricia. Welcome. I'm working on 27 years post surgery, and it's almost like it never even happened anymore. I work hard at staying healthy and in shape, and would recommend the same for anyone in recovery. And like Donna said... your survival rate is 100 %, so enjoy, but be dilligent in follow ups with your tests...just in case. Take care. David P.
  8. Hey Gina. Where you been? I can't picture YOU as a lurker. Happy anniversary kiddo! Your "clean bill of health" allows for a more relaxed lifestlye once more -- you're no longer in the trench on the front lines -- you deserve to wake up and go to sleep less stressed. I don't think it's being complacent. If you were to constantly worry about recurrence, you'll go nuts. Have fun. Enjoy yourself. But don't forget to listen to your body, and go for those regular check ups. Take care Gina. David P.
  9. I could read your posts all afternoon Carleen. Very nice.
  10. Colleen. I offer my sincere condolences to you and your family during this difficult time. Take care. David P.
  11. Sandy. What a fantastic idea!! To see everyone all together is truely very powerful. Thanks for all the hard work. Being a computer dummy, I wouldn't have the foggiest idea on how you did it, and I wouldn't object in the slightest if you needed an action shot and wanted to use my photo as well. (as a fellow biker, I just love your new photo.) Take care, and keep up the good work. David P.
  12. David P

    Need to vent

    Hey there everyone. I know this is a serious issue Heather, and I'm trying to read the posts with my "serious face" on, but are you sure this isn't the "Just for Laughs" forum? Your office kitchen rant would have made a great Saturday Night Live skit, where at the end of it you compose yourself and politely and quietly say,"never mind." Combined with Becky's ugly joke, and Tbone's knot in the pig tail joke, I'm feeling a bit guilty getting a chuckle from what has caused you so much stress, and I appologize... but I would LOVE to be there when you decide to put your plan into action. Take care Heather. (and I'm also one who thinks you do look great) David P.
  13. Hey there Norme. What a beautiful post. Hang in there - you are stronger than you give yourself credit for -- and if you feel like leaning on anyone's shoulde for support, well you have over 900 pairs of shoulders to choose from. Take care Norme. David P.
  14. Hi Carolyn. Hang in there. You'll find alot of supportive people on this board. Ask anything , anytime. If you have the time, and like to read, you may want to visit the archived forums at the bottom of the main message board page- there's tons of info there too. Take care, and keep us posted. David P.
  15. Hi Allison. My surgery was too long ago for me to give any credible advice on recovery times. I just know that no matter how much lung they remove, if your husband is up to the challenge, and it will be a big challenge, he can beat this thing -- and stay healthy and live long and prosper. It became my number one priority, and I would highly recommend it to others. Take care, and keep us posted. David P.
  16. Hi there. Glad to hear things are going reasonably well for you. The sore throat should go away. It's too bad you can't get on the clinical trial until your cancer grows again, eh? Here's hoping you never need that clinical trial. Take care, and keep us posted. David P.
  17. Hey Kelly. Hope all turns out for the best. I am a firm believer that a positive attitude is the best place to start with this thing. Knowledge and family support are a close second. And now that you're in this extended family numbering over 900 strong, you'll never be alone when it comes to questions, support, or prayers. Take care Kelly, and keep us posted. David P.
  18. Hey Tiny. Sorry to hear you'll be missing the rest of the season... especially with all that new powder they're predicting for spring skiing this year down at Crystal. Was it a good wipe out? Did anyone get it on video? Take care, my friend. (and knowing you, you'll probably find a way to get some more skiing in this season, even if it's on the bunny slope!) David
  19. Hey everyone. I hope you're not getting too tired of me talking about my biking, and I certainly hope you don't think I'm bragging or trying to flaunt what I do on my bike. Ever since my surgery 27 years ago, while having no contact with fellow LC survivors until two years ago, I have wondered "why me?" Ever since first posting my survival story and being overwhelmed by the "inspirational" response from so many, I have figured out the big "why me" question; it is to help provide a little bit of hope in the future of anyone inflicted with LC , or anyone who may find themselves in the care giver's role wondering if their parent or spouse can still be active. Simply put, I train and race my mountain bike in the hopes that someone who has just been diagnosed, or someone who has just gone through surgery can see that any bit of exercise and a positive attitude can help in recovery. And no, I didn't have chemo or radiation, and yes I have been told that they decrease the lung's elasticity -- another reason to stay active. I advocate doing whatever you can do, in your present condition. If it's climbing a flight of stairs, walking aound the block, or just doing arm exercises while you sit in a chair... I bike for all of you. Because I can. I'm trying to build a website for my biking videos and interviews. Until I figure it out, if you want to view some clips of my World Solo Race, and you have more than 8.3 megabytes of email storage (that's as small as I could compress it and still be viewable) send me your email address to dpiercy@sd61.bc.ca and I'll send it to you. Bye for now. David P.
  20. Hi Norme. Please accept my sincere condolences on the passing of your high school sweetheart. I have always felt as though you and Buddy were my next door neighbors, and everything I know of the two of you has come from "over the fence chats". Norme, you are definitely an asset to those on this board, and I thank you for all your caring words of comfort and wisdom that you are so well known for. Please don't go away for too long; there are people that still need you. Take care and try to rest a while -- you deserve it. David
  21. Welcome, and good luck with your mother's test results and forthcoming treatments. Keep us posted. Take care. David P.
  22. Hey Chani. Wonderful things those shrinking tumors. Hope to see more of that! David P.
  23. Thanks Katie and Rick. I just got home from work -- the photos put a BIG smile on my face. Adorable kids. David P.
  24. Hi Joyce. They didn't think I would be around long after they removed my left lung almost 27 years ago, but hey, I'm still riding my bike. Take care. David P.
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