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David P

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Everything posted by David P

  1. HOLY COW BATMAN !! --- GADZUKS!! --- ZUT ALORS!! --- WOW!!! That's got to be the toughest thread I've ever had to read!! What we have here is an issue with meat on it. Something people can really sink there teeth into. The depth of caring, and sharing within this group has really become evident to me reading it all for the past half hour. I've always said what a caring bunch this is, but WOWWW !!! I commend both Fay and Dean for saying it like it should be said, and I tip my hat to all who posted such thoughtful, in depth replies. Wow! David P.
  2. Oh, what I wouldn't give to be in a small resort area in the southern Californian desert right about now! Hi Judy, and welcome. Good luck on the rest of your results. Take care. David P.
  3. David P


    Hi Ann, and welcome. You already know the benefits of extended families - but to now have one with such an extensive, specific knowledge base, as is made up with all these wonderful people from around the world, well, it's priceless. And you know what they say about the family that supports together...? Take care. David P.
  4. Hey. I'm sure I'm not the only one who enjoys the playful back and forth banter that graces many of these posts, more often than not started by David A, but sometimes (DaveG too). It's nice to have such a large extended family to lean on. Thanks David A for being a big part of that. Take care. David P.
  5. Hey didier. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now, and I know it also sounds like there's not much time to be patient, but if your father is as stubborn as you say, there's not much you can do to speed things up and keep a good relationship with him. Let things fall into place. It's great to hear your mother is doing well. Take care. David P.
  6. Hey there Kim. Positive thinking goes a long way in the fight against this disease. And you'll find a wealth of support here that will keep those positive thoughts flowing for some time to come. Take care. David P.
  7. Hi Sharon. Don't have COPD. Just want to welcome you to the message board. I'm sure you will find some answers from the wonderful group of caring people here. Take care. David P.
  8. WHOA!!!! Fay!!! That was beautiful!! Now when are you going to turn around? David P.
  9. Hey there Staci Lyn. Welcome, and I think your intro was just fine. Three types of cancer patients: those that become depressed and give up hope; those that fight like mad doing and trying everything that may help prolong life, and those that accept their fate, choosing to maintain a certain quality of life over drug and theraputic intervension. Everyone chooses his or her own path. Your father has chosen his. You say there is no support where you live. Have you shown your father this message board? (Some caregivers do all the message board work without involving the prime stakeholder in this nightmare.) Whether he's computer literate or not, I think he would benefit through the interaction with people on this board -- especially with those who have chosen the same path to walk as your father. He may enjoy walking with someone like Dean, who is, so it seems, in the same pair of shoes. I'm sure they would have much to talk about. It can be a very lonely path to walk. I know. It took 25 years for me to find support through this message board. Up until then, I had never spoken to anyone who had lung cancer before. (I didn't know what I was missing ) Hope things work out for the best. Take care. David P.
  10. David P

    Lucie's Rib Spot

    Love to hear good news Don. Take care. David P.
  11. Congratulations Heather, and thank you. Your wonderful news, along with your new photo has put a smile on my face that doesn't seem to be going away too soon. Take care. David P.
  12. Hey Nushka. Happy Anniversary to you, and many more to come. It's not only in mathematics where the product of negatives is positive -- it works with X-Rays and CT Scans as well. They actually took out one of my ribs during my surgery, and told me not to worry, "it'll grow back." And I think it did!! I don't have any empty rib spaces, and it only hurts now when I wipe out on my bike when I'm mountain biking. Italy sounds good. Talk to Bobmc about travelling post surgery -- he's got some great stories. Take care. David P.
  13. David P

    My Buddy

    Norme. So sorry to hear Buddy is not eating. Hope things turn around. Prayers go out to both Buddy and you. Take care. David P.
  14. Hey Mo. Some addictions are just good for you. The Mo it is good for you, the Mo it is good for everyone else on the site. Your addiction makes this a Mo better site. And just look at the membership list...856!!! There's Mo and Mo addicts every day! What a site. Take care Mo. David P.
  15. Norme. Thinking of Buddy and you constantly. Take care. David P.
  16. Hey Dean. My hat (helmet) is off to you. You are a strong and courageous person who is helping so many on this message board with your consistent words of wisdom. I love reading your posts. Take care. David P.
  17. Hey Dave. Glad to see you're getting checked. A little bit of advice... in the future... DON'T WAIT SO LONG!!!! Take care David P.
  18. Hey Laurie. Sounds like a GREAT project!! Do you just want still photos, or could you use some video footage? I have some video stuff of me training and racing, if you need it. If you only need still shots, do you want me to send you one? Thanks, David P.
  19. Hey Angie! Slow down. Don't jump ahead too far. I know there are people here that have experienced this kind of stuff before. It may not be operable, being so close to the aorta, but I know chemo treatments and other procedures these days are working wonders. Gather as much info as you can from these guys, and then take it one day at a time. This is not the end, only the beginning. You and your dad are in my prayers. Take care, David P.
  20. Hey Angie. Welcome. One of the best ways to deal with this as a caregiver is to be prepared and be well informed. If your dad has lung cancer, be ready for a rough ride, but the knowledgable, caring people on this message board can help smooth out some of those bigger bumps you will run in to. Make this bunch work! You can't ask too many questions. A great place to start would be in the caregivers forum; they have experienced what you can only speculate about. Take care, and I hope all works out for the best. David P.
  21. Hey there Mayos. Welcome, and clean scans are a good thing. You need not ask for acceptance from this group. As you will find, this is a wonderful place to "hang out". You probably have some experiences under your belt that others on the board will find useful. I look forward to hearing more from you. Take care, David P.
  22. Hi Ann, and welcome to the message board. I'm sitting here just shaking my head at the amount of awesome advice being given out. Your reaction to it takes me right back to the day I found this site almost a year and a half ago; after reading posts for a few days, and finaly posting myself, I felt as if I had known everyone on the board for a long time. Going into surgery with this kind of first hand support has to be a comforting feeling. Remembering back to my surgery I recall that one of the things that got me through the post surgical stage was knowing when to ask for my next shot of morphine. If I left it up to the hospital staff they wouldn't get it to me before the last shot wore off, so there would always be a window of pain before the next shot. It takes a few times to figure out how long each shot lasts at the start. But hey, maybe they don't have that problem anymore with new drugs and stuff. Take care Ann, and have a GREAT surgery!! David P.
  23. Hey there TBone. Like Paddy said, you've got the attitude and humour part down pat, and it sounds like you have a good medical team working for you. Now all I need from you is for you to post a photo of yourself, because with a username like TBone, I now have an image of you in my mind. I love it! Take care, David P.
  24. Deb, please accept my condolences over the loss of your dear father. I will be thinking of you. A father could not possibly have a more wonderful daughter than you Deb. Take care, David P.
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