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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. I just want to add that in our local lung cancer group we have several that had extensive SCLC and are well over 5 years now , have no evidence of disease, and are enjoying their life, their family , their vacation trips. etc. It can be done. Donna G
  2. One of the survivors in our local lung cancer group has "Henry" our little miracle baby after she was treated for lung cancer. She also had an older little girl who is really happy to have a baby brother! Please let us know if it is true we will all pray for a healthy pregnancy. Donna G
  3. Well a cardiologist may not diagnose or treat lung problems but he should at the least refer you to someone who does! Did a radiologist look at these xrays? So sorry you have to go through all this and fight the cancer. Donna G
  4. Welcome Bill. Wow you and your wife are having too much in commom! Glad to hear she is a survivor! You will be too. Sorry to hear you are having side effects. Yes that thoracotomy incision does really want some pain meds for a while. The good news is in a few years you will look back and know you made it and your a tough guy, like said this cancer stuff is not for sissies. Keep us posted. Donna G
  5. Donna G

    I'm Buyin'

    Kasey your news makes me so happy for you! Keep it coming! Donna G
  6. Welcome. Wow, you really had a rough post-op course! So glad you found us. Can I ask where your tumor was in your right upper lobe? You mentioned having pain on your shoulder blade. Was it near the surface of the lung or was it up in the apex under your collar bone? Kasey above and I bothe had pain that sent us to the doctor, ours was because up in the apex of the lung nerves were being pressed on by the tumor. Glad you are in remission now. Keep us posted. Donna G
  7. Kasey so glad to see your post and happy you are back. I know your "fun" friends don't share your experience with "life and death, and cancer" but I do hope you had some fun on your get away. Since I had lung cancer I think I am so happy I survived I tend to look for fun every day. I am a nurse and I wear a happy face full of bubbles around my neck at work to celebrate with. There are lots of things to celebrate- when the "wind blows" after surgery, the fever is down, the BP in normal etc. or my patient has a little one come to visit. Fun is good for you. Yes, there are sad things too but as "MY STORY" is called after you go through the valley, and start up the mountain the view is wonderful. Please feel my hug. (((Kasey))) so happy you are celebrating 2 years of survival Your Friend, Donna G
  8. I am so sorry for your loss. I just read the newspaper article you posted and I am sure she was a lovely person. I pray for you and the family for peace during this most difficult time. Donna G
  9. Donna G

    Lucie Fly Wood

    Don, I am so sad to read this, that you have lost Lucie. Please know that I pray for you and the family for peace during this most difficult time. I know she is well now but I also know how hard it is for you to be separated. Donna G
  10. Welcome 41 yr old Mom. I agree with above, chemo may get things under control then surgery. Keep us posted. Donna G
  11. Turn on your sound. http://oldfortyfives.com/DYRT.htm Enjoy, Donna G
  12. Hi, I am a nearly 9 year pancoast tumor survivor. I had chemo and radiation first. When they took my tumor out they told me it was dead, just scar tissue. I also had chemo after surgery, which was the plan from the beginning. I sure hope you find another doctor. Not only Kasey but MaryAnn also had a pancoast tumor and they were able to take her tumor (along with some ribs). Please keep us posted. Donna PS, I think everyone I have met with a pancoast tumor had pain that sent them to the doctor.
  13. Hi, I also am a Pancoast tumor survivor, nearly 9 years now! I was told I had excellent lung function before I started treatment and after my lung biopsy did not see a pulmonologist again. How was your Moms pulmonary function tests before surgery? After the complication? Does she have any Emphysema? COPD? Do you think she has a lung infection or bronchitis? Also at 63 it is possible to be connected to her heart. Does she have any heart disease? High Blood presure? Swelling? As you can see many things need to be ruled out so first if she has an Internal Medicine doctor make an appointment. Please let us know what they find out. Donna G
  14. Don that sounds wonderful! Prayers going up for continued improvement. Donna G
  15. Hi Laurie. Welcome. Prayers going up that your Mom responds well to chemo. SCLC is very sensitive to it! Keep us posted. Donna G
  16. Considering all we are hearing about the survivors and rescuers of 9/11, all their lung problems, your news makes me think that their story is just beginning. Donna G
  17. Feeling better and energy returning , all sounds great to me. Donna G
  18. Prayers going up Don. Donna G
  19. Hi, "limited" sounds good to me. We have several with SCLC in our local group that are over 5 years post treatment and still no sign of the cancer returning. Keep us posted. Donna G
  20. Welcome Linda , glad you posted. Please let us know how things are going. Donna G
  21. (((((((((((((((Andrea))))))))))))))))))))))))))))sending lots of hugs. Waiting to hear the plan. Donna G
  22. Just found your post and saw your gorgeous golden in the picture. I was going to say that a good exercise would be to go with the golden for a nice walk but I see as I read further that you have done that. The day I came home from my thorocotomy, and removal of my right upper lobe we took my Collie- Mitch- (that we had at that time) for a walk and believe me that was about all I could handle. Glad you found us. Keep us posted. Donna G
  23. Welcome . Glad you found us. Sounds like you, as the care giver also need support. Many here can jump in and help. Keep us posted. Donna G
  24. Lung cancer is very emotional too! Most all of us have needed anti-depresents. It is so scary and stressful. Perhaps your step father is "normal" and needs them also. It would increase his chance of survival if he would quit smoking. Smoking makes the chemo less affective. I well understand how difficult it is to be in a stressful situation and even think of quiting. The good news is Zyban that helps people to quit is also an anti-depresent! He is young and stats by age give him a better than average survival. It seems also that if it is brain mets and they zap them, get good results, sometimes they can even do surgery which also increases chances of survival. Please keep us posted on how he is doing, coping, and the family. Donna G
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