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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Welcome Spirithawk. It is great that your Dad's doctor is so good to have kept hunting! Many go on for many months of pneumonia that just won't "clear" up before their doctors start looking for some other cause. In our local support group we have several with SCLC who have had treatment and now have had "No evidence of disease" or stability for 5 - 7 years so far! Keep us posted. Donna G
  2. Donna G

    My Mom has passed away

    Kathleen I am so sorry for your loss. Please accept my prayers for you and the family for peace during this most difficult time. Donna G
  3. Just saw a great show on the science channel. They said, proven scientifically that laughter reduces pain in half! Sure is worth a try, and at least you can have fun trying! the show will be on again twice on Sept, 28th, 06 http://science.howstuffworks.com/laughter.htm Donna G
  5. We all agree. Hope she bounces back from all those bad reactions quickly and gets a new plan in place that she will benefit from. Donna G
  6. I just want to say welcome to you Mary. Keep us posted on how your Mom is doing. Donna G
  7. Prayers of thanks! Wonderful news. Donna G
  8. At the hospital I work at there has been no smoking for a long time inside the building but people would smoke at the doors. Last year they made a rule no smoking anywhere on the grounds, you must drive away to light up. People still try to smoke. We call security. Do you have security? Donna G
  9. Donna G


    Did you ask your Doctor this question? Just looking at your history it seems you are doing better now. Last mentioned "no progression, just scaring". Donna G
  10. Sounds like he is doing very well. So happy to hear that. Keep us posted. Donna G
  11. It must be different out in California for here there is nothing routine about a body scan. How very fortunate that you got one! There usually are no early symtoms of lung cancer and so far no insurance company wants to screen for lung cancer. About half the people that get lung cancer do not smoke and thousands of people are diagnosed every year that never ever smoked. I started my treatment with chemo and daily radiation, when I finally did get surgery they told me all was scar tissue. Hope your treatment goes that well. Please keep us posted. Donna G
  12. Hello Sharon. Wow, so glad you found us. You are a strong women! Sounds like you also have responded well to your therapy. I have neuropathy but it is not nearly as bothersome as it was 8 years ago. That is the key word also, 8 years! I can live with it! Please keep us posted, and also , how is your brother doing? Donna G
  13. Sounds like good news to me. continuing prayers for a speedy recovery. Donna G
  14. Very interesting. Again, the Doctor here at the U of M who is studying micrometastasis in the blood and detecting them may come up with all kinds of good diagnostics that will help in deciding treatment courses and who needs them. Thanks Donna G
  15. Prayers offered for a smooth and successful surgery. Donna G
  16. Wow, I am a left hander also! As Debi says we are humble but we have to be honest too! Most left handed people can use bothe hands. In other words they know they have a right hand also. Most right handed people don't know they have a left hand. Donna G
  17. It must be NSCLC for articles mention "surgery down the road" I wonder how early , since she began with chemo. Pleshette Battling Cancer By WENN| Thursday, August 10, 2006 HOLLYWOOD - Beloved TV legend Suzanne Pleshette is battling lung cancer, according to press reports. The 69-year-old star of The Birds is undergoing chemotherapy treatment at Los Angeles' Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, but feels like she's got what it takes to pull through after nursing two husbands through their cancer crises. According to tabloid the National Enquirer, the actress' prognosis is good because the cancer was spotted early and a source tells the weekly publication, "Doctors hope, with chemo and surgery down the road, Suzanne will make a complete recovery." Pleshette was in high sprits when an Enquirer reporter called her at the hospital, but refused to talk about her condition, insisting she was just simply "exhausted". The insider adds, "She's determined to fight this thing with everything she's got... We're all praying for her."
  18. No one ever asked me to get a port. I really had lots of big fat juicy viens on my hands and forearms. I did not realize either that if the chemo that I got ever infiltrated the tissue could have sloughed off! I found out that it is recommended my chemo be given through a central line! ( or port) I made it through all of the many weeks of chemo. I now have many many little scars where every needle was pulled out, probably just a drop of the chemo was left when they pulled the needle out. Knowing what I know now, I would encourage anyone to get a port, it is also useful for blood draws. Donna G
  19. An article about this was in our morning newspaper today. Then I turned to the section that has local news and there was another article about it. The U of M is participating in this national trial and have 50 lung cancer patients in it. Bothe articles in our paper talked mostly of lung cancer patients and if they can predict who needs chemo that they will increase survival. Donna G
  20. Just want to say welcome. Glad you found us. We all dread waiting for CT results and always worry about any weird thing that shows up. We know what you are going through. I imagine in the future you will have another CT to compare this one to. Keep us posted. Donna G
  21. It was on the news again this evening. I had missed them saying this morning that today is the first anniversary of Peter Jennings death. This evening they also said the states collect up in the Billions of dollars from cigarette taxes and only spend less than 3% on prevention, the rest goes in their general budget. Donna G
  22. Just saw on the ABC morning news a discussion about how many emails and correspondence they got about quiting smoking after airing that Peter Jennings had and later died of lung cancer. They did not want to say point blank that it was difficult to quit smoking. They were giving hope, saying that the patch, gum, Wellbutrin, etc were very good tools to help you quit. They implied that many don't use any tool and fail. They gave stats on the percentage that tried but went back to smoking. I could not find it at their web site yet. Did any one else see it? Donna G
  23. Donna G

    1095 days

    I will do that for you Shirley. My prayers are with you during this difficult time. Donna G
  24. What a story--Stage I to Stage IV to NED We all love NED. Having him around is a great excuse for a party! Thanks so much for sharing. Someone will get the gift of hope from your post. Donna G
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