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Everything posted by carolhg

  1. I urge you to also start your treatment right away. You most likely will still be able to attend the wedding. I was stage 3A with lymph node involvement. I had daily radiation and chemo for 6 weeks. I then had surgery followed my two more sessions of chemo. After your treatment your doctors will decide about surgery. My scans have been cancer free since my surgery in July. I would have been able to attend a wedding during the time that I was having treatment. I only say that to let you know that the treatment is not that bad. My prayers are with you and I pray you make the best decision for yourself and your family. Prayers
  2. carolhg

    I'm at home

    So glad to see that you are back home. I hope that your doctors find a treatment plan that works for you. Prayers and positive thoughts continue for you. Prayers
  3. Of course I am no doctor, but it does not sound like lung cancer to me. From what you have written it sounds more like scarring or infection. Waiting is one of the hardest parts of diagnosis. I will pray that all is well. Prayers
  4. Don't forget to drink lots of water and take your water bottle with you everywhere you go. Prayers
  5. Thank you for the update Don. Please let her know that she is in my prayers. Prayers
  6. Good to have you back. So sorry to hear about your father.
  7. Your mother most certainly is in my prayers. Prayers
  8. I have read over and over again that recurring pneumonia is a symptom of lung cancer. Once I was diagnosed I never worried about pneumonia again-duh! I work with students who alway have something. My other problem is that the weather has been cold and rainy and my hair has not grown back fully. I wear a wig during the day and a little cloth cap in the house and I sleep in one also. Otherwise I get a really bad cold.
  9. Roger that is exactly what I thought before I started my treatment. I was scared, but I had my mind made up that I was going to do what I had to do to get well. The chemo was not that bad. My hair did not come out until I had chemo after surgery, which was a much stronger dose. The radiation was not bad. The radiologist gave me some medicine to take that kept me from having problems swallowing food. I was told to drink lots of water and I did. Never went anywhere without a bottle of water. Everything worked out well for me and I am sure it will for you also. I will keep you in my prayers.
  10. carolhg

    3 Years

    Congratulations on your three years. I am so sorry that your husband is not feeling the best. I pray for the both and will continue to keep you in my prayers.
  11. I was so nervous as I read your post. I am so happy to read that it is not lung cancer. I do hope that you will be feeling better soon.
  12. That is very positive news!
  13. Welcome Roger, I am a stage 3A nsclc survivor. I had six weeks of daily radiation and weekly chemo, surgery and then two more chemo sessions. I am doing very well right now and show now cancer on my scans. It sounds like you have wonderful doctors. I pray that all goes well. Again welcome to this site. I was so happy to find this site after I found out that I had cancer.
  14. I am sorry to hear that your dad had such a trying time. It is good to hear that he is feeling better.
  15. I have not had steroids since my last adjuvant chemo in September. The only steroid that I had is what was put in the IV before chemo infusion. I had six sessions of chemo before surgery and two much stronger sessions of chemo after surgery. I gained almost 40 pounds and I cannot believe that I have not lost that weight because I have not had any steroid or chemo since September. The doctor told me that the weight gain is a combination of the medication and the fact that I am a 57 years old.
  16. Great news! That is very good progress.
  17. carolhg

    Steady decline

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your father. Prayers
  18. I am so very sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you and your family. Prayers and Comfort
  19. Someone on this web site told me to try Vitamin B-6 or B-12 for the neuropathy. I am sorry I can't remember which (chemo brain) because I was already taking one and bought the other. It is completely gone in my fingers and every now and then when I elevate my feet on my recliner I feel it in my toes. Hope this helps, but be sure and talk to your doctor before you take anything new. Prayers
  20. Has anyone noticed a difference in the recurrence of lung cancer between people who take vitamins/supplements/herbs and those who do not?
  21. OH WHAT GREAT JOY!!! THANK GOD!!! Prayer & Praise
  22. I am happy to hear the good news about your mothers cancer not spreading. I am sorry that you are going through so much stress with your father. I will include you and your family in my prayers. This disease is bad enough without any other added stress. Prayers
  23. I am so very sorry to hear that your husband has sclc. There are people on this website that also have or have had sclc, I am sure that they will be able to benefit you with their experience. My own experience has been with nsclc I will include both you and your husband in my prayers.
  24. Sometimes when you feel a little down or a little overwhelmed or just depressed worrying about this cancer thing God lets you know he is going to extend your life into a brand new life. My second grandchild (don't know the sex yet) is due in October. Talk about a will to live. I am so THANKFUL and so VERY, VERY GRATEFUL!!!
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