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Everything posted by carolhg

  1. Stable sounds really good and so do you. Prayers
  2. Wonderful Charlie, I hope that you have more anniversaries for decades and decades to come.
  3. carolhg

    Ok here

    Wonderful Mark, I am glad to hear that you have found support and comfort. You remain in my prayers.
  4. Praying for you Tom.
  5. I truly am praying for a miracle for the both of you. Prayers
  6. ((((((((((((Carleen))))))))) You are both in my prayers.
  7. I am happy to hear your good news and that there is a plan for the met. Prayers
  8. I certainly am praying that you get good results from your MRI tomorrow. Prayers
  9. carolhg

    Lucky Again!

    Kasey what wonderful, wonderful news!!! I will keep you niece in my prayers.
  10. My prayers to you and to your mother. This is just so unfair. I HATE THIS DISEASE!
  11. It is so wonderful when you have positive and supportive doctors. Remain positive yourself. You are in my prayers.
  12. Welcome! I was very afraid of chemo also. It turned out to not be so bad for me. They give you medicication so that you do not get sick of the stomach and pain medication for the flu like pain you may have for 2-3 days afterwards. It is not fun, but it is doable. I will keep your father and you in my prayers. Prayers
  13. You have truly been Blessed. Please keep us all in your prayers.
  14. ((((((((((Keeping you all in my prayers)))))))))))))
  15. Joanie that is such fantastic, wonderful news. Do dance and enjoy. I am dancing for you here. God Bless you. Prayers & Praise
  16. Your dad truly sounds like a remarkable man. I certainly will pray that all goes well for him and for your family. Prayers
  17. Welcome and so very glad to hear your good news from the specialist about your PET scan.
  18. Congratulations Joanie and many,many,many more!!!
  19. Welcome Welthy, You and your husband sound like a good team of cancer fighters. Prayers
  20. Tom be sure to do some walking each day. If its to cold outside then walk the length of the inside of your house. Also be sure to take your pain medication and drink plenty of water. Do continue to eat well. The post surgery recovery is a slow process, so take your time and allow your body to heal. Be kind to yourself and patient.
  21. Sometimes things happen for a reason-there may be better things in store for you. In your case that seems to be Naphalai. You look so happy, both of you. Enjoy your health and your Blessings.
  22. That is truly fantastic. I had been thinking about doing that-not a marathon but a much shorter race. It is great to see someone who actually does it. Fantastic.!!!
  23. Eppie, Please be kind to yourself and give yourself time to grieve and time to heal. You have just lost your loving father and that is an emotional trauma on your mind and your spirit that you have to recover from. Like any other recovery from trauma it will take time for you to heal. I am praying for you and please give yourself the time that you need. Prayers
  24. That is very sad. It always comes down to the dollar!
  25. carolhg

    Turned 52

    Happy Birthday! and MANY, MANY MORE!!!
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