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Everything posted by carolhg

  1. carolhg


  2. I am so sorry that your mom has been having such a rough time. I hope things turn better real soon. Prayers
  3. carolhg

    I'm scared...

    I am praying for your father, you and your family.
  4. Do drink plenty of water. It does help. I also found it helpful to take Aleve. I took it before I had any pain for about three days straight. Sure did help.
  5. Prayers for a healthy you and a healthy baby.
  6. I am so very sorry that you lost your father.
  7. carolhg

    Latest Scan

    Sounds like good news. I pray that the good news continues continues in dealing with the NHS.
  8. Teri, I continue to pray for you. I continue to Believe. Prayers
  9. I was told to use the Aquaphor if I burned. To use the 100?% Aloe Vera before treatment. Also you can order Sween Cream at the pharmacy. It does not require a prescription but you do have to order it and it usually takes 24 hours to receive your order.
  10. I am so sorry for your loss. I will continue to keep you in prayer.
  11. Congratulations Don!!! More reason to fight the fight. I have a grandaughter due later this year.
  12. Congratulations Enjoy,Enjoy, Enjoy!!!
  14. Tom I had that same chemo combo also. I was told to drink lots of water and I did. Also I took Aleve for the pain. It seemed to work better than the prescription pain meds for me. Take care. Prayers
  15. Congratulations on that new wonderful life that has come into your life. Enjoy! Happy to hear that your surgery went so well.
  16. Sherri, I am praying for your dad, you and your family.
  17. I continue to keep you in prayer. Take care.
  18. Keeping Keith in prayer and praying for you also.
  19. The shrinkage sounds great. I would definitely seek a second opinion. I think you should do all that you can to help yourself.
  20. I certainly am glad to hear that you are going MD Anderson for a second opinion. I pray that you get conclusive and better results.
  21. I certainly will pray for your mother, you and your family.
  22. carolhg

    It does Work

    I don't know how I missed this post, but good news is never old. What a wonderful, wonderful Blessing! Thank you so much for your story. It is truly uplifting.
  23. What a wonderful and beautiful Blessing!
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