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Everything posted by carolhg

  1. It certainly is great to get good news after bad news like that. What a relief. Yes, definitely go and celebrate and have a grand time!!!
  2. carolhg


    Good to hear from you Rich. I will continue to keep you in prayer and send positive thoughts your way.
  3. carolhg

    Down today

    I know how you feel Joanie. I feel it at times myself and it is the deepest of the pits. I think when we lose someone it forces the question of our own mortality front and center in our lives and sometimes that is difficult to get around. Somehow, by the Grace of God, we manage for a while and then we have to depend on His Grace to manage for another little while, and then another, and then another...
  4. carolhg

    Asking for prayers

    I certainly will pray for your husband and your friend.
  5. My prayers and condolences to you and your family.
  6. I had two lymph nodes to light up in the center of my chest on the PET scan. My oncologist thought they might be false positives, but my surgeon did not. I had 6 weeks of weekly chemo (carboplatinum/taxol) and daily radiation. At the end of that time my surgeon checked my lymph nodes on the surgical table when I went for my surgery. He removed 20 lymph nodes and none were cancerous. I had surgery, an upper right lobectomy. That was one year ago and by the Grace of God I remain cancer free today. If I were you I would seek a second opinion.
  7. I am so grateful that you are here and I am grateful that you were here for me when I was first diagnosed and scared to the bone. Words cannot express my gratitude.
  8. carolhg


    I am so sorry for your pain. I am grateful for all that you do to for all of us. ((((((Prayers))))))))
  9. Congratulations!!! Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful News!!!
  10. Congratulations on your wonderful Blessing!!!
  11. Yes, you are a survivor and you are welcome.
  12. I had both procedures done(mediastinoscopy and broncoscopy) at the same time. My surgeon did both procedures while I was on the surgical table. He was looking for cancerous lymph nodes. I had a PET scan before surgery and there was some question as to whether the two nodes that lit up were cancerous or not. The test determined that they were not cancerous and my surgeon proceeded with my surgery.
  13. carolhg

    5 years!

    Congratulations Rhonda!!! Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful!!!
  14. I certainly am praying for your mom to continue with NED!
  15. Siobhan, I am so very, very sorry for your loss of your partner.
  17. Now exactly where is this shopping center? You know just so I will know to avoid it. PLEASE GIVE EXACT DIRECTIONS!
  18. I work for a large school district. We can donate one sick day of our eleven sick days per year to a sick day bank. There is a cut off date that you must donate by. Anyone who has donated and has used up their own sick days is eligible to draw from the bank. I was off work from January to the end of the school year in June. I did not draw any sick days from the bank because I had quite a few of of my own sick days to cover me. I have known teachers who have received several months of sick days from the bank. Once you draw from the sick bank, you do not have to pay any days back. It seems that almost everyone donates to the bank and very few teachers actually have a need to draw from the bank. Sick days can only be donated to the sick day bank and NOT to individuals.
  19. carolhg

    Kay Bowen

    My sincere condolences and prayers for you and your family.
  20. Welcome to this very supportive place Rod. I see that you have been given some very good information. I wanted to be sure and join in to welcome you aboard.
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