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Everything posted by carolhg

  1. It was so nice reading your post. Your post is so filled with love.
  2. Welcome Carole. I know that waiting is very difficult. I remember others telling me to try and be patient, but you really find that almost impossible. One thing that helps is to here positive news. When I was diagnosed with lung cancer in my right lung, a nodule also showed up in my left lung. My surgeon had a biopsy done on that nodule and it turned out to be scar tissue. Just wanted to let you know that just because a nodule is there it does not have to be cancer.
  4. I am so very sorry for your loss. Please accept my sincere condolences.
  5. We have posted about nodules and watching nodules. I was just wondering, is it possible that you do not get nodules to show up on your scans after surgery? I mean can you just have a clean and clear scans without ever having nodules show up?
  6. yes, indeed! PRAISE THE LORD!!!
  7. carolhg

    Nodule update....

    Double good news!!!
  8. All of that smoke must be making you feel sick. Go to the doctor and see if the smoke is affecting you in anyway, or go to the psychiatrist if you feel the smoke may be harming your health and you do not know what to do about it. Since this is an on the job related matter be sure to have your doctors send their bill to your employers worker's compensation insurance. You can best believe the insurance company will have the college make some serious changes fast.
  9. That truly is wonderful news. I also will continue to keep Lisa in prayer.
  10. Sherri I am so very, very sorry for the agony that you are going through right now.
  11. I certainly will be praying for your dad and you and your mom too.
  12. I am so very happy for the both of you that all is going so well.
  13. Lori, I am so sorry for all that your mother and you are going through. I certainly will continue to keeep you in prayer.
  14. carolhg


    That is truLy welcomed and wonderful news!
  15. I am so very happy to hear that good news!!!
  16. Welcome Elaine, I too am a stage 3 non small cell lung cancer survivor. You have come to a very warm and supportive site. I was so grateful to have found the people here and I am sure that you will feel the same way also.
  17. I am so very sorry Melinda. My prayers are with your mother, you and your family.
  18. Welcome Sharon, Girl it looks to me like God is not finished with you yet and will not be for quite a long, long time. Thank God you are here for your grandchildren. I pray that things continue to go very well for you and your little ones.
  19. Oh Thank God!!! Thank you Brian for the update. Please let Joanie know that I continue to pray for her and send positive thoughts her way.
  20. carolhg

    1 Year!

    Congratulations Trish!!! I look forward with you to many, many more years to celebrate.
  21. I am glad to hear that the surgery went well.
  22. Please let Darrell know that I am thinking about him and sending positve thoughts his way. Prayers
  23. Prayers for your mother to have a successful surgery. Prayers for you for you also for continued patience.
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