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Everything posted by carolhg

  1. Linda, I am truly very sorry for the loss of your father. I HATE THIS DISEASE.
  2. Cindy you think about leaving that chicken alone girl and work on cleaning up those arteries. That will make you feel good and your girls look good.
  3. carolhg

    Avery's Picture

    She is beautiful Don. A little beautiful Blessing!
  4. Congratulations!!! I am so very happy for you.
  5. Congratulations Don!!! What a wonderful, wonderful Blessing!!!
  6. Oh Tracy that is wonderful, wonderful news!!!
  7. Kim, I am so very sorry for the hurt that you feel.
  8. Praying that the doctors will find a way to heal Joanie so that she can get back home and be healthy and happy. Prayers Carol
  10. carolhg

    Stage IIIB

    I had two lymph nodes to light up in the center or my chest. I had six weeks of weekly chemo and daily radiation before my surgery. My surgeon told me that he would not do surgery if there was cancer in the lymph nodes. The only way to find out for SURE was to do a biopsy on the surgery table as I went to surgery. My lymph nodes were okay and I was able to have surgery. Remain positive. I know how you feel I was so worried that I would not be able to have surgery. Remain positive.
  11. I pray that you certainly will have the quality time that you want with your mother. Prayers also for strenth and comfort.
  12. I had that same surgery. I also was given an epidural before surgery. I was of the mindset that I wanted the tumor out and was just happy that my lymph nodes tested negative so that I could have the surgery. It is not fun. It IS a relief and it IS doable. Prayers
  13. carolhg


    Alexan, I certainly am praying that the chemo will do the job and kill any and all remaining cancer in your body.
  14. carolhg


    Thank you very much for the update. Please let him know that I continue to pray for him.
  15. Remember now, lungs are more pink than breasts. We need to point out to the country that lung cancer is more prevalent than breast cancer and effects every color of breast male and female. Don't hate pink-Go with it-Make it work for lung cancer too!
  16. carolhg


    A wonderful, wonderful Blessing!!!
  17. Shirley, My sincere condolences and prayers to you and your family.
  18. carolhg


  19. News is coming in from my son Kasey. He is beside himself with joy over his new daughter. All I know at this point is that she is healthy, 6 pound and ? and her name is Charlotte. I think all I heard was "healthy".
  20. My cell phone rang while I was in my classroom today. I answered and all I heard was screams. It was my new grandaughter announcing her arrival and letting me know that she had good healthy lungs. All of my students went up in cheers. Thank God-Life is good!!!
  21. carolhg

    Lost Member

    Thank you for letting us know Kasey. I SO HATE THIS DISEASE!
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