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Everything posted by carolhg

  1. Hello Stephanie and Welcome, You have come to the right place for support. My prayers are with you and your father. Carol
  2. I am so glad to hear that Joel is feeling better. Thank you for the update. Carol
  3. Wonderful, wonderful news!!!
  4. I am so very, very sorry. You and your mother will both be in my prayers. Have you considered getting a second opinion for your mother? A second opinion on diagnosis for treatment can many times make a real difference. Prayers, Carol
  5. Truly wonderful, wonderful news!!!
  6. Welcome to the board Susan. Carol
  7. Thank you for your answer. That certainly makes sense. However now I do have a third question. I had 2 lymph nodes that lit up before surgery. They were never biopsied until I got on the surgery table and then they were negative for cancer. So I truly do not know if they were cancerous or if the chemo and radiation killed the cancer. If the radiation and chemo killed the cancer could the cancer still have traveled? Also I do not understand why chemo would not clean up lymph nodes after surgery as well as before surgery.
  8. Question #1 I had surgery July 2005. All of my scans and xrays to date refer to "postoperative changes". My question is are these post operative changes different from scan to scan or are they referring back to the first scan? Question #2 I have noticed that some people have positive lymph nodes reported in their pathology report after surgery. Why is that a bad thing? Doesn't that mean that the cancer was removed? Or does it mean that cancer may have gone from the lymph node that was removed to one that was not removed? I think that might be three questions.
  9. {{{{{Prayers for your strength and comfort.}}}}}}}}}
  10. I would insist on having that clarified, and in writing. What if you were to move to another city or state. You would need to take your medical records with you. How would your new doctors know what this "rotten" description means. You certainly do not want your new doctors asking you what it means. There is a standard for reporting for a reason.
  11. Thank God Joe! I thank God that your surgery went well. I continue to keep you in prayer. Carol
  12. carolhg


    Thinking about you and wishing you well.
  13. carolhg

    Mom is gone

    I am so very sorry for your loss. Prayers
  14. I certainly hope you see the new doctor soon. It is very important to be proactive when it comes to your own health care. Prayers
  15. Welcome, I certainly hope and pray that your husband has successful treatment. Prayers
  16. Is it worth getting a second opinion. Yes! Definitely!
  17. Hello and welcome, My name is Carol. I also was stage 3A andenecarcinoma. I had daily radiation along with weekly chemo (carboplatinum/taxol) for six weeks. At the end of that time I was able to have surgery.I had two more chemo sessions after surgery. I had surgery July 1st. I was back at work teaching high school at the end of August.I have been cancer free by the Grace of God since my surgery. It is not uncommon to have chemo to shrink the tumor before surgery. I hope and pray this is what happens for your dad. Hope this info helps. Your dad most likely will be here to not only walk you down the isle but to also walk his grandchildren to the park.
  18. Fantastic news! I am so happy for you that you got that good news. Getting that good news may help you get over you cough sooner too. God Bless
  19. carolhg


    Beautiful Don, You and Lucy's love will never end.
  20. ((((((((((((PRAYERS))))))))))))))))
  21. You truly need hope to cope with this disease. You will find hope, encouragement and lots of positive vibes here on this site.
  22. carolhg


    Good report Randy. I will work with you on losing weight. It has been over a year since I had treatment and I need to get this weight off so that I can feel like me again.
  23. I am so very sorry for the pain and anxiety that you and your family are going through. I SO HATE THIS DISEASE. ((((((((((((((PRAYERS))))))))))))))))
  24. My radiation oncologist came me some kind of medicince that kind of numbed your throat. It was good because the radiation can make you not want to eat because it is hard to swallow. That magic syrup certainly did help. Be sure to ask for it. Also drink lots of water during the entire time of chemo and radiation. You may want to get some Aquaphor, Aloe Vera Gel or Sween Cream to rub on his chest for radiation irritation. Be sure to ask your radiation oncologist about these things. He/she will probably have them ready for you.
  25. I am so very, very sorry for all that you have to endure. (((((((((Prayers)))))))))))))))
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