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Everything posted by carolhg

  1. FANTASTIC!!! That is truly wonderful news. Hey,I still have some of that steroid weight too.
  2. I am so very, very sorry for your loss. Prayers
  3. Waiting for the lottery office to open on Monday morning???
  4. carolhg


    Pammie I am so praying for a return to health for you. ((((((({{{{(((PRAYERS))))))))))))))))))
  5. Congratulations on three years and also on the next three and the next three and on and on for many years to come. Carol
  6. Me too Lilly, I had chemo for six weeks before surgery. It was a lower dose because I was also having daily radiation. I had chemo (carbo/taxol) twice after surgery. I would go with the oncologist and have the chemo on the schedule that he suggests. I notice the time period for most people is about the same. The chemo after surgery is stronger and I did lose my hair, which was not easy. My hair has all grown back now. My chemo was three weeks apart. On about the third day you do get the joint aches and pain. By the time that I had my second and last round of chemo I learned to take my pain medication BEFORE the pain kicked in and it truly did help. My surgery was July 1st, 2005. I was back at work teaching high school at the end of August. I was so happy to have my job to go back to and my students. who left me little time to think about cancer. I had a ct scan last week and a mammogram last month, bot tested clear for cancer. I hope this helps. I will contiue to keep you in prayer. Carol
  7. You Go Girl! It is great to have you back!!!
  8. carolhg

    Prayers needed

    Please know that I am praying that your husband will be fine and again cancer free. You and the children are also in my prayers.
  9. Yes indeed Darrell, it is great to see ya and have ya back. Take care.
  10. carolhg

    It's a Girl

    What a wonderful, beautiful Blessing!!!
  11. I had an upper right lobectomy in July 2005. Be sure to use that spirometer. If you do not know what it is you will by the time you get out of surgery. We all hated it at first, but DO USE IT! Drink lots of water. Do not let yourself experience a lot of pain before you seek relief (pain medication). Do eat properly. I experienced serious indigestion. Doctor said it had nothing to do with the surgery, but other people who had the surgery also had that problem. It helps to eat small amounts at a time instead of a large meal at a time. Be kind to yourself, rest and above all remain positive. Hope this helps.
  12. carolhg

    "New Normal"

    I certainly am praying that you have a dead tumor and no new growth on your next scan Don. Prayers
  13. Ernie I feel your joy. I am so very happy for you. I also got NED results from my scan. It is wonderful to share such wonderful news with someone else. God Bless you Ernie.
  14. I certainly will be praying for your friend Rose. I know and truly believe in the power of prayer. Carol
  15. carolhg

    My mother

    I am so very sorry for your loss. Clearly your heart is broken and your love for your mother is pouring forth. I pray that you will find comfort in your love and memories.
  16. I am so very sorry to hear this news about your dad. I certainly will pray for all of you. I think your dad would love to walk you down the aisle. I think it would always be a treasured memory for you with pictures to show your children in the future.
  17. Welcome, It is good to hear from you. Come back and join in any time that you feel up to it.
  18. carolhg

    Call from Dr.

    I am so very, very happy to hear that. Enjoy!!!
  19. My veins hide when they see a needle coming. They usually put the iv needle in on the back of my hand. I never wanted the port thing. I guess I have read to many stories about infection with them. Would a port really make a difference with all of your other veins?
  20. So glad to hear that you mother's surgery went well. Be sure to ask about adjuvant chemo when it is time to see the oncologist.
  21. I pray for peace, strength and comfort for your mother, you and your family.
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